My parents are acting like grades and schoolwork are the only things that matter! How do I get them to understand that three missing assignments are not the end of the world, that grades don't actually matter much, that a C is normal (they're acting like mostly A's and two B's are unacceptable), and that some things are just so much more important than schoolwork schoolwork grades homework schoolwork, like the things I actually am going to use as an adult (interior design, art, performing). Like, do I really need to know the 50 most common prepositions, the 10 types of nouns, pronouns, and verbs, or 24x squared - 50x -14 x 3y?
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Actually, I find grades extremely important. I think the pressure your parents are putting on you is unfair, but their concerns are valid and make sense.
For example, if your plan is to go into something like performing arts, interior design, etc., it's understandable why you might not care about your grades, but I think that is a poor mindset/choice. Grades are important. I wouldn't make them your life, but they also teach responsibility in young adults. If you don't learn to take care of your grades (which are your responsibility and your responsibility alone) now, you may struggle later when you have to start taking the work seriously.
On the opposite end of that spectrum, though, is where I sit. I care far too much about my grades and I get stressed if anything is below 98% (really stupid, I've been working on it though.) Definitely don't obsess over them. But you should have some sort of concern when you have three missing assignments, because they will pile up eventually (trust me, I know.)
And, respectfully, grades and schoolwork are the only thing that matter in your life right now. They won't matter in 10 years, but they matter right now. You could argue that other things may matter more, but can you really? Schoolwork isn't just about performing well. It's about learning things you need to know later in life. There are far too many people in the world we live in whom are uneducated simply because they didn't try to learn anything in school.
In reality, the grades themselves are not what matter, but the responsibility and principle of them. They show a student's work ethic, because it is actually far easier to maintain an A than people believe, even if you're not that smart. All you have to do is pay attention and complete your work with the knowledge you've learned in class.
You are not born smart. You work for that title. I worked for it by reading my mind away. If you're not working for your grades, than I understand your parents concern. I don't respect the way they treat you, though.
For instance, school teaches you to write from different perspectives. Maybe, just MAYBE, you should consider looking at it from your parent's view, who are speaking from experience that you don't have just yet.
I tried too tell my mom that a C is normal, but she said that a C is average (like, what's the difference?) and that I should be getting only A's and B's, but I do not work well under pressure...
I really can't help, since I have good grades and mom doesn't really care as long as I do my best...But everyone else's advice is great!
I'm homeschooled so I can't be much help. My math skills are horrible bc I have a really hard time understanding how to do math. Sorry!
That sounds like a bummer, and there is not much I can say past what the others already said...I am also a homeschooler, and my mom made sure I would be set to graduate when that time came (My lousy math skills have proven to be my only problem so far, but not much I can do about that.) My mom doesn't really care about my grades as long as I am doing my best.
I have always thought that the public school system is pretty messy in a few places in the world today, and grades really don't matter that much until you reach high school because colleges only look at that. Not only that, but a C isn't bad at all...I'm not sure where your parents are coming from, but I think you should for sure try to learn the stuff, but try not to stress about the grades.
I'm sorry to do this, but I'm actually going to side with your parents on this one, at least to a degree. I do agree with you that there's diffidently lots of things that are taught in the public school system that you probably won't use outside of school, but school is still an important thing to pass in order to be successful. True, completing a high school level education is not a 100% necessity, however it sure does make things a whole lot easier, and opens up a lot of doors that would be impossible to go though without it. I of course don't know your parents, but if they're anything like mine, the reason they're strict about you getting your school work in on time is really only because they want to make sure you're not going to fall to far behind and in the end have to put in a truly INSANE amount of work to meet the standard.
I have a bit of a different situation with it comes to my schooling since I'm a homeschooler who's parents took the rout of "no schooling" for a really long time. Pretty much up until last year when I was going through my sophomore year in high school (yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm old, I know), and we really had to get serious about progressing in my school to the point to where I could graduate and let's just say that at least in math, I was no where near an acceptable level. So naturally I put it off and chose to pursue things that I liked doing more, so then I ended up in a position where I'm trying to finish pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in one school year. I'm making it work, but trust me, it's not all that much fun.
However, on the flip side, while I do think it is SUPER important to be keeping up with your school work and not brushing it off, the grading system is eh. How I like to look at it is, as long as you're trying your best, making an effort and not just trying to do the bare minimum, it doesn't matter what your grade is.
ok, I'm on my computer so I can actually type now lol. The idea that grades and school is the most important thing to a person is actually a REALLY unhealthy mentality to have, and parents pushing onto their kids this idea really really damaging to their mental health. School ends after college/high school, and the real world is nothing like school. The school system is incredibly outdated and was designed to get kids prepared to work in a FACTORY, in the early 1900s, I believe. While the world has moved on and progressed, school has stayed the same, and it's terrible.
So, while you should get those assignments done, its is definitely not the end of the world, and grades really don't matter if you're not in high school, and the only reason those matter is because it gets on your college transcript, if you even want to go to college. Maybe do some research on the subject, and show your parents some articles about this, to help them understand. I hope it gets better!
I can help with the math part! Just give me a few minutes, I'm busy rn.