As some of you know i've been absent from this website,this all sums it up....
Hi,I've been absent because i'm sick,and i have to take night quill((the medicine))to help me sleep,the side effects basically make me look and feel like a drunk person,i get extremely dizzy and my voice gets slurred,I'll also have very shaky hands that won't be able to type.Some other reasons are that i'm trying to get caught up on online schooling because i'm way behind,and im trying to spend more time with my family.Im sorry but i can't promise that i'll be online much often.
I'm so very sorry,
I’m late but I really hope you feel better!!!!
All good sis I am still here to FT!!!
It’s totally fine sista! I really, really hope you feel better soon! If you need tips on homeschooling come to me, as I’ve been homeschooled all my life!
It's alright! I understand