Of course a favorite we all think that Star and Morningleaf would make the best couple out of the whole entire book! So, what would there foal look like? I have a few ideas that would perfectly combine Star and Morningleaf. I could see a beautiful blue roan foal with black wings with dark blue tips. This handsome foal's name would be Riverwind.
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All these commentators exploded my phone and anyone is welcome to draw Riverwind
Me to
Lol ya it is Dragon and thanks Echo! 💜
Your name is Emily right? I like that name!
lol thanks Cass! XD Cassandra is a pretty name...
and im stuck with a 5 letter word that around 3 people on here have
Cassandra is a mouthful
Of course you guys can call me that! 😉 (My real name is Cassandra but people call me Cassie or Cass)
Oh yea, lemme edit dat
Your welcome
(thx for pointer Dragon) yesh can we call u dat Cassie?
I think it's Cassie with an ie at the end instead of a y
So true Cassie 😘 Wait is it okie if I call u dat? 🙃
Starleaf 💜💚 And I love the name Riverwind! And he sounds so handsome!!!
He sounds so cute, you should draw him