Guys! I'm baaaack! And I'm super duper sorry i haven't been on much! I mean its not like I'm choosing not to come on its just like life isn't allowing me to even turn my laptop on! So yesterday(Friday) my nutso math teacher decided that we should have 60 math problems for homework! Then after school I had dance team and cheer team tryouts! UGH!! My life in a nutshell.. I will try my best to get on more often! And I'm just really sorry I kept you all waiting.. Its just you are all on while I'm at school cause I'm there from 8:00 Am to 3:45 Pm! I CANT DO THIS!! Ugh.. why did summer go by so fast? Alright now that my speech is over imma go make the next part to the RP!

How bout on the Descendants RP?
ugh I just finished all of mine...
I wont be able to rp or make posts in the next hour though... homework.. ugh... but I'll be on :D
Yes yes it can...
I completely understand! Life can be so frustrating.
You guys are the best! <3
Lol 😁😁😄😄😆😆😆😆
I feel u. But s***** hasnt found me yet still have one more month till death consumes me 😀
I don't know how you feel, my mom (aka my teacher) says school never ends for me, so basically me typing this message is reading/writing homework for to day :)
It is cool.... i know school can be.... FRUSTERATING AND COMPLETLY USLESS :C but hey..... i know how u feelC:
Thanks for understanding Cass...<3
It ok! And scho- -pukes- is coming up for me too......... I hate going to s***** (I have officially considered it a bad word now)