Hello it's me Stormflower, I'm happy that you are enjoying this series and it's going to be a long row of these battles, it will mainly be about Guardian herd Character roasting each other, but if anyone one asks me if I will do this with Fan fiction characters I will gladly help - Stormflower (or stormy if you wan't)
The theme music starts playing
suddenly it stops and everyone just at stares at The stage
"what?" Doebloom is covered in chicken feathers
"oh gods, MY MANE WRENTALON You Are So DEAD."
Wrentalon Steps into the spotlight "because a cover is not the book! so open it and take a note!"
Morningleaf you have the mic.
Sorry hon,
But I'm friends with a Star
And you're just a nut
in a jar, And you
know that was
pretty bizarre.
Sis, I love but I got
to confess, that there
not one steed here
that wouldn't call you a mess,
how many Stallions do gotta
Nice, I think I like where these are going
Oooooooh! Awesome job! I love them both.
Thank you, i’m Trying to keep up with chats going on and seeing a movie about danish history,
Awesome job!!!!
It was hard!!
Good job at rhyming!
Thank you!
Good job :)