The Storm Herd left Rahkki and the 5th clan and went to the place Redfire found. Echofrost felt like a half without Rahkki but she knew this day had to come. It has been a year since the Storm Herd left the landwalkers and started a new life. One night Echofrost felt sad because she had a flash back of Rahkki and how he saved her and how she saved him. " Are you thinking about him again?" asked Hazelwind. " Yeah but were free now. Free together." She nuzzeled him and went to go talk with Dewberry and her foals. I want to make her happy but we cant go to the landwalkers. The next morning, Hazelwind went up to Echofrost and said "maybe we can pay your boy a visit. Soon because of the foal coming."
" Yeah. What should the name be"
" We cant discuss it right now but maybe after the baby is born."
" Your right Hazelwind."
Dewberry trotted up with Shysong and told Echofrost to join them. " Coming. Sorry Hazelwind. I have to go." Echofrost trotted to Dewberry and Shysong and they started talking about the upcoming foal. Dewberry went up and put her wing up to Echofrost stomach and felt where the foal is. " Its getting closer. It should be due by next month by the most."
" This is exciting that you and Hazelwind are going to be parents." said Shysong.
" Yeah but im nervous."
" Why are you nervous Echofrost. You should be happy that you are starting your own family. You should be happier that you still have Hazelwind. Your stallion didn't die on you when you first got pregnant."
" Your right. Thanks Dewberry."
"Anytime Echofrost. Here eat these. IT should help with the pains." Dewberry handed Echofrost some roots to handle the pains she was getting.
" Hazelwind said that i can visit Rahkki and Feylah soon. After the foal has come and grown to be a weanling."
" Thats great! Maybe I can visit I'Lenna some day. I miss her a little bit." said Shysong.
The mares trotted happily back to the Storm herd and Echofrost went to talk to Hazelwind. " Arn't they cute together?" asked Shysong looking at Echofrost and Hazelwind. " Yeah they are. Both strong so their foal could be a spy or a battle mare." said Dewberry. " How do you know its a mare?" asked Shysong. " Echofrost is in her last month with her and her belly isnt as large as a mare with a boy inside. Mares are facing the right side of the stomach and males are facing the left side. I didn't want to tell her about it yet because their still picking out names for her."
" Thats sweet that is is going to be a girl. No one in the herd knows what names they are picking. I can't wait to see what names they have chosen."
A few weeks later, Echofrost was three days from due date and she was having pains ever so often. The day the baby is due, The Stallions are with Hazelwind by the lake and telling him its going to be ok. With Echofrost and Dewberry, they successfully delivered the foal.
" Hazelwind. You can come now." Said Dewberry.
Hazelwind trotted to Dewberry and entered the woods where Echofrost layed.The foal was awake and Echofrost was cleaning it off.
" Hazelwind. Come here and meet her." Hazelwind hope rose and he touched the fillies nose with his. She played with his mane and they were both filled with joy. A minute later, they left the woods with the baby and they made the announcement. " The foal is a girl and we are naming her........."
I was thinking Dawnkeeper
Should the filly's name be Embersky?
I love the name Embersky. Its so pretty!
This is really good! I think it should be... um, Embersky? Or, Orchardsun, or, Umberwind? Nah, Umberwind is too much of a colt name... how bout, Nightlake?
Echowind. Hazelfrost. Morningstar. Actully I think I am gonna use Morningstar in a fan fic
Please place your names here of what you want the fillies name to be.