Wintertail finally understood why Snowwing was so shocked. She herself was appalled.
She suddenly had the urge to see the legendary black foal. She squeezed through the muscular stallions into the ravine. No one noticed she had arrived, no one except Thunderflight. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies. Thunderflight stared at her intensely but nodded, understanding.
Wintertail turned her gaze to the black foal. But what she saw made her gag. The colt was dangerously malnourished. His coat soaking wet and dull from the snow and he was wheezing non-stop.
Although he was not in the best condition, the foal had unusual icy blue eyes and a beautiful star on his forehead. But she reminded herself, this was the black foal of Anok, he had no love in his heart even if he became the healer.
”You’d better go. My Father’ll not be happy knowing you’re here. This is supposed to be secret.” Thunderflight whispered in his sweet, charming voice. Her hooves tingled. Wintertail was pretty sure she looked like a lovestruck newborn filly, even though she was a yearling, but she didn’t mind one bit.
Thunderflight trotted her back into the valley. Everystep her heart beated faster. Wintertail dared not to look at him, so she instead stared at the soft glistening snow beneath her hooves.
As they neared the edge of the forest where the yearlings and foals took shelter., like a nursery, they both paused awkwardly.
”I probably should head back.” Thunderflight sighed.
”Oh, I understand.” She responded. ”Thank you for walking me back, although it was unnecessary.” she teased.
”My pleasure, princess.” Thunderflight bowed sarcastically.
Wintertail giggled and stuttered a goodbye before heading into the shrubs to where lilacfrost was. She hoped Lilacfrost hadn’t seen the interaction. Wintertail hoped not to start drama. After all, Lilacfrost was her best friend.
TERRIFIC!!! Can't wait to see what happens in the love triangle!!!
Thank you!!
True!!!! Drama! I love this! Cant wait for more!
Thanks “guys”!!!! Lol!
xD So true Flamefrost. (guys sound better than girls in my opinion). But Olive THIS IS INCREDIBLE
Wintertail might not want drama, but i think the readers do. Am I right guys? btw Olive GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!