Love: Harry Potter(The BOOKS), Books by Rick Riordan(BOOKs not movies thank you very much) The Storm Runner by J.C Cervantes(Book Rick Riordan Presents, Aru Shah and the end of time by Roshani Chokshi (Book, Rick Riordan Presents), Furred Animals(Wolves, Horses, dogs, cats, etc) Dolphins, Birds(especially birds of prey lik kites, ospreys, hawks), literally anything mythology, fierce and cute animals, chips, tea, coffee, juice, sparkling juice, fizzy water, snacks, Kate O'Hearn Books, Horses, Horseback riding, figure skating, Social studies, Dichotomous keys, scientific classifications, Jesus Christ Lizards, star seeing, planets, astronomy, sprinting, reading, SWEETS, ice cream, making characters, drawing, coloring, painting, the outdoors, nice views, nature, music, and orchestra, TGH and ROTR, and Erin Hunter books.
Hate: snakes, mean people, harry potter and percy jackson MOVIES, dairy products(ESPECIALLY CHEESE AND MLK THOUGH I LOVE ICE CREAM), sharks, horrible nasty stuff, the dark, heights, fear of falling, spiders, dying(ashamed of), Disney movies, cities like NYC though Quebec is super nice, nuts(I used to be allergic), avocado and pineapples(These two make my tongue itch, waking up for school, having to do chores, homework, and band instruments.
I love- drawing, animals, CATS, snow, autumn, Thanksgiving, family, Christmas, my birfday, Friends, Ice skating, horses, horse back riding, sleeping, my sister even tho she is super annoying, apple cider, hot chocolate, CATS, my cat, trees, water, coloring, calligraphy, french toast, ramen, sushi, pools, makeup, good vibes, being warm, hugging my cat, CATS, books
I’ve played a few of the games (Skyward sword, Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) and have all the manga! ^_^
Like: Keeper of the Lost Cities (book series), all books by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, cats, writing, Princess Ahira (book), the Bible, Jesus, the light shades of blue, Warrior (book series), Latin, school, Marvel super heroes
Dislike: Dark shades of blue, book-haters, spiders, over-whelming amounts of homework, JELL-O, Harry Potter, pink
those look creepy!
X) omg i just love this video of thyem running on across the water.
yeah the common names, Basilisks, Jesus christ Lizard, common basilisk. Though one scientific name, Basiliscus basiliscus I believe im not sure xD.
Wait, I thought those were called basilisks
I really love Jesus Christ Lizards!
theire so cute and funky creatures!
yeah XD and i dont like cheese cause it always make me wanna puke if i eat it alone
That's quite a list
i LOVE cheese
Love: Harry Potter(The BOOKS), Books by Rick Riordan(BOOKs not movies thank you very much) The Storm Runner by J.C Cervantes(Book Rick Riordan Presents, Aru Shah and the end of time by Roshani Chokshi (Book, Rick Riordan Presents), Furred Animals(Wolves, Horses, dogs, cats, etc) Dolphins, Birds(especially birds of prey lik kites, ospreys, hawks), literally anything mythology, fierce and cute animals, chips, tea, coffee, juice, sparkling juice, fizzy water, snacks, Kate O'Hearn Books, Horses, Horseback riding, figure skating, Social studies, Dichotomous keys, scientific classifications, Jesus Christ Lizards, star seeing, planets, astronomy, sprinting, reading, SWEETS, ice cream, making characters, drawing, coloring, painting, the outdoors, nice views, nature, music, and orchestra, TGH and ROTR, and Erin Hunter books.
Hate: snakes, mean people, harry potter and percy jackson MOVIES, dairy products(ESPECIALLY CHEESE AND MLK THOUGH I LOVE ICE CREAM), sharks, horrible nasty stuff, the dark, heights, fear of falling, spiders, dying(ashamed of), Disney movies, cities like NYC though Quebec is super nice, nuts(I used to be allergic), avocado and pineapples(These two make my tongue itch, waking up for school, having to do chores, homework, and band instruments.
I love sushi too!
I love- drawing, animals, CATS, snow, autumn, Thanksgiving, family, Christmas, my birfday, Friends, Ice skating, horses, horse back riding, sleeping, my sister even tho she is super annoying, apple cider, hot chocolate, CATS, my cat, trees, water, coloring, calligraphy, french toast, ramen, sushi, pools, makeup, good vibes, being warm, hugging my cat, CATS, books
Dislikes- toxic people, and uhhhhhhhh idk
Yep! You can find the box set online for pretty cheap.. I see so many parallels between Zelda and TGH xP
I’ve played TP itself and am currently reading the the manga series. They’re the best Zelda manga so far!
I’ve played a few of the games (Skyward sword, Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) and have all the manga! ^_^
I love the Legends of Zelda too! Do you play the games, watch the TV series, or read the comics?
Why so many Harry Potter haters?
Likes: The Guardian Herd, (obviously, why else would I be here?), Zelda, anime, history, music, strings.
Hates: ...
Like: Keeper of the Lost Cities (book series), all books by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, cats, writing, Princess Ahira (book), the Bible, Jesus, the light shades of blue, Warrior (book series), Latin, school, Marvel super heroes
Dislike: Dark shades of blue, book-haters, spiders, over-whelming amounts of homework, JELL-O, Harry Potter, pink
typo XD
i dont't like people telling me what to do