Hey guys I just here to ask. Anyone watched spirit stallion of the Cimarron?
If you do you probably also know that they made a new series/movie. AND IT CAME OUT HORRIBLE. ;-; But we still have the other Spirit in our hearts. Welp cya! :D
You can blame Netflix for that sorry excuse for a continuation of Sprit. Isn't the whole point of Sprit: stallion of Cimarron supposed to be that sprit can't be tamed?
I LOVE SPIRIT!!! And are you talking about Spirit: Riding Free? That piece of crud?
When did he get a white blaze?? Where's Rain? Little Creek? His mother and the herd? They made it horrible.. the movie is set in the 1800's.. this suddenly pops up between the late 1900's and modern day. Who on earth is Lucky?!? Where did she come from?!?!???? I haven't even seen the shows and I don't wanna.. I have seen the rants.. and I agree to every one of them..
Still need to watch Spirit.. 😥
Do not watch the TV show, just watching the trailer made me want to barf
That movie was amazing never even tried watching the tv show I drew a picture of spirit I could post it if you like
You can blame Netflix for that sorry excuse for a continuation of Sprit. Isn't the whole point of Sprit: stallion of Cimarron supposed to be that sprit can't be tamed?
I've never seen Spirit... 😢 But I've heard nothing but bad things about "Riding Pee!" 😄😆😆
Spirit!?! TAMED?!?! Man the makers no nothing about that wild stallion
I've seen the show. Its horrid. Its all about friends and spirit being able to be tamed by a girl after all those years. -.-
I LOVE SPIRIT!!! And are you talking about Spirit: Riding Free? That piece of crud?
When did he get a white blaze?? Where's Rain? Little Creek? His mother and the herd? They made it horrible.. the movie is set in the 1800's.. this suddenly pops up between the late 1900's and modern day. Who on earth is Lucky?!? Where did she come from?!?!???? I haven't even seen the shows and I don't wanna.. I have seen the rants.. and I agree to every one of them..