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Hakan grazed on the sweet grass greedily. His leg was better, and he was content.
Yeah, Umm, I know I’ve been inactive for a few weeks, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything on this site xD. I’m back now though, and will homely be here for many more weeks to come! Yay!
Yeah, I really like this one so I commented again))
(Ow wow this has been dead xc)
She nickered softly happy to have had a good nice and long rest
Shadowvision trotted up to Swiftmoon. "Do you wanna see if mama wants to play?" He asked cheerfully
She smiled as she watched him eat out of the corner of her eye. It was oddly funny to watch him rip up huge chunks of grass, only to swallow it seconds later without chewing it much.
But, behind his ravenous state, she could tell he wanted answers and that he was slightly frustrated at not getting them. Nyke was usually very good at hiding and sustaining her true emotions behind a thick built wall, but apparently, her walls were slowly loosing bricks, allowing those she trusted to start to peer in.
She frowned subconsciously and looked away from Koldar before he caught her staring.
(Yes TECHNICALLY horses have eye brows. Either was you get the point.)
He furrowed his eye brow. Something was afoot with that mare. He sighed and shook off the feeling. He knew he wouldn't get answers with that mare. She was stubborn.
Swishing his tail quickly, he ripped large chunks of grass from the ground, chewing them quickly. He barely gave himself time to swallow before biting more delicious grass.
Glad that he changed the subject away from her wellbeing, she nodded gratefully and stood.
Her face twisted with irritation as she let out a small grunt of effort as she pushed herself up.
As if nothing had happened, she trotted past Koldar towards the best grazing area while she swished her tail back and forth. She immediately lowered her head and forced herself to rip out the green grass, before munching on it slowly.
He noticed Nyke's narrow and tensed body. "Umm i- Im not sure." He was too focused on the mare to give a sensible answer. "Are you sure your alright?"
A sudden pang of hunger twisted at his gut. He hadn't realized how hungry he was. He stumbled to his feet, his sharp hooves slipping against the hard stone. "Lets go eat. Maybe that'll put my mind to rest."
Shadowvision trotted up to Swiftmoon. "Do you wanna play I Spy again? This time with mama?" He asked
She sighed long and low with a slight sharpness to her exhale, as if she was annoyed. “When are we leaving? Do you know?”
She asked, her eyes suddenly narrowed and her body tense.
Heartsong nodded and started grazing as well. Shadowvision was playing with his sister and the other foals
He shrugged, but looked equally as confused. “I’m not sure. I led the two warriors to a cave and I haven’t seen them. They’re probably resting- it’s a long way between our two territories.“
He said, lowering his head and picking at tips of the grass.
"So, Swiftmoon, how are the horses? I haven't seen them since they arrived" Asked Heartsong. She noticed he was slightly embarrassed, but she decided not to say anything
(hey sry but i gtg! byeee)
"Oh, we just played I Spy. They seemed to really enjoy the game." He explained while preening his feathers, embarrassed by her praise and watchful eye.
Heartsong lifted her head and her eyes landed on Swiftmoon. "So, how exactly did you keep them quiet this long!" She nickered to him
"It was my pleasure." He said, bowing his head nobly. "I'd do it anytime." He said, backing away a couple steps so the foals could be with their adopted mother.
Heartsong smiled at Swiftmoon, then looked down at her young colt. Shadowvision nickered and nuzzled her
(Nyke and Koldar, seem to be a ship here! I shall stay and watch the ship until they have foal!!)