Alright, this isn’t anything new, but this website has received strangely worded comments by members with new accounts, but they lead you to writing websites, and then that member never comments again.
Recently, the problem has been growing steadily stronger to the point where I’ve reported one comment for spam. I don’t know if it was the right thing, and I can understand if Mrs. Alvarez had a business deal with them or something, but it seems unlikely. I don’t know if reporting the comment was the right thing to do, but they frustrate me really badly, and I’d like to know if you all think I did the right thing.....
Or did I make the problem worse?
Oh phew..... yay, I didn’t mess up the Message Board!!!! :D
And Nightmist don't worry, you didn't make the problem worse. The report button is there for a reason.
another pattern we've noticed is he comments are springing up on posts that are about a year old, not recent ones.
Good idea, Dragon. (I never doubted you wouldn’t have a good idea on this xD )
I've been noticing these kinds of comments springing up in that last 6 months or so, and I think that the only thing we can really do for now is report them as spam (because seriously, I don't think a comment advertising a casino website can be anything but). Also, I would suggest not even acknowledging these comments. If you see one, just report it and move on. Don't reply to it, like it, or anything else. At the moment, these comments seem pretty harmless so I'm not seeing this as a huge issue, but if that changes, we can always email Mrs. Alvarez about this directly.
Was this one? (Not the post, the comment.)
Woopsies xD
Oh, yeah, that makes more sense....
XD. They don't understand the dates or weather its writing or drawing. They're just stupid old computers.
Phew, okay, just making sure xD. Yeah, I recently saw that one too..... And it’s not only that, but they bring up some really old posts, and that happened to me once with an old crappy drawing I had been proud of soooo..... yeah.... heheheh embarrassment x 1,000
Okay. This is the one I saw
They're computers. They go onto websited like wattpad, and the MB to advertise writing help. Its really annoying.
I saw one earlier
you did the write thing. They were all probably robots