I am new here and I wanted to share this fanfic idea with you.
I once had the idea, that what if, in between Starfire and Stormbound, Silverlake and Thundersky had a third foal? The idea was that they met in secret every night because Maplecloud was watching River Herd and they didn't want her to see that they were mates again. They have another foal, name undetermined (maybe Wavebright?). However, Maplecloud knew all along and stole the foal. Maplecloud takes the foal towards Crabwing's Bay. The foal escapes and shelters in the same cave Star did. She lives there for a while. She was to young to know her name, so she names herself Willow. After the events of Windborn, this filly-or mare is around 2. She finds Star and Morningleaf and lives with River Herd. She doesn't change her name. By the way, i based this entire story off of a pegauss figure I have.
That would be very cool. Anyways welcome to the MB!!
I'm so sorry for not seeing this way earlier!! Lol. That idea is actually very creative and great! I'd love to read a story about this. Welcome to the Message Board (or M.B. as Nightmist explained) Moonriver!! (I was formerly known as Echomoon but I changed my name, in case you visit old posts about important stuff [aka everything XD] and get confusd)
hmm. . . . .. . . . . I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also. . . . WELCOME TO THE MB!!!!!!!!!!! ( MB stands for message board )
That would be so cool!!!!! And welcome!!!
They did have Morningleaf
Eh whatever it sounds to good to care about age xD
WELCOME!!! This sounds amazing, but arent they a little to old??
Oh, and welcome to the message board Moonriver!
That sounds like it would make an amazing fan fic