Ya.. Hazelwind and Echofrost are kind of a few years apart, but we have seen the signs that they may become mates in the next trilogy. But, if they do, I think their filly would be quite pretty! I imagine her as a palomino with a flaxen mane and tail, one white front sock, a wide blaze, and purple feathers tipped in a dark green. Her name would be Hazelfrost :)
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I think that couple would be ADORABLE together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for those of you who don't know yet we started a roleplay! Its in herd chat
Wait! Okay I love the filly description she sounds adorable! But, I've always wondered this: How old are Hazelwind and Dewberry? Like the book doesn't say at least i don't think.... I might have a new reason to go re-read the whole series!
Same Echomoon!
YEAH!!!!!!! That's a great idea Cass!
I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING IN THE COMMENTS I SAW SOMETHING ABOUT A GUARDIAN HERD RILEPLAY??! im joining no excuses XD and yeah their filly would be adorable :)
I wish we could make an online game about pegasi, based on the Guardian Herd series. You could chose your own coat, mane and tail, and wing color then have two game modes: "Survive" and "Online Fun" we could all go on there and have fun role plays
That would be fun!
i just came up with an idea! we should do a guardian herd roleplay!
lol I'll stay quiet.....
cause i ship Brakentail and Riversun as well but... shhhhhhh
ok we are now shipping buddies lol
lol I may be one too... shhhh
I aslo may ormay not be a Clawpebble shipper too! but u didnt hear that from me....
Lol thanks!
she sounds pretty! and dont worry i am a fellow Hazelfrost shipper!!! xD