I was thinking about calling my story...
The....... I have absolutley no idea!!!
UGH... i was thinking eaither The Chosen or The Deal ooorrrrr.....
Does anyone have a short story named Destiney cause if not i might use it.. it just sounded familiar...
My plot is about Mossberry and Blossomflight. And i was thinking they could be in jungle herd and what they thought when Star was born... idk y but i just thought of that
Mossberry could hav been born their and thats how she knows so much about the Swallows and stuff what do u guys think give meh some advice and critiques
That's how I thought of it!
Lol, it does
The Jungle Chronicles sounds like......... the Narnia Books for some reason
Rainfeather has Destiny. How bout Jungle Chronicles?
What about.... umm.... ugh.... OH, how bout....... I got nothin 😳
Sorry 😢😢
Yeah idk i still ahv time to think about it but i love all these helpfull comments!!
Ermmmmmm maybe Their Story? Idk ;-;
XD It cool just let meh know what u think
Hmm imma think cause I ain't good at being wise 🙃