im so furious right now. Rain has been complaining about nobody caring about her after she blocked us from contacting her in any way possible, AND despite the fact we've told her .... x counts on feathers, gives wings a hopeless look, then gives up x COUNTLESS FRICKIN TIMES THAT SHE IS LOVED AND CHERISHED AND SHE STILL WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, I've done everything I can, okay? Well, at least everything I can for someone who LIVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. I've prayed and prayed and cried and prayed and cried. I've literally been broken so many times because she's got me convinced one of these days she will drink the pills, besides I can't even frickin contact her because she's blocked ALL form of contact, then she goes and says (extract from her Roblox profile):

Look, kid, if you still don't believe me after everything I've done, or tried to do, then I officially give up. There is LITERALLY nothing more I can do. Wanna know why? BECAUSE THE ONLY CONTACT I HAD WITH YOU WAS VIA TEXTS, AND YOU'VE BLOCKED ME ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE! Roblox, the MB, YouTube.
aaaaaa!!!!!! I need to sign off before I cry anymore.
does she have a Roblox account? IF so, anyone know her Roblox Username? I want to try something... I was in a similar situation with another Roblox user who in a last attempt to find someone went on Roblox. he told me later he was planning on doing something later that night. I was able to talk him out of it and were friends for awhile after that. He took it one step at a time and found friends at school and decided to talk to his family. She may listen to me. Maybe...
Of course, Echo. We definitely still have a chance. I'll look for her on social media
:3 Yeah, I can see why you're furious. But if she can't believe us on her own, then she's as good as gone now...... I really wish she could just understand that some people are bad, but some people are ACTUALLY nice and good and healthy for you. I know she might have some bad expierences, but that doesn't mean you should always believe the worst in people....... It's okay, Echo. No reason crying over spilt milk.IW really hope you feel better, Echo. Just know we ALL loved Rain, and if anything, it's nobody's fault she can't seem to comprehend that some people actually love her.
Anyway... Echo! Did you say you're on Roblox!? My brother LOVES that game! He's on it like..... ALL THE TIME!!! He's Electric_Lights on there. You should try playing with him ^^ You can probably find him on Build A Boat. Just let him know that his sister Autumn sent you X)
Ok... I don't know what's going on here so I'm just gonna stay out of it :/ (unless someone wants to let me it, I don't know)
Its not your fault!
Anyways I'll try to find ways to brainstorm.
I have finals soon so my mental capacity is going to go funky.
No one blames you, Echo. You have worked so hard to reach her and for that you should be so proud. I'm certainly proud. But, anyway, I have an Instagram, I can reach her that way if she has one.
My question is, what is ":Ì·)Ì· " supposed to mean?
Emily you have done everything you can there is no more that you could do in this moment. you have tried and tried to the best of your ability, there is no more you could do in this moment. There is no point mourning over it. we just have to wait and see what happens. I know it problems sounds like im giving up on rain but im not. I don't want her affecting you in the way it has. It has brought a lot of people to bad thoughts on the MB. There is no point mourning anymore. we have 3 options at this point. 1. we can give up (which we won't do) 2. we can wait to see what happens and hope that it works out 3. We can try one last time to try and reach out because there has to be some way to do it. We can't carry on like this. we need to do something not later now.