Here is the awaited Roleplay!
If you aren't already familiar with this, your characters need a break. So we want to provide you with one :) Explore the various areas of the resort with your favorite characters and make new friends outside of their respective Roleplays.
For further reference, here's the Sign Up and Brochure! Please ask if you have any more question :)
And here are the rules :)
Absolutely no drama from your roleplays will be brought into this roleplay. If so desired, you can have small subplots, but NOBODY will be hurt on purpose.
Nothing inappropriate that goes against the rules, or breaks the message boards rules.
If a character is already in a romantic relationship, they are OFF LIMITS to other characters from other roleplays.
Since we currently do not have a lot of space for characters, the number of characters you can have for the resort as guests is 10, while the staff is unlimited.
Please do not have any LGTBQ characters, because there are people who aren’t comfortable with it, yet please still be respectful.
Please make sure before you add something big to the roleplay, to check that it is okay with both me and Ray.
We want this place to be a safe place for both members and characters, so please keep personal life out of this roleplay 🙂
Respect every members way of roleplaying, and don’t be upset if someone is moving faster or slower than you, but please no timeskips
Note that just because it’s in this roleplay, doesn’t mean it’s always the same for other roleplays. Just because this roleplay is gentle, doesn’t mean that the roleplay they came from are.
Have fun! No cursing, and no drama, thanks!
Welcome to Camp!
He took off his jacket he'd been wearing and held it out. "I don't need it."
Mica: "Um... Maybe..." she said, trailing off. "I'll be ok once we start moving."
He grinned. "Are you cold already? Because something tells me it's only going to get chillier."
Mica: She skipped out of the train, only to stiffen slightly as she emerged in the chilly mountain air. "Ready!"
He sat straighter as the train slowed. "Well this ought to be a trip. Ready?"
Mica: It was strange, how unremarkable Asher's world was to him. Maybe it was more about his attitude then his world itself. She looked over at him as he gazed out the window. This world excited him, for sure.
He shrugged. "To be honest you're not missing much. It's pretty cool, but maybe I could take you! Someday..." He watched out the window eagerly.
Mica: "It would be so cool if I could take you to see my world! Everyone would be so amazed meet a shifter with three bodies!" She gazed out the window as the train began to make huffing sounds as it prepared to pull out of the station.
She felt a small thrill of fear saying this, but she refused to fear what she did not know. "I would love to see your world too."
Kanu: She thought for a moment. "In our world, too, we were treated cruely by the lions and their pride of felines... but decades before I was born, they were overthrown and exiled." She smiled a little bit. "I grew up in peace, without anything like the horrible Black Foal you speak of to bring me down."
He frowned. "Wheels don't naturally occur in the wild?" He tried to think of an example to prove her wrong, but couldn't think of anything. "Hey...I think you're right. That's weird." He looked out the window. "But a lemur on a skateboard - that is something I'd pay money to see."
She followed Higgins, a bolt unwillingly and looked at the large quantity of space. "Higgins, this material wealth does not impress me. There are people with big homes everywhere. I rate worlds by the complexity of their civilization, not by the amount of space they have."
"pleople are not as dumb as you think, we might not have spaceships but we have much more" she said walking into the kitchen she turned another corner that led to another hudge room, the dorms seemed to be almost endless.
She paused, hoping that this was right and that this respectable lady wasn't doing something very illegal. "Are you a teacher here? Why did you have to deactivate the security cameras back there? An explanation is long over due."
Higgins "just stay by my side and you do reliaze teachers live here, " she huffed she needed to tell Faylin somthing but she had to finish somthing
(Awww ok!)
She gave Higgins a throughly disgusted look. "You're in your 30s. I don't think you are the college-ages type. And if this is Graduate school, can you not pay for your own apartment or something?" She was also shocked to see how huge the college dorm was. The ones she had seen were very small.
She continued walking away. "Maybe I'll try to find that Riley person. They answered more of my questions than you seem keen on doing." She was not in a good mood, as she felt trapped and threatened in this world.
(I gtg!)
Higgins is like 35? Maybe
(How old is Higgins?)
Higgins puased "do you think i would just commit crimes?" she said coldl, she was offended Faylin would even think that of her.
Higgins "faylin stop this is not illigal, I live here"
the room was spacious and hudge, there was couches with a hudge tv , in the right corner was a fireplace and a hudge book shelves , over at the end was the conecting kitchen