Lightdrop awoke just as the first rays of light started to dance on the horizon. But despite the early time, most of the group was already awake, only Orchidfeather was still snoozing.
Twilightdawn was glaring at the palomino mare. "I thought she was the one who didn't want to waste anytime getting to the coast."
Cliffstone snorted at Twilightdawn's comment, but was quickly silenced by the look Bluestone gave him. "Orchidfeather was up half the night on guard duty." explained the blue roan stallion.
"Well, that was her fault for not waking anyone else." snapped Twilightdawn, pinning her ears.
Bluestone ignored the chestnut's comment, and instead walked over to Orchidfeather and nudged the mare with his hoof. Orchidfeather's head imminently shot up. "What'd I miss?" she said.
"Morning sleeping beauty." teased Cliffstone, who was acknowledged with an icy glare from Orchidfeather.
"Okay, now that we're all up." said Bluestone, flexing his wings in preparation for the flight. "It's time to go, everyone ready?"
The others all quickly replied with a 'Yes sir', but just before the group kicked off, Lightdrop remembered Luckywish's frantic plea from his dream. "We can't go!" he exclaimed.
Everyone turned to look at the buckskin yearling, "What do you mean?" said Orcidfeather, clearly annoyed. "We all agreed to leave yesterday."
Lightdrop swallowed, "We can't go because I think I know how to save Stone Herd." he said.
"Oh?" asked Copperstorm, with real hurt in his voice. "And what would that be? Because last I checked they're a mindless, colorless mesh made by a black foal who's still lurking around waiting for his next victim."
Bluestone flicked his ears, "Let the colt speak."
Lightdrop shot the blue roan a grateful look, "Stone Herd is just trapped in Ravenstrike's starfire, and we can free them by defeating him."
"Yeah," mocked Orchidfeather, "That plan is easy peasy. Taking down a black foal is totally a good plan. Oh wait, I forgot he can end us all with one sneeze!"
"But we don't have to worry about the starfire." argued Lightdrop, who couldn't help but feel he was a little crazy for trying to convince the others of this. "There's a stone that can neutralize Ravenstrike's powers."
Everyone looked at each other, not quite sure how to process what Lightdrop had said, finally Cliffstone asked the question that everyone - including Lightdrop - wanted answered, "Why don't we know about the stone before?"
"I wish I knew." answered Lightdrop, shifting uncomfortably.
Orchidfeather lashed her tail, "Then how do you know about it?"
Lightdrop knew that he was going to have to explain how he had learned of the stone sooner or later, but he was dreading the out come. The yearling took a deep breath, and glanced at Twilightdawn, who's expression was unreadable. "I-I've been having weird dreams the last few nights. The most resent of which involved a mare named Luckywish."
Copperstorm gasped, interrupting Lightdrop. "You dreamed of Luckywish?" he sounded as if he had been struck, "Luckywish was my younger sister who was killed by Ravenstrike years ago. She told you of the stone?"
Lightdrop nodded, "She says it's the only way to get Stone Herd back."
"Your making this up." accused Orchidfeather.
"No I'm not." said Lightdrop, defending himself.
The palomino tossed her white mane, "Then prove it."
Thinking quickly, Lightdrop turned to Copperstorm, "Is Luckywish a small solid white mare, with pale pink wings?"
Copperstorm nodded, "Yes, that's her."
Orchidfeather snorted, clearly not believing. "That doesn't prove anything. You two," she used her wing to point at Lightdrop and Twilightdawn, "Made this up so we'll have to stay in Anok."
"We wouldn't do that." protested Twilightdawn, who had stayed quiet until now. "Deceiving other pegasi is something you'd do, Lightdrop and I have a bit more honor then that."
"Stop." ordered Bluestone, stepping in-between the bickering mares, then turning to Lightdrop he said, "I'm sorry, but we already have chosen to leave, and right now we're wasting daylight. Now before Ravenstrike finds us, lets go."
The roan stallion kicked off, and was quickly followed by Orchidfeather, and the others. Lightdrop was the last to leave the clearing, because he felt weighed down by the over whelming feeling that he had failed.
Lightdrop- buckskin yearling colt, black mane and tail, white stripe, bright yellow wings
Orchidfeather- light palomino mare, white mane and tail large star, bright purple wings
Twilightdawn- chestnut mare, chestnut mane and tail, one hind white sock, thin blaze, pink wings streaked with brown
Cliffstone- brown stallion, brown mane and tail, gray wings
Bluestone- blue roan stallion, black mane and tail, small circular star, gray and black wings
Copperstorm- chestnut stallion, chestnut mane and tail, three white socks, navy wings
Ravenstrike- black stallion, black mane and tail, one hind white sock, star and snip, blue eyes, black wings
Luckywish- white mare, white mane and tail, pale pink wings
That's really good, Dragon!
P.S. why is his name skippy now?
woah! This is awesome, all of them arwe!