So do we want to do a guardian herd roleplay? we could like all meet on here at a certain time and roleplay away with our O C's! I personally think it would be kinda fun!
If you wanna do it comment your o c and (if you want) If you want someone else's o c to be your mate in the rp! Im gonna do mine now! p.s Picture is optional! and i didn't know how old i should be....
Name: Starbrook| Gender: Mare| Age: 10| Mate: ______| Crush: Thundertail|Best Friend:Dawnstrike| Wing color: Light pink with pastel green tips| Personality: Sweet/playful/fierce/loving/Dewberry's half sister/Brave|Rank: Battle Mare| Note: Has one blue eye.

Name: Wispiflower
Age: 11 ( also in Horse years)
Gender: Mare
Coat: Completely While
Feathers: Light purple tipped in light blue
Personality: Kind, Quiet, and High spirited.
Rank: Battle Mare (when necessary)
Crush: Windfrost
Mate: None.
oh and just checked Raspberry valley :D and my name is Sophia Winterflower :)
this is what I rp about in all of the games I play.
Minecraft: I spawned in isolation with nothing but animals around me, so I decided to tame a horse and move to a nearby village for shelter. When I had the experiance to move on me, my horse, a couple llamas to carry my stuff, and my wolf moved back to isolation but farther away. Years past and II built my own city, I made a horse stable for my very own horse, a horse breeding farm, a llama breeding farm, a farm, the city hall, even houses for the villagers that lived there. And it grows on.
Roblox: lol I just pretend I am the black foal of anok XD
Star stable: If you know the story that what I rp about :P
Yes! Sophia!!! I always make stables in minecraft!!!!!!!!! 💟💟💟💟💟💟
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.
also logan, when/where will be the rp?
I always rp on Roblox
havent checked in a while ;-;
Lol it was on commercial for Disney Channel for a little bit
Okay, now I think I remember seeing adds for Star Stable
What server are you on?
same XD
It's a an online horse game you play on the computer and it is AMAZING what server are you on Sophia???
What's Star Stable?
YOU PLAY STAR STABLE?!?!?!? I LOVE THAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right I forgot to add that
Mossbreeze is a stallion, right?
I'm going to go ahead and make a second character
Gender: stallion
Coat: palomino pinto
Wings:pale blue tipped in lavender
Age: 3
Personality: funny, enjoyable to be around, protective
Crush: Ashfrost
I've wanted to participate in rps for a long time, but this is the first time I actually done it