While all of this was taking place, Mosswing, overstallion of Jungle Herd, was gnawing on a piece of coconut shell in his nest, contemplating how to kill the black foal. His mate, Echocloud, the leadmare of Jungle Herd, dropped from the clouds and hovered beside Mosswing's nest. She sighed. He had been like this every single day since the announcement of Ravensong's birth.
Despite her mate's opinions, Echocloud believed that Ravensong would become the healer. She had not shared these feelings with Mosswing, because she knew what that would lead to.
"Echocloud," said Mosswing. "What am I going to do about that black foal? She will become a killer like Nightwing if she inherits the power of the star. Then, I will be executed or forced to submit, and I'll have no power over anything.
"You'll have to figure it out on your own," she said curtly and shot up to the fluffy gray clouds. She scanned the main grazing meadow for her daughter, Ashfrost's, golden feathers. She glimpsed a flash of gold from between the trees with the nests, and she dove toward the land. She stepped onto the ground expecting to see Ashfrost, but she found herself face to face with a leopard.
They stared at each other. It felt like hours, but it was really only a few seconds. Slowly, Echocloud reached down with her wing to pick up a pebble. All Jungle Herd steeds were trained at rock throwing, and Echocloud was one of the best. Once she had the pebble securely in her wing, she inched it into position to throw a zapper. The leopard blinked. Echocloud knew it was her chance , and she threw the zapper as hard as she could. It peirced the mark with a resounding crack, and she knew that that leopard's eyes would not open again. Echocloud galloped away from the dead body into the clouds and nearly crashed into her filly, Ashfrost.
"There you are!" Echocloud exclaimed. "I’ve been looking for you!"
"So have I," Ashfrost responded in a serious tone. "I was wanting to talk to you about father. I think he's going to do something drastic to the black foal."
"I agree with you Ashfrost, and that's actually why I was wanted to talk to you," replied Echocloud as they glided just below the first layer of clouds. "I think your the one to save the black foal."
Ashfrost gasped. "Me!? Why me?"
"Because you believe in the black foal just as much as I do. Maybe even more," Echocloud sighed and told her filly, "You must do it."
"Alright, I will," Ashfrost said dipping her head in submission.
While they continued making plans about how to keep Mosswing from killing Ravensong, Mosswing was devising an evil scheme to end the black foal. He laughed a haunting laugh that would give any pegasus who heard it chills as that evil glint that usually resided in his eye return.
Thanks guys
This is amazing. Evil Mosswing! Why?!?
Aww... I dont want her to die, but it would be interesting. I love this btw!!!
go ahead, I suggested it to be used.
Sorry, I wasn't the one who made it so that she had to die; Mrs. Alvarez did. But that would be cool if that happened. I think I actually might make another fan fiction after I finish this one based off of that if you don't mind me borrowing the idea.
it being the starfire
why????? Why can't Ravensong live??? Or maybe she gets it but goes to the land of the Landwalkers and no one knows about her
I won't tell the answer, but you figured it out
I don't know if I want to know that answer
. . . . but the only black foal to live to be one year old before Star was Nightwing, 400 years before, so does Ravensong die?
200 years before, sorry I didn't mention that before
Is this story set before or after Star's time?
classic villain :)
great job!!!!!!!