Last Comment form the Hospital:
Deputy Frye (Sparrowfire)-
Deputy Frye sat with Ria and Tyler wile they waited for news about Brianna. Finally a nurse came over and told them that Brianna was okay, and would be able to go home later that day. As soon as she finished speaking, Tyler blurted out, "Can we go see her?"
The nurse looked amused by the teen, and answered, "Of course, she's right this way."
Ria and Tyler quickly jumped to their feet and followed after the nurse, Deputy Frye also followed them, but a little slower. When they got the room, the two teens quickly entered, but Frye lingered outside. Turning to the nurse, he asked, "Is it alright if I ask Brianna a few questions about what attacked her?"
The nurse nodded, "Of course, just don't push her to hard."
"Got it." said Deputy Frye, then he headed into the room. He stood in the door way for a moment, then cleared his throat, "Brianna, if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions about your attack."
Last Comment form the Bakery:
Barbara Scott (Briarcloud)-
Barbara smiled as she placed the treats in a little bag, and handed them to the girl. "Have a good day!" she said, then turned her attention to the next customer.
Last Comment for outside the Bakery:
Sam West (Silverflame)-
Sam let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness," he said, glancing back at his mom's car "Umm... would you two like a ride home? It seems a little dangerous to be walking so close to the woods wile the thing that attacked Brianna is still out there."
( Oh aye XD )
( Flamefrost, there are many other dances than just in college. Not in like go on a date sense, but dances yes )
(And I'm going to make part 7 real quick)
(Oh, and aye)
(You could add Junipersky if you wanted to have a character that is a student)
(problem is, I have no characters in the high school . . . hmm . . . oh wait! Olyssia Golden, Henry's mother, is a science teacher there! Perfect.)
(Aye. Absolutely.)
(I just had an idea! Who thinks we should plan a school dance? Say ”Aye!”)
Waverly admired his openness about whatever kind of condition he had. “I get that,” she said. ”You know, this is the first time I’ve laughed in a while. Thanks for that.”
Tyler Scott (Twigstrike)-
Tyler smiled, as he couldn't help doing every time he talked to Brianna. "Pegasus Valley was established in the late 1800s, and the collage came shortly after."
”Na it’s fine. I get that every day inside my head,” he said with a smile. He wasn’t lying about that about that. Everyday there was laughter inside his head and everything was weird and messed up. But he could laugh about it.
Waverly got complete control back again, cheeks flushing a bit. “Sorry, habit...”
Everything about this girl was interesting. He chuckled one time, but then he was occupied with mucnhing on his food while watching Waverly giggle and laugh.
Whitney shrugged, saying vaguely, “Not much.“ She smiled, taking the cookie and quick to ask, “How about you? What’ve you been up to for the past few days? Anything interesting?”
Waverly sat down. After a moment of silence, she started to giggle. She covered her mouth, but the giggling wouldn’t stop. She managed to say, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m giggling! It’s just-“ She was cut off by her own giggling. Finally, she managed to sueak out in between giggles, “Silence makes me laugh!” She had enough control to keep all the noise she was making quiet enough that nobody heard it beyond their table.
She stopped chewing for a second. Then swallowed and hugged Whitney hard before turning back to Tyler. "Over a hundred years? Has this community even been here for that long?!" she exclaimed.
She laughed at her sister's bewilderment and turned to Whitney. "So, what's been up with you lately?" she asked.
She gave her friend one last hug, then offered her a cookie from her lunchbox.
Tyler Scott (Twigstrike)-
"The Stars have been playing games for over 100 years." Said Tyler, answering Brianna's question.
Whitney hadn’t realized how much she’d missed her friends until Maddie and Ria hugged her. It reminded her that life wasn’t completely doom and gloom, like her mind had been telling her for the past few days. She soaked up the happy feeling, and it made her feel less droopy. “Hi, girls. I’m sorry I haven’t been sitting with you lately. It’s been... hard.”
( Not that I know of )
She peered at him curiously. "Just....exactly how old is this football team?!" she asked in bewilderment. She had no idea they could be around for that long.
She glanced at Eli and Gabby who had been whispering before. She wanted to ask them about it, but then she saw Whitney was there and she hugged one of her best friends. Questioning would have to wait for a little while.
(are there any other male college-age people in the RP that may be on the team with Henry?)