Rick:He didn’t let himself feel relieved yet, as they were not out of the danger zone. Still, he couldn’t help but let a small smile come to his face. Logan really was a survivor.Cosmo:
He pulled the covers up to his chin and looked at the bed above him. He took a deep breath and tried to release the tension he had been holding. Quaze was gone and could no longer hurt them. They were coming home.
He pulled at an angle and got the stick and sheets down. He didn’t spare a glance at Kevty and Kalom. They were the least of his worries.
”We can wait until my mother is off on her mission before trying to talk to her.”
Yael: It took him a while to become oriented again, to realize that he was once again breathing... though not truly breathing, because those were not his lungs, and he didn't control them, or feel their air in his throat, so he couldn't speak. There was a body - not his body - on top of him - but he couldn't feel the press of another person's weight. It was as if he was stuck behind a slow walker on a sidewalk, but no matter what he did, he couldn't get around them.
[He's a possession spirit, but as you can see, he is very benevolent. If you are ok with it, I though the could be inside San's mind (at least temporarily). It would be cool to see him fight Shadow!]
Logan:He looked weak, and felt a weak, but he was alive. Upon seeing Rick and the dragon, a small smile found his lips, shining in his eyes. He came back. The beeping hardly reached his ears.
(Do I know how to respond to that...no...am I going to try...YES!)
San:If nothing else, he sure was covered up and snug, just not peaceful. Who was this being floating into his dream state...familiar, yet not completely.
Calore:"I'm not especially fond of them either, unless they pose an interesting obstacle." He looked up, "Pull at an angle. Straight down won't work."
Haydi:"What can we do though?"
Kalom:He followed her, holding his nose. It surely felt broken....
(Goodnight!!(Yael is a new, but already dead goat being who died of organ failure after becoming addicted to spice as an aimless adolescent. SHadow of course was kind enough to provide it and since that moment, Yael stayed on a spice induced high! Then he died. The end.)
He stepped forward, his eyes searching Logan’s. Aeriel perched on his shoulder and whined. Please…
San didn’t look especially peaceful, but he had been expecting that. He checked to make sure that his brother was snug, then he clambered up into his own bunk.
He tried to tug the stick free. “I don’t like walls very much. They are always getting in the way.”
“Right. I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about it.” He was very glad that he didn’t have to face San. He wanted to shrink back from looking into his mother’s mind, but he wanted to find out more.
Yael: There was only one other body his soul knew, an ephemeral connection in the fever of a spice dream, once... Many years ago, gleaming through a glitterstim high... a slave boy... desperate druggies in a telepathic connection.
He squeezed his pin and watched the pod. He only dimly registered that he was crying. Please, Logan. I did as I promised I would.
He started towards the bunkroom, well aware of the limits of his body. Sleep would be nice.
”You can’t exactly show me the foothold, though.“ He started to pace. “I could try positioning it closer to the wall and use that to climb up?”
”Being close to someone is certainly not a bad thing.” He threw a grin at Haydi. “Cosmo is just close in a different way than we are. A way that my mother sees as dangerous.” He didn’t want to talk about his supposed to be younger brother.
(Popcorn)Nurse:She grew nervous, but did her best not to show it. THis would be rough on the kid, and with his already compromised health, she couldn't be sure he'd wake.
Logan:He felt himself begin to wake.
(I didn't catch it either :)
San:He stayed asleep as they took off and soared away. Waking slightly would be nice though, to keep him out of the dreams he was in.
Calore:He watched, knowing that if only he could move, he could do it... "There is a foot hold you can do to help you climb that."
Haydi:"You agree with her? How bad can being close to someone be?" he however knew the dangers.
He went tense, and his eyes darted between the various display screens. It was too far in to back out now. Come back to me, Logan.
(I just realized that they weren’t in space yet…my bad! I’ll say that Cosmo already launched them.)
He let out a breath and tore his gaze away from the shrinking planet below. They were far from the orange flowers now. He cracked open his notebook and pages through the riddles, but he was too tired to look at them straight.
”A dedicated learner? Nice.” He tried to climb up the sheets, but he was failing miserably.
He trusted Haydi enough to let him in on it. “My mother doesn’t like how close Cosmo is to him. She fears that it will kill him. Honestly? She’s probably right. It will at least make it easier to talk to her once she is watching them.”
Nurse:She worked carefully and finally, a lot of beeping started sounding. "He's ok. This is expected."
San:His mind took him to dark places, places he hadn't been in for a long time.
Calore:He nodded, "It's comes easily to me, and the stuff that doesn't, I care enough to learn it." He shrugged. No one had noticed that, just his irresponsible traits.
His eyes narrowed and he realized that he should have read up on the mechanics cryosleep pods before asking anyone to toggle with one. “I understand.”
”It’s safer this way. I still have my inhaler, and I never wanted that medicine in the first place.” He pressed a button and watched as it was sucked into space.
He shot and the stick sank into the mud. He tried pulling on the sheets a few times, and it held. ”You like geometry and physics?”
“She would, actually, but there isn’t so much that she can do.” It made him feel uneasy.
(After waiting a really long time!!
Star Wars Darkness on the Rise (Part 17) | theguardianherd
(I'll respond over there :)
Rick: He didn’t let himself feel relieved yet, as they were not out of the danger zone. Still, he couldn’t help but let a small smile come to his face. Logan really was a survivor. Cosmo:
He pulled the covers up to his chin and looked at the bed above him. He took a deep breath and tried to release the tension he had been holding. Quaze was gone and could no longer hurt them. They were coming home.
He pulled at an angle and got the stick and sheets down. He didn’t spare a glance at Kevty and Kalom. They were the least of his worries.
”We can wait until my mother is off on her mission before trying to talk to her.”
Kevty "We're back." she said
Yael: It took him a while to become oriented again, to realize that he was once again breathing... though not truly breathing, because those were not his lungs, and he didn't control them, or feel their air in his throat, so he couldn't speak. There was a body - not his body - on top of him - but he couldn't feel the press of another person's weight. It was as if he was stuck behind a slow walker on a sidewalk, but no matter what he did, he couldn't get around them.
Logan: He looked weak, and felt a weak, but he was alive. Upon seeing Rick and the dragon, a small smile found his lips, shining in his eyes. He came back. The beeping hardly reached his ears.
(Do I know how to respond to that...no...am I going to try...YES!)
San: If nothing else, he sure was covered up and snug, just not peaceful. Who was this being floating into his dream state...familiar, yet not completely.
Calore: "I'm not especially fond of them either, unless they pose an interesting obstacle." He looked up, "Pull at an angle. Straight down won't work."
Haydi: "What can we do though?"
Kalom: He followed her, holding his nose. It surely felt broken....
(Goodnight!! (Yael is a new, but already dead goat being who died of organ failure after becoming addicted to spice as an aimless adolescent. SHadow of course was kind enough to provide it and since that moment, Yael stayed on a spice induced high! Then he died. The end.)
(Who’s Yael? (I’m multitasking so I can’t go look)
she led the way
He stepped forward, his eyes searching Logan’s. Aeriel perched on his shoulder and whined. Please…
San didn’t look especially peaceful, but he had been expecting that. He checked to make sure that his brother was snug, then he clambered up into his own bunk.
He tried to tug the stick free. “I don’t like walls very much. They are always getting in the way.”
“Right. I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about it.” He was very glad that he didn’t have to face San. He wanted to shrink back from looking into his mother’s mind, but he wanted to find out more.
Yael: There was only one other body his soul knew, an ephemeral connection in the fever of a spice dream, once... Many years ago, gleaming through a glitterstim high... a slave boy... desperate druggies in a telepathic connection.
(Had to go find out who Yael was, and now that I know, I'm intrigued.)
Logan: The pod opened with a cold hiss and his body shivered, the beeping still ringing through the room.
San: His dream consisted vaguely of a goat type creature. Odd.
Calore: "The foothold is simple." He said softly, "But the wall could also be a valuable tool."
Haydi: He nodded, "Seems as if he'll have to face the San curse if he decides to stay..."
He squeezed his pin and watched the pod. He only dimly registered that he was crying. Please, Logan. I did as I promised I would.
He started towards the bunkroom, well aware of the limits of his body. Sleep would be nice.
”You can’t exactly show me the foothold, though.“ He started to pace. “I could try positioning it closer to the wall and use that to climb up?”
”Being close to someone is certainly not a bad thing.” He threw a grin at Haydi. “Cosmo is just close in a different way than we are. A way that my mother sees as dangerous.” He didn’t want to talk about his supposed to be younger brother.
Yael: His aimless, placeless spirit spun through space. He was homeless, cold, alone. Not much different than his life the past few years.
(Popcorn) Nurse: She grew nervous, but did her best not to show it. THis would be rough on the kid, and with his already compromised health, she couldn't be sure he'd wake.
Logan: He felt himself begin to wake.
(I didn't catch it either :)
San: He stayed asleep as they took off and soared away. Waking slightly would be nice though, to keep him out of the dreams he was in.
Calore: He watched, knowing that if only he could move, he could do it... "There is a foot hold you can do to help you climb that."
Haydi: "You agree with her? How bad can being close to someone be?" he however knew the dangers.
”let’s get back to the boys.” It was easier to be snappy than to try to care
(Popcorn!) Rick:
He went tense, and his eyes darted between the various display screens. It was too far in to back out now. Come back to me, Logan.
(I just realized that they weren’t in space yet…my bad! I’ll say that Cosmo already launched them.)
He let out a breath and tore his gaze away from the shrinking planet below. They were far from the orange flowers now. He cracked open his notebook and pages through the riddles, but he was too tired to look at them straight.
”A dedicated learner? Nice.” He tried to climb up the sheets, but he was failing miserably.
He trusted Haydi enough to let him in on it. “My mother doesn’t like how close Cosmo is to him. She fears that it will kill him. Honestly? She’s probably right. It will at least make it easier to talk to her once she is watching them.”
Kalom: He straightened up, a slight bit of fear flashing through him. "Yes Ma'am." he wiped the blood away, "I'm sorry..."
”don’t be a cry baby.” she snapped
Kalom: "Took after you." He looked at the blood on his fingers and winced. "I hate blood."
Nurse: She worked carefully and finally, a lot of beeping started sounding. "He's ok. This is expected."
San: His mind took him to dark places, places he hadn't been in for a long time.
Calore: He nodded, "It's comes easily to me, and the stuff that doesn't, I care enough to learn it." He shrugged. No one had noticed that, just his irresponsible traits.
Haydi: He bit his lip, "She'd hurt him? Why?"
His eyes narrowed and he realized that he should have read up on the mechanics cryosleep pods before asking anyone to toggle with one. “I understand.”
”It’s safer this way. I still have my inhaler, and I never wanted that medicine in the first place.” He pressed a button and watched as it was sucked into space.
He shot and the stick sank into the mud. He tried pulling on the sheets a few times, and it held. ”You like geometry and physics?”
“She would, actually, but there isn’t so much that she can do.” It made him feel uneasy.