Sorry it took me so long to make guys, anyways, here's the last comment (well, technically comments) from part 2-
Dovefrost was on her way back to the foals when she was Bakari and then she grabbed him and put him on her back next to Vida, "No more doing stupid things to save each other!" She shouted to them. Vida laughed, "Yes mother I don't want to ever have to put them in that position again." Her voice was drenched in pain. Her leg was damaged and her side was bleeding.
She winced, every turn her mother made caused her to have to hold in a shriek. She pretended that her grimaces were smiles. "So Bakari, how are you doing?" Her heart rate sped up and her breathing started to hurry and she started to pant.
(okey dokey, Got it!)
(Sorry, I had to go to bed, and it's like 2:00 pm right now, I have limits in computer time.)
(I am making part 4) Pegasus Hunt! (Instead of manhunt) seriously, though, we need to find dragon
(Augh! Raphaels powers could be so useful!)
Kifo used his powers to make a water bandage keeping the blood in the wound and keeping it wet. He looked up at the sky and said. "Ancestors help her!" He stayed by her side day or night. "Jeray, I will not let you die! I am here till the end!"
Raphael Looks at jeray and frayan, his new siblings. “are you alright!?” He asks jeray worridly (please dont kill her)
(Sorry I haven't wrote anything but here I go)
She had been smiling and asking questions the whole way, and, finally, frowned. Silren wasn’t going to get to go into a foreign herd. She so desperately wanted to see how it was set up, and how hard it was to keep together. But, it would be safer this way, and she couldn’t argue her way through that protective point.
“That’s what the moss is for, Kifo. My wings are cleaner than the grass on this earthy floor. If I stop, the wound will get infected, and she could die from it, or from blood loss,” Marlcloud said between breaths, defending what she was doing and trying with all her might to keep the blood in. She turned her head to Jeray. “Jeray, I know it hurts very strongly, but I’m going to need you to be strong for me. Take in deep breaths, close your eyes, and squeeze something to distract you. Can you do that for me?” Marlcloud asked in her gentlest tone.
"Easy, Frayan, easy." He used his wings to gently hold him back. He saw the girls leave and he felt calmer, "Frayan, I saw panther tracks in the wood, that is what happened." He tried to be calming but he was worried about Jeray.
"Merlcloud, Don't touch the wound! Your wings are not clean and you could give her an infection." Kifo said in a strong quiet voice. Leadmare's did not like being told something but he had to make her know. "My mother, Dovefrost, told me."
"As I'll ever be. So what's the actual plan here. We just hide in the bushes while you do the talking? They obviously can't see me though-they think I'm the Destroyer."
(we should probably wait for Nightmist, and besides I gtg see you later!)
-Time skip-
After a long flight stopping only to drink. They touched down and Iden shifted into a normal-looking pegasus. She didn't know who the pegasus was, but she guessed they were in her memories from when she lived in Ash Herd. (she can only shift into something she has seen.) "Ready?" She said sucking in nervous breath.
The last thing she heard was Jeray gasping uselessly for breath. "We'd better hurry. Sounds like Jeray is getting worse." She called over her shoulder at Iden and Silren. She flew low and fast, using her strong wings to propel herself forward, all her energy focused on getting to Sky herd so they could save Jeray, no matter if it meant having to face her father again.
(i gtg)
Jeray cried out, tears streaming down her face, "My back, it hurts!" The filly laid her head onto the ground. Her sides heaved, gasping for air.
Frayan whipped his head toward his sister, "Jeray! Calm down, you- The two year old choked on his tears- "You'll be fine; just lie and try to breathe normally." He said, laying down beside her head and holding her in his wings.
He straightened, "I-It's fine. S-storms just aren't r-really my thing." He muttered, running to grab more moss from off a nearby oak tree so Marlcloud could keep pressure on the wounds.
(Woah, never heard of that. Frayan doesn't really "create" lightning, he just shoots it out of his mouth like starfire.)