Crimsonwind: -nickers softly-
Wispifrost: -freezes- -trots in the direction that she heard the noise- -freezes again to listen and sniff the air-
Crimsonwind: -stays silent-
Wispifrost: -smells his scent again and follows it- -passes him accidentally and makes a hysterically confused face that no one could help but laugh at-
Crimsonwind: -nickers uncontrollably-
Wispifrost: -smiles smugly- -whispers to self- Gotcha. -pokes head through the bush- FOUND YOU!
Crimsonwind: -perks ears and pretends to spook- Ah!
Whitefrost: -raises head- I’m not scared of you!
Mapleglade: -nips the colt’s shoulder angrily and looks at Wispiflower- What do you want to do with him? He’s your colt
Wispifrost: -rolls eyes, knowing he's too brave to actually be spooked- Faker. Okay, your turn to seek again!
Wispiflower: Well, unless he apologizes and calms down, I think he needs a long time-out, and if he tries to sneak away then something worse.
Crimsonwind: -nickers- Okay. 1, 2, 3...
Mapleglade: -nods- Whitefrost?
Whitefrost: -snorts- Why would I apologize?
Mapleglade: -sighs-
Wispiflower: Okay, time-out it is then. Mapleglade, would you mind escorting this yearling to that tree over there and making sure he doesn't leave it?
Wispifrost: -hides this time in a small pond that was murky enough to hide in-
Mapleglade: Sure.
-grabs the colt’s wing and drags him to the tree- There
Whitefrost: Hey!!! Let me go!!! -tries to break free-
Crimsonwind: 19.. 20! Here I come! -sniffs the air as well and follows Wispifrost’s scent trail-
Wispiflower: -narrows eyes- Whitefrost, don't resist punishment.
Wispifrost: -holds breath so she won't laugh-
Wispifrost: -accidentally open mouth a crack and she starts laughing like crazy, and loudly to because of all the air that had built up in her mouth-
Whitefrost: -snorts-
Crimsonwind: -smiles and gallops to the spot- Found you!
Wispifrost: -slows breathing down and stops laughing- Dang it. Okay. Wanna play a new game? -hears her brother's snort from half-a-mile away- Never mind. I think I need to check on my brother. -starts to trot off, but hesitates a moment- Wanna come with me?
Wispiflower: -glares harder, for she is the brave parent-
(Like brave with the kids when it’s time for punishment I mean lol)
Crimsonwind: Sure
-trots behind her-
Whitefrost: -stares into her eyes, his eyes burning with anger-
Mapleglade: -steps forward- Whitefrost, listen to your mother. Do you want me to get your sire?
Wispiflower: -unsure that would be a good idea- That might, um, not end well for any of us Mapleglade.
Wispifrost: -stops at her mother's side- Mommy, what's he done?
Wispiflower: -looks at Whitefrost for him to tell his sister-
Whitefrost: That aint your business Wispifrost! Leave me alone!
Wispifrost: -looks at her uncle now- What's his problem? Did he eat something?
Mapleglade: -shrugs- He was fine, then suddenly got snappy. I dont know why. Maybe he did eat something
Wispifrost: Hmmm... -lightbulb goes off in head- AUNTIE JUNETREE!!!
Junetree: -flies in immediately- WHAT'S WRONG?!
Wispifrost: Um, auntie you don't have to yell. I'm right here.
Junetree: Right. So what's wrong?
Wispifrost: Can you give Whitefrost a look-over? We think he might have eaten something that made him cranky.
Junetree: Really? Hmmm... -pokes Whitefrost's jaw to test a theory-
Whitefrost: -throws wing out, ‘accidentally’ hitting her- Eh, oops.
-feels no pity-
Mapleglade: -widens eyes-
Junetree: Mhm. I need to know what he's eaten in the past two hours. Mapleglade, did you see him eat anything unusual?
Junetree: Um, Mapleglade? Helloooo?
Junetree: Ooookay then. Wispiflower?
Wispiflower: I don't think he ate anything out of the ordinary.... -remembers- Well, he did eat that. -points to the bluish green three leafed weed-
Mapleglade: Oh, yeah he did eat that. I figured it was just a harmless weed. What is it?
Junetree: -looks closer- Huh. I'm not sure. I'm gonna have to do some tests. If it's what made Whitefrost negative feeling, then it may have affected us as well through the air. -plucks up some of the weed- Mapleglade, do you mind eating a bit of this?
Mapleglade: -snorts- I would rather not turn out like Whitefrost
Junetree: If It's what I think it is, than I think I know the cure. Please, for Whitefrost's sake. -watches his face and realizes he's still not convinced- You can gather the cure before you eat it if you want. The cure is milk weed. I think.
Mapleglade: -sighs- Fine. -takes the herb and shoves it into his mouth, quickly chewing then swallowed-
Junetree: -quickly gets some milkweed then comes back- So, how do you feel?
Mapleglade: -sticks tongue out- Sick.. -mind gets all fuzzy and memories of bad times appear- -pins ears- Dont talk to me.
Junetree: -before he can react she looks him over at light speed and gets the milkweed in his mouth, making him chew-
Junetree: -once he finishes, she spoke again- So, how do you feel now?
Mapleglade: Why do you care? -feels dizzy and collapses-
Junetree: -gapes at him- I... I was sure that would work...
Wispiflower: -had been busy filling her filly and Crimsonwind in on what was wrong with Whitefrost, and now she turned back to Junetree- Maybe it will just take a little while?
Junetree: I umm... I don't know...
Wispiflower: Well, we'll just have to deal with this. Crimsonwind, would you mind going to find Coperpool and his family for me? You don't have to.
Wispifrost: Yes, please Crimsonwind? We need at least two rational stallions while there are three cranky ones.
Crimsonwind: -smiles at being called a “stallion” and raises neck- My pleasure. -jumps into the sky-
(Wispifrost knew that would work!)
Wispifrost: -mentally sighs and thinks,- He's so nice.
Crimsonwind: -feels heart start to jump and smiles a bit as he flies to Coperpool-
Coperpool: -sees the colt coming from a long way off and flies to meet him- What is it? Has something happened?
Crimsonwind: Wispiflower needs you. Mapleglade, Windwing, and Whitefrost all have gone crazy/mad
Coperpool: Windwing and Whitefrost, gone mad? Mapleglade I can believe, but Windwing and Whitefrost? What did it?
Crimsonwind: Junetree thinks its some weed that gives them some sort of disease. I dont think its deadly, but some type of rabies but from a plant
a contagious and fatal viral disease of dogs and other mammals that causes madness and convulsions, transmissible through the saliva to humans.)
Coperpool: Disease? I never heard of a disease with those affects on pegasi. This sounds very unique to anything we've ever seen before. Does Junetree know what it's called?
Crimsonwind: -shakes head-
Coperpool: Okay, lead the way to where they are. -jumps into the air and hovers just above the grass-
Crimsonwind: Ok
-opens wings and jumps into the sky, heading back to Wispiflower and the others-
Coperpool: -follows the yearlong colt easily-
Coperpool: -beckons for Rainblaze to follow as well-
Rainblaze: -gestures to Emeraldblaze and Hollylight to follow as well-
Crimsonwind: -pumps wings harder, gaining speed, and arrives quickly- -lands on the ground next to Wispifrost- We’re here
Wispiflower: -sighs in relief- Thank goodness you're here! Whitefrost, Windwing, And Mapleglade are all sick from some sort of plant that makes them think negative and Junetree is upset and- I just needed someone rational here over the age of 1. No offense dearest.
Wispifrost: None taken.
Rainblaze: Do you know how to cure it?
Junetree: -shakes head, but still looks like she's thinking about something else- No, I already tried milkweed on Mapleglade and it didn't work. He trusted me. -was talking to herself for the last sentence-
Rainblaze: Its okay Junetree, I know Mapleglade will get better sometime. It may have to wait till it gets out of his system, but that shouldnt be to long. He’ll be fine, and its not your fault this happened to him. He agreed to eat the plant, meaning he did this for you and the rest of us.
Junetree: -nods solemnly-
Rainblaze: -sighs and turns to Mapleglade-
-puts wings on his cheeks and shakes him- Hello? Where’s the sleepy, fun, knucklehead that I know and love??
Coperpool: He's off somewhere having a mental break. -trying to lighten the mood, but is failing miserably because he doesn’t know how to joke-
Rainblaze: I guess.
Coperpool: -wing palm- Never mind.
Wispifrost: -knocks on her uncles head lightly- Unclie Mapleglade, are you in there?
Wispifrost: -knocks again- Helllllloooo? -shakes head and goes back to her place next to Crimsonwind- Nope, he’s not in there. He won’t even react to a knock on the head!
Mapleglade: -eyes roll back into head and collapses on the ground in a daze-
-face palm- Ugh.
x zips mouth and just likes comments x
No. It wouldn't have happened anyway. (No one else needs to know what this is about)
Huh, I thought you hated me now?
Yeah, I did before commenting
You still gonna read this? I’m surprised.
Whoah......... amazing story
I insist choild c:
Also..... SPOILER ALERT......
He isn’t dead.
Also, it’s fun to have you in there once in a while :D
I CANNOT PLAY YOUR CHARACTERS SOPHIA!!!!! That would be wrong ;-;
YUSHHH GO TEAM! And by the way, u can use my OCs, I don't have to act as em. Just know that Thunderray is polite formal, Raintree is funny and playful, Rainfeather is crazy, and Lightray is cool, calm, and collected.
R.I.P. Mapleglade ;-;
Sorry this took SOOOOO long to post!