What have I done? thought Honeyfall. She looked down and saw Dragonflight's lifeless body, two hoof shaped dents in his head. The filly looked up at Petalcloud, wanting to know what the lead mare thought I what she had done.
Petalcloud's cold eyes were shining. "Well done Honeyfall." she praised, "You are on the path to correct a wrong."
"Why doesn't it feel like I've done the right thing?" Honeyfall asked, not even trying to hide the pain in her voice.
"Your first kill is always the hardest. Don't let it get to you." Petalcloud used her hoof to nudge Dragonflight's wing. "He got what he deserved. He was a traitor, you did Anok a favor by ending his life."
Honeyfall let out a breath, Petalcloud was right. Dragonflight had sealed his own fait the moment he had chosen to follow that cursed black foal. He was only getting what was coming to him.
"Come." Petalcloud said, addressing every steed in the clearing. "We have done great things tonight, but our work is not done. We now must assure that no one else gets any ideas about leaving."
Petalcloud's warriors finished rounding up the survivors, there was about 10 of them, and waited for the order to move out. They were going to take the last few of the rebels back to Snow Herd, and execute them in front of their herd mates. Just as Petalcloud have to order to start moving, she suddenly realized something.
Honeyfall trotted up to Petalcloud, "I have a request."
Petalcloud flicked her ears, "Yes, what is it?"
"I-I don't want anyone knowing, about him." Honeyfall glanced at Dragonflight's lifeless body, that was being dragged by two of the largest stallion.
"Ah, I see." said Petalcloud, "You have proved your self tonight, and so I will grant you what you request. But be fast, you need to get back to Snow Herd before we do. And you better clean up first."
Honeyfall looked down at her front legs were covered in Dragonflight's blood. The filly dipped her head, "Thank you Petalcloud." Then she took flight, and soared over the trees. As she flew she couldn't help but feeling a wave of guilt, but she pushed it down. I did the right thing.
It was only a short trip by air back to Snow Herd, the sun had not even risen yet. Honeyfall guess she had a little time before Petalcloud arrived with her prisoners, who had to walk back because their wings had been broken. So she waisted no time and dove into the river, careful to wash away all traces of Dragonflight's blood.
When she figured her coat was adequately clean, she swam to the other side of the river and climbed out. Then after giving herself a good shake, silently made her way back to Ashberry and Willowglow, and pretended to be asleep.
It took longer then Honeyfall had anticipated for Petalcloud and her warriors to drag their prisoners back to the herd, but as the first rays of sun peaked over the horizon, she heard the night watch alerting the arrival of the lead mare. Every steed in Snow Herd was instantly on their hooves, jostling each other for a chance to see what was going on. A few steeds lifted off and hovered above the herd.
"Pegasi of Snow Herd!" Petalcloud's voice rang out clear, "I have before you a group of traitors who sot to abandon Snow Herd to follow the black foal!"
Snow Herd erupted with shouts of indignation, most of the steeds couldn't believe that one of their own would even consider leaving Snow Herd just to follow a foal. Honeyfall fought her way through the chaos so she cloud see, Petalcloud was standing next to her mate, Twistwing, and their was a ring of stallions blocking Snow Herd's view of the rebel pegasi.
After a wile, a cry arose form the herd, they wanted to see the faces of those who had betrayed them. "Very well." said Petalcloud, and she gave the order for her stallions to move out of the way. Shocked gasps and cries outrage echo through out Snow Herd.
Honeyfall had not paid to much attention to who had still be alive before she had left, but now she saw. Lakefir was among them, he look horrible, but was forcing himself to stay strong.
"Look at these traitors," spat Petalcloud, "And look at their pathetic excuse for a leader." as she spoke, a huge dapple gray stallion dragged the life less body of Dragonflight forward. "I killed this piece of filth my self."
Someone in the herd shrieked, and Honeyfall watched as a small purple winged blue roan dash forward, it was Pebblebreeze. "How dare you kill my brother!" she screamed, "And how dare you call him filth!"
Petalcloud calmly turned and looked at Pebblebreeze, not in the least fazed by the little filly. "I may call your brother what ever I want. He openly defied me, and he has paid the price for his decision."
"You are a filthy murder!" screamed Pebblebreeze.
"You are a confused filly, who doesn't know what she's saying. Take her away before can say something she truly regrets." And with that Pebblebreeze was escorted away.
Honeyfall would have followed, to try to comfort the young filly, but Honeyfall wasn't ready to face Pebblebreeze, she stayed and watched as one by one the rebels were dragged away from the others, and executed.
Last to go Lakefir, just before his death blow was delivered, he looked straight at Honeyfall. She felt his gaze burn into her pelt, but instead of feeling hatred, and sorrow from it, his gaze only warmed her pelt. Then she heard the crack of hoof meeting bone, and warmth was suddenly gone. Honeyfall was left feeling cold and alone.
Aww my favorite characters died 😩 But this was pretty good!
No one is killed off that hasn't already died in the next chapter
it ok lol just the ending itsmso sad!
im am seriously about to cry......):