Today I finally reached 100 Posts! whoooo-hoooo! o-yeah! :P LoL ima cray-cray! and weird. this is actually my 101 post but WHATEVER! XD!
Heres something
a cool Nightwing/Seawing dragon that I call the Sightwing! and her name is Starsight. her abilities are breathing underwater, breatghing fire, animus, phrophecy, and mind reading, swimming short distances, flying for long distances. her starburst seawing pattern is black glittery, underbelly fins and neck are that kind of blue(pivture), her wings are Nightwing, and just look at he picture xD Her tail isa a weapon. Sightwings always have vision and prophecy, but not always animus. she was born on the full 3 moons and her animus power cause a seawing mother is royal. her fatherr is nightwingv andnames Fathyer= Starsong Mother: Coral
Hope you like it!
Did you draw that?? It's so amazing!!!
Why am I laughing so hard Rainfeather's pun?
CONPEGALATIONS! :D -failed at a cheezy pun-
I forgot who she was drawn by.... LOL