I'm literally so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad is good with handy work because he worked in a bike shop when he was younger with his father. And I'm now interested in wood carving and all of that stuuf because we just finished our wooden car for Cun Scouts and The Pine Wood Derby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEE!!!!!!!!!!! This might not be interesting to some of you but it is to me!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW MY DAD SAID IF I'M SERIOUS ABOUT THIS HE WOULD GET ME A WOOD SCROLLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you might be wondering what all of this means so I'll pull up some pictures of pattern scrolling and I think I can get a wood burning picture. So for the wood burning it's when you heat up a peice of metal till it's decently hot and then you take the hot end and smear on wood while pushing down a bit and it literally burns a line into the wood!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! And for the scrolling with patterns I pull a piece of art work done with pattern scrolling in the comments.
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Also we did NOT make these that would just be bad because we don't even live near some of this kind of wood.......... SO I DIDN'T DO THIS AND NEITHER DID OUR FAMILY O^O
Yeah basically. It was awhile ago when I studied that in science..... I liked that chapter a lot XD
Trees are made of wood and trees are alive in, say, a forest, but in Home Depot or something where they have wood for sale, that is dead wood. It's not alive.
The bark is the skin and if cut into the chloropasts and cut it down the tree is no longer classified as alive. And often times we cut down dead trees and use there wood anyways. But for the wood and paper we mainly just cut down healthy trees whcih I absolutely HATE IT that we do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when you cut a tree down do you know how plants have chloroplasts and plasim?
Welll........... Bacially ones dead and one's alive XD
I meant trees, which was meant to be a pun for nature. I LOVE being outside
( I alreayd made a welcome post XD )
Yeah me too it's just SOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although you can make wood look pretty when it's not alive..............
Welcome! And I absolutely agree Nightmist, all though I slightly prefer living wood.
I didn't do it by the way I'm just gonna start doing it. And welcome to the MB Vanillabean! ( Message Board )
I just love art and wood................
XD I couldn't remember and you did AN AMAZING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like wood burning like that and the pattern scrolling because you can make so many things with a scroller
yeah you commented on it
Wait I THINK I SAW THAT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool!!!!!!!! LIKE NO JOKE WE ARE GOING TO BUY A SCROLLING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE SOME OF THE PATTERNS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!! Note: I'm not girly so some girls who might not like this just please know I like to do a lot of boy things ( No offense )