Okay, for those who haven't read Vas/Azurestorm's about page, read it (it will make you fall off your bed/chair/couch from laughing so hard trust me). The warning is:
like seriously she would have a Taylor Swift shrine in her bedroom if she had the money. You could ask her anything about T.S. And she would know it straight off the bat. Once I asked her what the best detail she knew about Taylor Swift was, and Azurestorm told me how many degrees it was on the day Taylor recorded "Out of the Woods", in both celsius and farenheit. So yeah, that was the warning
Oh Vas is fine, she’s just not an active member of the MB nowadays. Being in highschool and what not.
Ummmmmm..... Is Vas still..... you know ok? I never really like T.S, I just never liked the lyrics of her songs much, I also heard the rumor that she autotunes all of her songs. But that isn't really what bothers me, just some of the meanings in her songs though the parody songs of them are GREAT!!! XD
Ummm ok. No offense or anything but I very much dislike her newer songs, the country ones are ok and better but still. It annoys the heck out of me. My teacher had a friend that like recorded one of her songs or something and said they had to auto tune the heck out of it. Maybe just a rumor but idk. So please don't dislike me, ^^ I'm rather ok (I hope 0:)
don't get me started on tay I may never stop
I see...
You forget the part where you say I internet stalks where she lives, in case your wandering she currently has 4 homes as of (2017) there was a rumour that she bought a new house but that is yet to be confirmed. She is currently living in her Beverly Hills home as she has just finished her reputation tour. If ya want any more facts about tay tay, T.swizzle and tay just ask me I will know the answer:) Also Emily what makes you think I've not already planned my Taylor shrine? I finished the plan in grade/year 3!
I've got to agree with you.