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Duskwatcher heard voices from outside. He heard Ashanti's, and it made his heart clench. What if they were doing her wrong? He viewed his body from far away, and it was unmoving. He pushed and pushed, starting to feel a tingling in his legs.
After a few minutes of trial and error, he could open his eyes shakily. He was zapped back into his body, and he was suddenly aware of the cold. He remembered this place. This is where he was made, the life after death.
Urgently, he kicked out his legs, swimming upwards. The ice was still singing to him, cracking above him. He swam and swam, until his hoof met the ice. He panicked and slammed his body against.Cringing at its cold intensity, he slammed against it once more. The singing erupted even louder than before, protesting. Again and again he knocked himself against it, his body aching with every single one. At last, the ice broke and his head breached the surface.
He materialized into thin air, gasping for air as his legs collapsed underneath him. I must look pretty pathetic for a powerful, dead being, he thought. He couldn't speak, but his eyes said enough as he looked at Ashanti. His wings splayed out around him, dripping with an unknown substance. His whole body was covered in it.
Ashanti, Jelani, and Azrael all are together near the southern edge of the Interior of Anok. Azrael is looking for his friend, Atheria. Ashanti and Duskwatcher are still traveling to find other pegasi like them, and Duskwatcher has only just now recovered from a nasty fight with two shadow demons. Iden and Atheria are planning on eavesdropping on the leaders, and Roseflame is already eavesdropping on them after a nasty fight with dire wolves.
(If I missed anything, please tell me!)
OMG!!! We're doing so well! This is so exciting! :D
(Ugh my stupid phone)
(I thought they were somewhere else I guess I misread something?)
(YESSSS proud of that A+ skim)
( WOO! Jeez, I just preformed some high-level skimming! Part 14, coming up! )
(You didn’t miss as much as you think. Kifo died, Vida went to the trap to see him after screaming at Mossroot, Marlcloud is comforting all the foals as they cry over Kifo, aaand Thea is trying to convince Vida to let her heal Kifo. *gaaaasp* yeah that’s about it lolol)
(I don’t think so. Marlcloud is with Vida and dead Kifo, along with Iden and Atheria. Maybe he could comfort Marlcloud cuz everyone is like sad rn? Idk)
( you gotta be kidding me. I leave for berely 2 hrs, and it goes from 9 to 14. .............. summary........please. Is there anything regarding my characters?)
"Oh come on Vida! Let me help your brother! I'll never turn my back on those who need me. And right now, Kifo does." She replied, before starting to pace back and forth.
(agh sorry I here)
(BYE! I worked!)
ok, GN friends, I'm about to fall asleep, so thought that I would go ahead and say bye!! so talk tomorrow!!))
Atheria looked up. "Mom!?!?!?" She exclaimed
(I am rainberry!)
Hey guys! I'm finally back!))
(Then who is Rain berry!) (No_)
(Yeah did you give us the link from where you were singed in?)
(Wont work)
(Windfeather you got it?)