(Except the first chapter of Wings of the Sky isn't finished.)
Chapter One
It Just Takes Belief
"Write down on your sheet of paper, a mythical, or mystical, creature that you wish to be real. But it has to be created by you, not original."
P-E-G-A-S-I, I wrote.
Ms. Clye walked over to each student’s desk.
At last she came beside mine; glancing over my shoulder, "Esther, did you not understand what I said?”
I looked up and nodded.
"What did I say, opposite, of what you wrote?"
"Um," I took a moment to think, "You said for us to make up a mythical creature?"
"Uh huh, I will let you do just this time, but if you do that again, I will send you to the office."
I raised my hand.
"Yes?" Ms. Clye asked, rather impatiently.
"Actually, my real name is Hadassah, not Esther." I said, correcting her.
She gasped, insulted, the other students laughed in the background.
. . . .
"So, what did you write?" asked my only friend, Amy.
"Pegasi," I answered, "what did you write?"
“‘Panda corn’." She smiled.
I smiled back, imagining a panda with a horn.
. . . .
Unfortunately, after having lunch at the cafeteria, I was called to the principal’s office.
I sat down. The room looked like a dungeon; gray walls and one tiny window, so that no one can escape.
"Esther-" The principal started.
"My name is Haddi," I said through my gritted teeth.
Mr. McCarthy sighed. "Haddi, why did you insult Ms. Clye in history class?"
I didn’t answer.
"Es- I mean Haddi, pay attention-! Please."
"I didn't insult her; I only announced that my real name is Hadassah."
Because, she called me Esther.
Mr. McCarthy sighed again and leaned back in his black chair.
"Why didn't you just listen to Ms. Clye?" he finally asked.
“‘Cause, pegasi are the only creatures I want to be real," I answered.
Mr. McCarthy leaned forward. "Hadassah, do you believe in pegasi?"
I nodded.
"How do you believe in them; even though there have been no traces at all?" He sounded interested.
I shrugged. “I just believe, no matter what.”
Or not.
"Haddi, aren't you a little old to believe in fairy tales?" Mr. McCarthy asked, with a sneer on his face.
I was really irritated; I bared my teeth showing my braces.
"What I'm sure of, pegasi aren't just from Mother Goose, or something. They're real, and I'll prove it someday.”
I got up and went out the door.
Chapter Two
The Old Woman
Melissa ran up beside me.
"So, how was your meeting with the principal?" She asked in her snotty voice.
"None of your business." I muttered, walking into the forest.
I'd rather walk by the so called 'haunted house', than go by the public road the 'nosey-people' use, who won't mind their own business.
I always felt sorry for the old place, built in the 1800s I guess. And nobody has lived there for years, either.
I stopped and stared.
An old woman was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of the 'haunted house!'
"Good afternoon, young lady. I suppose you would like tea and cookies?" She asked.
I was surprised; I didn't realize she would invite a weirdo like me.
I glanced at my watch. I've got time before dinner. Anyways, what could an old lady do to a 12 year old?
"Sure, thanks Mrs.-"
"Waullowbee," she said, "please, step inside."
. . . .
"Cream and sugar?" Mrs. Waullowbee asked.
"Yes, thank you. Mrs. Waullowbee, how did you get this house? I mean, it was empty yesterday." I bit my lip, remembering going into the house without permission.
"How did you know, it was, empty?" the old woman asked.
I stared down at my tea, blushing, also hoping that she wouldn’t see it.
"You know I was expecting you." Mrs. Waullowbee said, changing the subject.
I just stared at her.
"Not to worry. I just saw you taking good look on the inside of this house." She said, with a reassuring smile.
Suddenly, I began blurting out all what had happened earlier before.
"I see that you believe in pegasi."
I nodded, bracing myself for more mockery.
But to my surprise, Mrs. Waullowbee said, "I understand perfectly well. I also believe in those beautiful creatures, too. How about you come and stay every day after school and on Saturdays, except for Sundays of course. Oh and, I have something for you." She and hobbled toward the stairs.
. . . .
"Here it is. An old, boring, looking book isn't it?" Mrs. Waullowbee blew on it.
As if she read my mind, she said."This book is named Everything about Pegasi." Handing it to me, "It has everything you want to know about pegasi, of course."
"And”, she added, shooing me out the door, "there are some things in that book you will not expect."
Chapter Three
The Book
"Haddi, is that you?" Aunt Carol called from the kitchen.
“Yeah, it's me. Um, I've got homework to do. So, I'll be upstairs in my room." I called back, charging up the stairs.
I dropped my backpack on the floor, and flopped on my bed.
"Chapter one," I began," How was the pegasus ever created? The Greek Myths- Nah, I already know that. Chapter two..."
I read over five chapters before the dinner bell rang.
. . . .
Aunt Carol suddenly announced, "Mr. McCarthy called about what happened today. He didn't sound too happy when he told me. Do you have a note from your teacher you insulted?"
The insides of me felt like a TNT stick that is shortly going to explode. Didn't I already explain?
Then it exploded after ten seconds. "First of all, no, Ms. Clye didn't give me a note. Second of all, I didn't insult her! And I already told Mr. McCarthy that I DIDN'T do that! Just because I didn’t say something she didn’t like doesn’t mean it’s wrong!"
I just can't take it anymore. I'm sick and tired of grown-ups for the rest of this day.
I groaned. "I’ve lost my appetite. May I be excused?"
"Y-yes, you may." Aunt Carol said, sounding breathless.
. . . .
The next morning was a Saturday, thankfully. I didn't have to face Mr. McCarthy today or tomorrow.
. . . .
"How many chapters did you read from that book I gave you?" Mrs. Waullowbee asked.
"About twelve, and one not finished." I answered, taking a bite into a cookie.
"I see," She said, looking thoughtful, “it sounds like you are just rushing through the book, instead of reading it carefully. There are things in it you will not understand… at first. Sometimes you will need my help. How about you bring the book over next time and read it with me." She suggested, and opened the door for me.
. . . .
I managed to get to my room before Aunt Carol heard me.
Sitting at my desk, I found a piece of paper taped on my pegasus book.
It said:
Dear Hadassah,
I am going to get groceries and stop for a short visit at Ms. Clye's.
There is lunch on the counter in the kitchen.
Aunt Carol
(Ps.) And stay out of trouble please!
I rolled my eyes at the part that said, "for a 'short' visit". Because she always took her time to leave.
Chapter Four
Beyond Forest
Coraleaf couldn’t wait until she was a weanling.
“Just two more weeks until you can fly higher than now.” she reassured herself, as she watched the already weaned foals playing in the clouds.
The filly walked up to her dam who was chatting with the mothers.
“Mama…?” Coraleaf gently nuzzled her mother on the upper leg; for she was small for her age.
Her dam stopped talking and looked down at her filly’s tiny, but sweet face. She nodded for Coraleaf to speak.
“-may I play with the other foals?”
Her mother nodded, and went back to talking with her friends.
By the time Coralef was halfway to the spot where her friends were playing; her dam called after her.
“Do not fly beyond Forest no matter what!”
Coraleaf nodded and flew to meet her friends.
“What took you so long Coraleaf? We’ve been waiting here for thirty minutes!” complained one of the gang, Nightinlake, who was a dapple gray with silver feathers.
“Oh, it has been only five minutes Nightinlake; you are always so impatient around Coraleaf.” Summerain scolded a golden palomino with golden feathers and black tips. “Every hour always seems like a moon for you!”
All the foals decided to play in Forest, instead of in the meadow; for it was less crowded with pegasi there, than in the meadow.
. . . .
“I’m getting tired of playing ‘medicine mares’.” Announced Nightinlake, who was always the one getting tired of certain games other fillies and colts made up.
“Oh, all right ‘Nightincloud’; what do you want to play? Summerain said.
“What do I want to play?” said Nightinlake, pretending to be surprised. “No, what I want to do. And what I want to do is... go beyond the Forest!”
Coraleaf gasped, remembering what her dam had said. But she was too shy to tell the older foals what not to do.
“But we can’t do that, can we?” Summerain asked doubtfully.
“Nah, it’s all right, I’ve done this before!” encouraged Nightinlake. But this wasn’t very encouraging for Coraleaf.
. . . .
“How much farther?” Summerain asked. “I didn’t expect beyond Forest would actually be this far!”
“Quit you’re whining; we’ll be there in a minute!” Nightinlake said.
“It’s hard for me to fly around all these trees!” complained Toppertail; he was a chestnut appaloosa with orange feathers.
“Then walk!” suggested Tinkerpedal, who is Toppertail’s twin sister, a chestnut with two white stockings and pink feathers.
Suddenly Nightinlake picked up speed and dodged all the trees accurately.
“Wait for us!” Summerain yelled after her, trying to fly faster without ramming into the trees.
. . . .
They stood in awe, except for Coraleaf, because she couldn’t see through the rest of the foals.
“Whoa!” Summerain breathed, “Its so-o beautiful!”
“Was I right, or was I right?” said Nightinlake
“That’s not a choice!” Summerain said, irritated.
Finally Coraleaf spoke, “B-but there’s a canyon between us and the rest of the anok.”
“What? Could you say that again?” asked Nightinlake.
Unfortunately, Coraleaf was too shy to say again, but Summerain heard, and came to the rescue.
“She said; there’s a canyon between us and the rest of the Anok!”
“O-oh.” Nightinlake said, and shot a look at Coraleaf warning not to say that kind of thing again.
“Poor, poor Coraleaf,” Nightinlake said, shaking her mane, “doesn’t your mother teach you to think before you speak? We could fly over to the other side of course!”
Coraleaf lowered her head, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. One trickled down her cheek and to the ground.
“Well then gang, let’s use our wings what they’re really made for!” Nightinlake announced.
Chapter Five
‘No Matter What’
Coraleaf knew the only thing to do was balk.
She already knew that she would be disqualified from the group. But, she had made up her mind not to go beyond Forest no matter what.
“Come on Coraleaf, you’re not gonna be a chicken now are you?” Nightinlake urged.
“My mama said not to go beyond Forest no matter what.” Coraleaf said firmly; for the first time.
“Ha! Your dam will never know; if you don’t tell her. And, if you tell her about us too, you’re out.” Nightinlake threatened.
“You’ll see that I’ve done this before.” Nightinlake said, lifting off.
She landed on the other side and waved her wing for the others to come.
Tinkerpedal backed up, and charged forward, Toppertail went after her, but neither Summerainor Corraleaf did.
Coraleaf smiled up at Summerain. “Thank you for staying with me.” She said quietly.
She didn’t answer, but kept staring into the distance.
“You’re not going to be a chicken too, are you Summerain?” Nightinlake hollered from the other side.
All the foals on the canyon laughed.
Suddenly, Tinkerpedal shrieked because she had slipped.
Coraleaf automatically jumped from the edge of Forest clamped her wings together so that she could catch up with Tinkerpedal. When she did, she grabbed a mouthful of mane and tried to carry Tinkerpedal up to safety.
But this was no use, “Fly!” Coraleaf cried.
“I can’t, because I’m used to galloping forward and lifting off!” Tinkerpedal screamed, terrified.
And then Coraleaf had a plan, and she put to action right away. Using most of her strength, she directed Tinkerpedal to the ‘wall’ of the canyon.
“Try to run and lift off by use the wall of the canyon!” She ordered, pushing Tinkerpedal.
Still holding on to Tinkerpedal, Coraleaf used the rest of her strength; she did one last push and Tinkerpedal flew to the top as if she was flying the whole time. But she didn’t notice that Coraleaf wasn’t behind her, because Coraleaf had fallen into a raging river.
“Coraleaf?” Summerain called. “Coralleaf!”
But it was no use calling her name; all the foals tried, even Nightinlake, who was the one to blame.
The sun was setting. Tired and their voices drained out of them, the poor misfortunate foals slowly went back to the herd.
. . . .
Coraleaf tumbled and rolled in the river, unconscious.
She washed on to the bank near an unknown forest. Coraleaf moaned, because of the pain, for she had broken one of her delicate wings. A nightingale sang, waking Coraleaf from her night song. She looked around; she wasn’t in any place she seen or heard of before.
She broke down, not only because of the pain, but because of loneliness, and without her mother she would have to be weaned earlier than the others. She would have to try to survive in this unknown world without her mother’s warm milk.
To think of her mother thinking she was dead, was heartbreaking for Coraleaf. She stared at the dark forest; Coraleaf painfully got up and limped into it, alone.
Chapter Six
The Mission
“Oh goody, it’s seven-thirty.” I mumbled, rolling out of bed and on to the floor. I yawned and stretched, on the floor.
I’ll get it!” I hollered, thundering down stairs.
“Haddi, is that you?” said the person on the other end.
“Yes, um, and who are you?”
“Mrs. Waullowbee; I have an important and real mission for you. Come to my house immediately!”
. . . .
It was rather too quiet when I walked in Mrs. Waullowbee’s house.
“Um, Mrs. Waullowbee?” I called.
I looked around the room; then I spied a piece of paper on the dining table.
The note said:
Dear Haddi,
Like I said on the telephone, I have mission for you.
I would do this myself if I were younger; but no, you are the perfect person to do this mission. You are the only one I can trust. You must hurry. Do not take anything with you but the book. (I hope you know what I mean.)
When you do; go to my back yard.
Lay the book down in the middle and cross your legs over it like criss-cross-applesauce’. Wait there for 10 seconds and DO NOT MOVE! For instructions read the book, and do not lose it. I hope you have a safe journey.
Be careful and I hope you have a successful journey, too,
Mrs. Waullowbee
Without a second thought, I hopped out the door and ran all the way home. I snuck up stairs and into my room, and grabbed the book.
Seeing a pen and a paper, I scribbled a note to my aunt and laid it on my desk.
I ran, again, all the way to Mrs. Waullowbee’s house and climbed over the fence that blocked the backyard.
There was the ‘circle of stones’; I placed the book in the center of the circle, then I ‘crissed-crossed-applesauced’ on top it.
Ten seconds later a sudden jerk awoke me from day- dreaming, and then a dreamy-sort-of-light surrounded me!
I felt light like I was flying, but in a dream. I looked down; there was a blur of all the colors in the world.
Then the jerk came again, but greater; it was like I was in light speed!
I finally began to slow down. All the blurs and colors came into focus. The dreamy light faded away, and all the blurs and colors became the trees of a forest.
Chapter Seven
The ‘Something’
I walked, and walked, and walked, hoping to find a stream somewhere. But the more I walked the less hope I had.
I had to take a rest sometime, and find food. I sat down under a tree, and sighed.
What am I doing here? And what was the mission?
After a while, I finally I got up; I knew there would probably be a blackberry bush somewhere nearby.
The note from Mrs. Waullowbee said not to bring anything but the book; then how on earth am I supposed to survive?
It’s not like in Minecraft, you start out with nothing, and then punch trees with your fists and get wood.
Though, I wish it was that way. But I’m stuck out of nowhere slapping mosquitoes, and without anything to eat or drink.
. . . .
Sweat trickled down my forehead, as I climbed a really steep hill. Hope I would be able to see where I am at the top of the hill.
After slipping, sliding, and scratching myself, I finally made it.
I shielded my eyes to see where I was… a stream!
But to run back down not such a good idea; but the only way was to run to get to the stream faster.
And especially with a humongous book under my arm and a walking stick nearly as tall as I am in my opposite hand, would be nearly impossible to climb all the way back down.
But, I would have to put up with it in order to get to it.
When I finally did get down, it was nearly dark. And with a sprained ankle from slipping, how would I get to the stream? It was about a quarter of a mile off. And I left my walking stick behind! Well, I’ll have to try to walk without making my ankle worse than it is now.
. . . .
With lots of rests and hopping, I managed to make it. The water looked so cold and refreshing, so I drank my fill.
A shadow- wait, a shadow? I looked up to see a ‘something’ staring down at me.
My heart leaped to my throat, but I held it down. I leaned back and fell over into the stream.
I couldn’t identify what the ‘something’ was.
Then pain shot through my ankle. I yelped so loud that the ‘something’ reared and cantered off.
I crawled out of the stream, and sat on the bank, began to cry.
I always felt so foolish crying and tried to stop, but the tears kept coming.
Finally I stopped, I bet I had used up all the tears I’d been saving all those months. Not like I was trying to saving them.
I drifted off to asleep after all that exhaustion of climbing and hopping.
I dreamt that I was standing on the edge of a high cliff. Looking down there was pitch black darkness. The cliff started swaying as if I were standing on top of dominoes.
I jumped and tried to fly but I just kept falling into the ultimate darkness. There was apparently an end to all that falling, but I was still in the dream. I fell into a river, couldn’t breathe, I panicked and tried to swim to the surface; but it was no use.
I jerked, awaking from the nightmare. Gasping and my sweatshirt clinging to my sides, I looked around; I wasn’t in my room at all! I was in an unknown place.
Then the pain in my ankle started up all over again, and then I remembered why and how I was here.
The reason why I was wet, not only because of sweating, is I rolled over into the stream!
“Ow!” I cried as I tried to get up. “I wish I never left that walking stick behind.” I muttered.
. . . .
I limped toward the “hill” where I first saw the stream.
I sighed, it would be impossible to climb this hill, no, a cliff more likely, with a sprained ankle and no walking stick.
I could go back into the forest and look for another, or I could make my ankle worse by trying to climb the “cliff” and looking for the walking stick.
So, I decided to go look for another. As I passed the first couple of trees, suddenly I heard a silent sobbing.
I looked around to see what or who was sobbing; I quietly followed the sound to find out where it came from, completely forgetting what I was really in the forest for.
I walked around a huge and old looking oak, when I saw a horse, or at least I think it was, lying down its back facing me.
It was a blue roan with four black stockings.
Wait a second, it that sure is some blue roan, because it isn’t just a roan it was literally blue!
I gasped, loud enough to bring the horse twirling around wings flared.
Wings? Oh no, I wasn’t just lost somewhere out in the woods, I was lost in a whole different universe!
A pegasus? Not only was I in a whole different universe, but in my dreams! I’ve been wanting this my whole life and now it’s right here, in front of me!
Was this the ‘something’ I met last night? Now that I think of it, the black thing sure did have a resemblance of a horse. But it sure wasn’t black; it was a blue roan with sea blue feathers.
I knew the little pegasus was afraid because of the white around the black pupil.
“Shhh, it’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” I murmured; apparently this didn’t calm the pegasus.
It stood up and fearfully bleated, as if saying, “Please don’t eat me.”
I shook my head as if I could understand it.
The little pegasus reared flapping its wings. It winced and fell backward. Instinctively, I ran forward and knelt down beside the hurt pegasus.
It tried to fly again, but it didn’t even lift in inch from the ground.
Then I realized the problem, the right wing was twisted, broken.
I held the pegasus down and straightened out the wing.
The filly, apparently that was its gender, tried to bite me, but I managed to jump out of the way.
“Whoa, it’s okay girl. Huh, you still have your milk teeth don’t you? Well, you’re gonna have to be weaned early then.” I said calmly, though my heart was beating wildly.
I stroked her cheek, and the filly quickly bit me on the arm.
“Ow! That wasn’t very nice.” I scolded.
I wasn’t angry, I understood how she felt; she was just scared of a two legged creature, holding her down.
“I know what you’re thinking, you think I’m going to eat you, well, I’m not. Though I am hungry, but I don’t eat horse.”
“Or pegasi.” I quickly added.
I let go of the filly. She quickly stood up and cantered away.
“Now, about that walking stick.” I said, getting up.
“Ow! Argh, not again!” I grumbled, limping into the forest.
Chapter Eight
The Wolf
Coraleaf looked back, relieved to see the two legged creature had not followed her.
At the thought of ‘creature’, she shuddered.
Coraleaf remembered the paws with five long toes holding her down.
She’d thought it would eat her, but it didn’t, it just straightened out her broken wing.
It was just luck, Coraleaf thought, the creature wasn’t hungry.
She walked to a green mossy area. After that fright, it sure made her hungry. Corraleaf dropped her head down to graze.
She jerked her head up; every single sound put her on guard. But usually there was nothing there.
Two yellow eyes stared at Coraleaf through the darkness of the forest.
She stood stock still, waiting what the creature would do next.
A face of a wolf came into the light; but this wasn’t like the wolves in the meadow.
Every time Coraleaf backed up, the wolf came forward.
Her nerve broke; she whirled around and galloped as fast as she could without ramming into obstacles ahead of her.
Coraleaf couldn’t at least glance behind her, because if she did, she would run into something and be the wolf’s victim.
Coraleaf heard snarling behind her; she knew it was the wolf, so she kept running.
An ear piercing yelp came from behind Coraleaf. She skidded in front of a tree and glanced behind her.
It was lying n a big furry heap with an arrow pierced into its side. It was as big as a half way grown grizzly bear.
And a ways away stood the two legged creature, holding a bow in its right paw. The creature looked up from the wolf and stared at Coraleaf.
She saw pity in the creature’s eyes, not on the wolf, but on her. Coraleaf lowered her head, not taking her eyes off the two legged animal.
It took a step forward, then another step. Finally there was only was a yard between Coraleaf and the animal.
They kept staring deep into each other’s eyes; feeling the same fear and loneliness.
Coraleaf’s legs buckled from under her, collapsing to the ground, gasping. She knew if she was going to not be enemies, she couldn’t always be calling it ‘creature’ and ‘it’.
She would name it, Suha, which meant in her ancestors’ language, Brave.
Coraleaf was very pleased at naming the creature. But she shook off the pride.
Suha yelped, falling back down and clutching its ankle.
Coraleaf sniffed it and curled her top lip, it sure did smell funny. She couldn’t tell whether it was male or female. She cocked her head to the left, thinking.
Then it started making funny noises, as if Suha were trying to communicate.
Coraleaf whinnied at it, confused. It cocked its head, also confused; it made a loud startling sound.
This made Coraleaf rear and tried to fly, her nerve exploding from trying to stay calm. She lifted up for three inches but fell back down. Coraleaf couldn’t stand this pain of her broken wing any longer! She burst into tears, making Suha run over to her heaving side.
It stroked her trying to calm Coraleaf, but it didn’t very much. She jerked away, making her wing hurt worse. And that only made her sob harder.
Suha limped over to a certain medicine plant and ripped off a just blooming flower. It tore a couple of the plant’s leaves, and limped over to a flat rock, took a stone off the ground and rinsed it in a trickle of water coming out of a large rock nearby. Suha started mashing up the leaves and the nearly bloomed flower.
Coraleaf didn’t dare move, not only because of her wing, because of fear.
Coraleaf watched Suha bustle about, snatching, tearing, and mixing all sorts of ingredients together.
It kept glancing at a flat wood with thin white wood or plant with marks all over it.
Finally when Suha had finished, it very carefully brought over the flat rock and placed it beside Coraleaf. She sniffed it and laid back her head, moaning, because of the pain.
Suha brought a large leaf filled with water, dumping the ingredients into the leaf, it mixed it together. Suha held the leaf under Coraleaf’s muzzle encouraging her to drink it.
Finally after a lot of thoughts and suspicions, she lipped up a bit and swallowed. Coraleaf curled up her upper lip, it was disgusting! Suha held up one toe, of all of its five toes, and limped into the forest.
After a while it came back, holding a long branch in a paw.
It broke it up into small pieces and placed the pieces into the large leaf; again encouraging Coraleaf to drink.
Coraleaf automatically dank it and swallowed quickly.
She realized it tasted sweet; she lipped up some more and more until all of the mushy stuff was gone.
Coraleaf could tell that Suha was very much pleased. It held up the branch so that she could smell and study it.
The branch looked familiar- sugar cane. Now Coraleaf remembered that she’d tasted it before by the stream on the way here.
A sudden drowsiness came over her, she panicked. But the drowsiness was stronger that she; it put her to sleep right away.
Poor Coraleaf had nightmares of being eaten while she was sleeping.
oh okay. ive NEVER read those books but they sound interesting
Trials of Apollo: The burning maze and every chapter that mentioned Ivypool in Warrior cats
what are the other two "walk arounds" ?
thx storm
i just did i “a walk around“ I do that when i read something that is REALLY GOOD this is the third time I have done that, I will write the last chapter of mini stories tomorrow, THIS IS SERIOUSLY GREAT.
Three: Gone
Did she really think we were that stupid?” The scarred unicorn muttered, and bit the vine around Coraleaf’s hind leg in two.
“How will we get this filly back to home?” One of the unicorns asked.
“Carry ‘er. And since you asked, you can do the job.” An oversized male said.
The one unicorn colt that had lead Coraleaf away spoke, “Why are we doing this again?” He asked.
“We’ve already talked about this, Axirian. We’re doing this because of what the legends say, if you bring a unicorn and a pegasus together, they would make alicorn; the most powerful animal in the universe. We would be unstoppable.”
“I understand Skyrim but still, this would cause war between us and the pegasi of Beach Herd, perhaps all of Anok. It is risky and life threatening, we did bring a filly against her will, we kidnapped her.”
“Oh shut your big mouth, Axirian; now let’s get a move on. The United Herd over-stallion will appreciate this.” Skyrim said a glimmer of self pride shown in his scarred eye. They loaded Coraleaf on one of the unicorn’s back and southeast toward United Herd.
. . . .
Oakwind stared off in the distance watching the sun set behind the mountains, their rims were glimmering orange and gold. He faced the forest expecting to see a small blue roan trotting out of the trees, but not a thing came out not even a sound came from the forest. Worry and fear crept up Oakwind’s spine, he needed to do something to tell someone; but he feared her brother; her guardian. Oakwind had full responsibility for losing a Beach Herd steed; it could cause punishment for not being careful.
Tears flooded in Oakwind’s eyes; his love for Coraleaf was great, but he didn’t know what to do, where to go or who to tell. He wanted to go after her, but he didn’t know where to go; fear clutched his heart, making his sides throb painfully, Oakwind breathed in deeply calming himself.
Stars spotted the sky like a horse’s black coat. That night there would be a crescent moon, it was near time for the sixth hundredth year to come; legends were told that every six hundred years there would be a Unicorn Eclipse where the spirit of the first unicorn would visit that night and haunt anything and anyone she hates or even loves. He shuddered at the thought of a glowing unicorn ghost.
Oakwind spread his wings and glided down to his herd. The ocean waves rose and fell making nice soft sounds; this was a good time to clear his head. Oakwind landed beside his dam and fell asleep and started dreaming. Coraleaf and he were cantering together, the ground was like stone and everything around them was also like stone. It was gray but not gloomy with Coraleaf there. Suddenly she started drifting away from him toward a pure white… unicorn. He stood up on top of a cliff glimmering like the reflection of the moon on water. She landed next to him and touched muzzles with the unicorn. It’s like she had grown to a full sized mare; she and the unicorn turned their backs on Oakwind and walked away out of sight. His throat hurt like he was going to cry, but no tears came. Oakwind suddenly felt small and alone, nothing cared about him; was this how Coraleaf felt?
Oakwind awoke with a jerk, his cheeks were wet and his mother was shaking him gently awake.
“Oakwind, what’s wrong? You were quietly sobbing in your sleep; it makes me worried when you have dreams that make you cry. What happened?” His dam’s voice was soft yet worried.
Oakwind was staring in his mother’s face and now he found himself hugging her and sobbing into her neck.
“Oh mama!” Oakwind cried, but couldn’t say anything else.
“Shhhh, Oakwind; it’s okay, it was only a dream.” His dam hushed and rocked him gently back and forth. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
Finally Oakwind caught his breath and started speaking clearly, “No mama, it’s not. Coraleaf is gone!”
Woohoo!!! third chapter!!!!
har har
*smirks* nothing
I know here's a joke: what did Coraleaf say to Oakwind when he tagged her?
"WOTS?? I thought we were done!"
was that a question for me to answer? if it is, read my story again then you'll know what just happened. XD jk u dont have to.
BIG EYES What just happened
THE SECOND CHAPTER FINALLY!!!!!!!!! here it goes...
TWO: Kidnapped
“Papa, why?” Coraleaf’s eyes flooded with tears. “Why did you do that?”
“I- I” Shadowstone stuttered. The whole group fell silent. One of the stallions stepped forward. “How could you do that? First you lied to us, then you crushed your filly with your very words.” His deep voice rumbled with anger. “Think over of what you just did, we will all leave you alone for that.”
Everything was a blur for Coraleaf, this was the top of all the things her sire had said to express that he had no love for her. Now she really couldn’t talk with her brother, if she told him of what just had happened, he would badly injure Shadowstone or even himself.
She glided over the Beach Herd grounds, looking for a private place to meditate. At last she found a good spot to think; Coraleaf landed and tucked her wings.
If no one really loved her, why would she stay here where she was alone? Then she thought of her brother, and her friends. They would be sad that she had left and it would be treason abandoning her herd. Coraleaf didn’t know what to do; she was torn between staying and leaving.
Just then a loud over-stallion bray echoed throughout the Beach Herd grounds. Coraleaf took off, not wanting to miss the speech. The Beach Herd steeds were already there when she arrived. Coraleaf scanned the crowd, looking for her friend, Oakwind. Finally she saw bright aqua-green feathers; she glided down next to her best friend.
“What’s happening?” She whispered to Oakwind.
“I don’t know; I hope it’s not about unicorns again.” He whispered back.
Wavewing flew and landed on the rock where he would often give speeches to the herd. “I know ever since the unicorns had arrived, I always gave speeches and announcements to the herd about them because they have been the focus lately.”
Coraleaf glanced at Oakwind, he sighed deeply; unicorns, again.
“I hope it’s not been a bother to you…”
Oakwind rolled his eyes.
“Because earlier this morning I had a special meeting about them,” Wavewing scanned the crowd, Coraleaf shrank behind Oakwind. “We, my council and my spy, learned that the unicorns are building an army. For defense, raids, or battles, we are still not sure. But we will find out soon, but it is most likely to be defense because all the herds are stronger as one. Except for Mountain Herd, they have an evil ruler that is a conqueror and a Nightwing!”
The crowd gasped, if a pegasi is called a Nightwing, that is a truly cruel and evil pegasus. All the Beach Herd steeds started speaking all at once. Wavewing trumpeted a loud neigh and they settled down little by little; finally the last pegasus stopped talking.
“I hope that the over-stallion will either change or die, but all the same, I don’t want Mountain Herd to continue being a cruel and selfish herd any longer!”
At that the whole herd cheered, agreeing with all their hearts, at least most. The under-stallion flew forward onto the rock, “You are all dismissed.”
“One, two, three, not it!” Coraleaf laughed, touching her muzzle with her wing and was out of reach before Oakwind could even react, when he did realize it… “Hey! That’s not very fair!” He exclaimed. But he went along to chase Coraleaf anyway.
The breeze felt good against her blue roan coat as Coraleaf glided through the clouds letting their “sweat” soak her hide. She flapped her dark blue wings and let the wind carry her through the sky. Coraleaf glanced back to see a gray pinto trying his hardest to catch up with her; he was flapping his aqua-green wings like crazy. Oakwind looked up and saw that it was no use, “I give up! Can we just talk instead?” He hollered.
She tipped her wing and dove toward the sea, “Race you!” Coraleaf called. She made sure her body was as straight as possible so that she will cut through the surface of the water like a rose thorn.
“No! Coraleaf stop! You’ll hurt yourself; we’re too high to dive into the water!” Oakwind cried; he knew because he had experienced it the hard way.
Coraleaf suddenly realized he was right, she wasn’t about to do the same thing he did. She slowly and carefully tilted her wings to catch the wind and slow herself. Coraleaf stopped just in time before she hit the water.
“Oh my goodness, I thought you were going to break something!” Oakwind gasped as he glided toward Coraleaf. “Oh and by the way… TAG!” He swiftly pushed Coraleaf gently and whirled around and quickly flew to shore.
“Hey!” She laughed, she and Oakwind were even now. “Hey wait! I thought we were going to talk!”
Oakwind stopped and turned his head, “Oh, right; well, meet me in the forest!”
Coraeaf rolled her eyes, he always enjoyed racing; she darted after Oakwind where they were going to chat.
. . . .
Coraleaf landed in the small clearing of trees where she and her brother would often meet for important conversations.
“Oakwind, where are you?” Coraleaf called, everything was quiet except for her steady breathing and the low songs of the birds.
Something rustled in the bushes behind her; Coraleaf whirled around. She could feel her heart beating uncontrollably. White glistened behind a tree and disappeared. Coraleaf stepped forward, then it appeared again, it was a back of an animal, and it was moving away from her. Without realizing it, Coraleaf was following the pure white hide… outside her herd territory.
After a while, the white hide stopped; Coraleaf also stopped and backed a few steps away from it, sensing trouble. It moved but stayed in its place, the white was turning around to face Coraleaf. It moved forward toward her but stopped a wing-length away; a bright white face of a horse shown in a patch of sunlight through an opening of trees. It was a yearling colt, but something was different about it, something odd on its forehead. Coraleaf peered closer, there was a horn sticking out of its forehead as long as her neck. A unicorn, the word kept repeating itself over and over again in Coraleaf’s mind; and not in a pleasant way either.
A chill ran down Coraleaf’s spine, she realized that it had led her away from her herd, from home. Suddenly the ground rumbled, shaking the trees; ten adult unicorns cantered out of the thicket of trees, surrounding her.
“Hello young filly,” greeted one adult unicorn, “You will have to come with us now, and it is of utmost importance.
The others chuckled, but Coraleaf didn’t get the joke. “No, I don’t want to come with you and I won’t.” Coraleaf said stubbornly.
A unicorn with a scare lining across his eye laughed. “Do you think we will let you go, after what we’ve done?”
She didn’t answer. Seeing that Coraleaf refused to say anything, “All right then, I will give you these two choices; the easy way, or, the hard way. Pick one of them, now.” He ordered.
Plans to escape flooded into Coraleaf’s mind. They couldn’t fly so she would have an advantage over them. But she knew that they were well aware of that. Coraleaf decided to risk it; in a flash of dark blue feathers, she lifted off the ground and through the oak branches. Suddenly something pulled on her hind leg like it was tied around it. She had stepped into a trap the unicorns had set; a vine covered in leaves had entangled her hind leg without her noticing.
Coraleaf came back down in a blur of blue feathers and crashed to the ground, unconscious.
I hope you like it!🐴🦄🦓
done done DOOOONNEEE!!!!
KIDNAPPED!!! Now i’m scared really scared..........
actually, the next chapter to Wings of the Sky, or WOTS, is called Kidnapped.