Once every hundred years a star brighter than the others lights up the sky and grants a rare black pegasus foal with incredible powers. But what is the full story?
The Hundred Year Star, bigger and more beautiful than any other, gifts the pegasi with its presence once every hundred years, hence the name. It remains in the sky for a year, visible even in day, growing bigger as the moons pass. With this powerful star comes the opposite of powerful- the black foal. Pegasi come in hundreds of different patterns and colors, but there will be only one black foal. One for every hundred years. When black foals are born, they are weak, duds, or born dead. Only two have ever survived their first days to become weanlings, yearlings, and finally- stallions. Those two were none other than Nightwing and Star. The herd the foal is born into is known as the Guardian Herd. The over-stallion has the choice to either execute the black foal, or protect him. Why would he need to be killed? Because of the power the Hundred Year Star contains. On the black foal's first birthday, the Hundred Year Star will light up all of Anok. It will transfer it's power into the black foal, transforming him either into a healer or a destroyer. While the Healer will use golden starfire, his powers, to protect pegasi and even bring them back from the dead, the Destroyer will use cold silver starfire to bring the world to dust. Nightwing is famous for being a sweet, caring pegasus, up until the day of his birthday. When he received his starfire, he used the silver power to conquer Anok and all the pegasi in it. Finally, Spiderwing, the legendary over-stallion of Jungle Herd, defeated Nightwing and sent him into hibernation across the great seas. A black foal is immortal, and only when their body is damaged beyond the golden starfire's ability to repair it will they truly die. On Star's first birthday, he avoided the execution planned for him and became the Healer. Unluckily, the presence of another black foal woke Nightwing across the ocean. Nightwing attacked, using his silver starfire to reduce pegasi to ash. His victims' souls were trapped in the Beyond, a dark place far away from the Golden Meadow, Anok's version of heaven. Only the death of Nightwing can free them, but will Star be able to end him once and for all? -Find out in Windborn!!!
Exactly right! nice!