this post is directed to Ashstarflight (Jennifer Lynn Alvarez).
i put in my settings to get notifications if someone commented on MY posts, but i don't get my posts. i get comments on OTHER people's posts. if at all possible, could someone help me???
XD hope it helped u
I've kinda noticed that sometimes the message board acts funny, like once the push notifications didn't send me to the post they were for and I had to look up every single post, but the problem was fixed with in a couple days
ok if this ever happens to me I take that advice! >:D
Hi everyone, I just happened to see this--Two comments!
One, I don't get notifications on all posts, so please email me if you have a question, or I might not see your question.
Second, I'm not sure why you aren't getting notifications on your own posts. That's weird! If you click on the three little dots on the top right of each post, you can make sure that you're following it. Maybe you already tried that... Perhaps there is a setting you can adjust on your "member page", the page that comes up when you click your avatar image. I hope the issue gets resolved! Jennifer
I know I know lol
ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... that still doesn't make a lot of sense, but ok
I think it was like this:
Dawnfeather: u could try restarting the page cause it happened to me once and I fixed it by restarting
Sailorfern: you idiot I bet she already thought of that *slaps Dawn*
I think it might be a Who. Sailor and fern compound in a name
i didn't, and i have no idea what SAILORFERN is
u could try restarting the page cause it happened to me once and I fixed it bye restarting SAILORFERN:you idiot I bet she already thought of that *slaps dawn*
Lol 😂
Yeah, I did to, and no matter how many times I hit the button, nothing happened
I tried that and it didn't work, probably because I was still following the people who were commenting but idk
You could try unfollowing posts
Hmmm, that’s odd. We’ll have to see what Jennifer says.
hmm . . . now I'm stumped
yeah but it says that i will recive notifications for MY posts
If you go into your email and look at the notifications, there is a link under each of them that says "Manage your email notifications here." If you click on "here" it will take you to a screen that shows what notifications you currently get and which ones you don't. You can change them pretty easily.
that's ok guys, this post was directed towards Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, anyways...