K before I get to the actual rant I wanna clear some stuff up: I have a twin brother who was born one minute before me, and he has ADHD and epilepsy, so I KNOW I cant blame him for always being so loud and unempathetic (also completely unrelated im 99% sure I have ADHD too or at least ADD but my parents are always like "lol no shut up" whenever I say so, because I've ALWAYS liked art and English classes over other classes, especially now im in high school. Plus ive got ALL the symptoms of it, ive just never actually been diagnosed with it). K now to the actual rant part:
On Saturday I was woken up by my twin brother at 7:24, which im not the upset about because I was still able to make the video chat.
But today I was woken up by him (his bedroom is just down the hall from me) by gigantic, inhumanly LOUD stomps while he yelled my name "EMILY! LOOK AT THIS!" he proceeded to unlock my door (extremely LOUDLY) and shove a very bright iPad in my face while touching me with, weirdly, cold limbs. im 100% sure the thought I might still be asleep at 8:00 am on a Sunday didn't even cross his mind.
NONE of this is exaggerated in any way. I promise.
sorry about this, just needed to rant XD ik I cant blame him but sometimes it gets on my nerves.
Oh btw when I told him I wanted to sleep he apologised and told my mum I was trying to sleep, which was nice, until I was able to sleep.
Until my mum barged in a few seconds later (without knocking), saying she KNEW I was trying to sleep but just wanted to ask me something.
so after that she left and I was FINALLY able to go back to sleep. Well, I think I was if my mum and brother started talking VERY LOUDLY in the dining room and kitchen while my brother played a song VERY LOUDLY, which got me up for the day, which is why im writing this.
The bit that annoys me is that if my DAD was trying to sleep, they'd N-E-V-E-R make as much noise as they did. When my dad is asleep and gets woken up, he's annoyed, as any human would be. So of course when I'M asleep my nice, considerate, empathetic family decided that for WHATEVER reason, I would be absolutely FINE with it >:(
My goodness, some people just don't get other's need to sleep in. My 8-yearold brother is kinda like this, but not in the noisy way. Whenever he wakes up before everyone else (he dose this quite frequently), he sits in the hallway that connects the bedrooms in my house, and stares at as until we wake up. You have no idea how unnerving it is to open your eyes after a good nights sleep to find someone watching you!
lol this ended up not being short at all my apologies