Whisperfrost stood with Alderflare on the outskirts of the crowd of yearlings and weanlings. Whisperfrost watched and listened with a happy heart. She blinked her icy blue eyes as the Elders told stories about Lake herd.
Alderflare glanced down at Whisperfrost and stole a glance. Her grullo coat shined and her short white mane fell perfectly over her neck. Her maroon purple wings were up and arched, the wind ruffling her pretty feathers. Whisperfrost glanced up as well, catching Alderflare's eyes. Alderflare snapped his eyes back forward and heard a gentle giggle from Whisperfrost. "I suppose you want to know who the Elders are?" she said. She used her wing to point to the first old steed on the far left. "That's Forestloop. She's a retired sky herder. She is the youngest Elder at the age of 50. The next one over from her is Ripplefight. He was an under-stallion. I think he is the most patient of all the Elders. He's also a Walker." she said, gently. "What happened to him?" Alderflare asked, feeling a connection to the stallion. "Well, during a battle a foreign steed broke his hind leg. So, now he can't walk too well. I guess, he's not a Walker since he can't walk to well... Anyway, the mare next to him is Owlspot-the one telling the legend right now. She's my personal favorite. Why- I'm not sure. But, she is very wise, not to mention the oldest Elder at the age of 102!! I think she used to be a spy. Or a broodmare. I'm not sure... but I just like her. She's kind and sweet. She never yells. I sometimes think that The Ancestors put her here in Anok so she could tell stories of the Golden Meadow to foals then when the foals grow old and die, she can carry them up to the Golden Meadow." Whisperfrost said. She paused and frowned, realizing how dumb that sounded. "Sorry.." she whispered, letting her forelock fall in front of her eyes. Alderflare chuckled. "It's alright. You just have a big imagination." Whisperfrost giggled again, then resumed with introducing Alderflare to the Elders, with a small bit of pink on her cheeks.
(WOW I haven't posted another one of these things in 4EVER!!! Sry about that!)
Aww!!!! Thank you so much Sunblaze!!!!!! That's so sweet of you!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE popcorn XDD
i was screaming into a pillow when i saw the notification the i clicked on it as fast as i could the popped up some popcorn then read it.
i cant wait for the next one!
AWWW!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
I LOVED IT when i saw the notification i wanted to dance
Ya, I'll try to do another one later...hopefully it'll be more exciting
Yeah.....Not all chapters are exciting and we can't be like Mrs, Jennifer Lynn Alverez who is LITERALLy amazing
I literally said out loud, "Yes!" when I saw this notification, which got me a weird look from my dad. This is great! Not as exciting as some of the others, but still well written.