so in this drawing i did something kinda cheesy but ehhh. lol i drew me and my crush... hehe. she is the absolute most amazing person i have ever met, and i hope our relationship becomes stronger as we grow together. she so intelligent, talented, and beautiful. i’m planning on asking her to homecoming, hope things go as planned. wish me luck lol. anyways she’s the one on the right, i’m the one on the left. hope u guys don’t think this is too cheesy or whatever, i just wanted to make something sweet. anyways i’m kinda rambling, hope u guys like it lol. peace ✌🏻

This looks amazing!!! Also *throws luck at her and hits her in the face* Oops sorry.
This is really sweet Olive!!! I wish you luck!!!
AAAWWWW!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! :D I can pray for you about the homecoming if you want? also, tell me her Herd name so I CAN SHIP YOU TWO TOGETHER MERCILESSLY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (sorry I have a thing for LGBTQ+ ships, especially girl x girl) :D also, welcome back,k, Olive! I LOVE THE DRAWING YOU'RE SO TALENTED
Olive...................... I just want you to know that I just went through your work, and I must say........
I love like... EVERYTHING you've EVER put up! NO. JOKE. I love your art, and I seriously think you are one of my favorite artists on here! Really! I love your style so much! Keep up the GREAT work, Olive! :D
I love this. Just that kind of cute romance everyone needs from time to time. Well done :) And I do so wish you luck!
Your drawing looks fantastic Olive!