"What is the meaning of this?" demanded Kol as he watched Zela absentmindedly graze. "You have been sulking for hours, doing nothing."Zela looked at him with her big emerald eyes. Sighing, she ignored him, and continued to lazily walk around the pasture. "Something is going on, Kol. Something big.""Why don't you tell me about it, instead of avoiding my gaze?" he suggested. "If I told you, you either wouldn't believe me, or wouldn't want to believe me. So, why would I tell you?" Instead of turning to him, she glared at the pigs. "I am feeling a little lost, but I won't call you crazy, even if you are staring at pigs with murder in your eyes. Something really must have upset you, because I have never seen you so.... unenthusiastic. Every morning you act like you have had sugar cubes for breakfast, and now you look like you don't want to move a muscle. Just tell me what's going on," he ordered. "Okay, this morning everything was fine. Echofrost has a human, which is terrible, but other than that everything seemed normal. Until Harak brought the queen to meet me and-"
"Wait, the queen came to see you?" Kol interrupted.
"She wanted to have some "alone" time with me," continued Zela as if Kol hadn't said a word. "She confessed that she wanted me to be eaten or one of my siblings." Trembling a little, Zela forged on. "She has plans to keep her queen forever."
"Still a little lost, but DID YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND HER?" How could a Kihlara understand a human? And why Zela?
She blinked a couple times before replying. "Whoa, okay. You can't understand them? I thought everyone knew what they were saying."
"You thought wrong," Suddenly, her other words finally got through to him. "She wants to feed you to her lizard?!"
She stopped glaring at the pigs and instead glared at him. "Haven't you been listening? The queen hates me for some reason, and now I think she hates her children. I still don't understand why she had so many," Zela muttered. "But back to her terrible plans. Whatever her plans are, they include me, somehow. So, what should do?"
Kol stood there, shocked. "You're asking me?"
"You are really smart when you want to be," she pointed out.
That is true. Kol thought. But we know very little, so what can we do?
At loud he stated, "This is what we have to do: You can understand them, so try to gather information, if you can. It's not like the queen visits a lo, so that may be tricky. I'll try to do my best to talk with the others and see if they know anything. But other than that, I don't know what to do. We'll figure this out though, Zela. You can count on me."
Nodding, Zela nickered, "I trust you, Kol. I'm still going to call Sula, Echofrost, okay?"
Laughing, she took off into the sky. A teal feather with yellow tips floated down as she flew off.
At least I got her happy. Brooding is not her thing, that's for sure. Kol shook his head. Zela is something else. An energetic something else. I still don't get how she fits into the queen's plan, though. What could help with? Other than understand them, of course. They can't understand her, right?
What?? Autocorrect failed me!! D:
Lol, Flamefrost
Ya stole my exact words, Dragon! Oh well lol. Great job, Ranleaf. Looking forw to more.
Ooo, intriguing. I can't wait for more