I drew another dragon :3 This one I like better and the other was a mountain dragon. I don't what breed this one should be XD All I know is I worked hard on it with my gummy-eraser and that I LOVE it XD In fact I think I might start drawing pegasi as dragons!!!!!!!!!! If you would like a request for a pegasus as a dragon just comment below what you would like. Hope ya like this dragon though!!!!!!!!! ( btw i'm working on the snouts ;-; )
Also you can request like it in a Fire Dragon or and Ice Dragon or etc. Like what breed you would like. :3

That's awesome!!!!!! GREAT JOB!! Love the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be totally AWESOME! #Teamnightfury..lol
Yay! I can't wait to see it
Hmm....... Okay!!!!!!! I will have to study that shape but I can try!!!!!!!!!
Umm... could you maybe draw Star as a Nightfury?
Oh well that's kinda cool (by kinda cool I think it's pretty awesome)
http://www.theguardianherd.com/messageboard/fan-art/i-drew-a-dragon Here's the link to the other dragon and actually it was supposed to be like built-in armor so yeah it is armor but she was born with it :3
Well I like the markings she has on her face because (I know this is not what you were going for) it looks like a face guard, you know like part of a suit of armor
Would either of you like to request a dragon? It doesn't have to just be an OC And Stardust I think I get a link hold on......
Cool! Where can I see the other dragon?
You do???? I mean the body yes but the color and markings I like better
Now that's a cool looking dragon, I especially the markings she has on her face!
That's so cool!! I like your other one better though