Stormfrost let Deathwing dive out of the current. It was taking her towards the ground, but Stormfrost hoped that she would be able to keep some control. But after feeling the rush of power of Deathwing, she wasn’t sure she would be able to. The clouds were right in front of her, but she kicked Deathwing to the side of her mind. It was not gone, but she had some control. She took a deep breath and fought Deathwing to the place where she couldn’t breathe. Deathwing could. Stormfrost breathed a silent sigh of relief. It would be harder than she thought, but maybe she could pull it off. Deathwing tried to pry her wings to a dive, but Stormfrost fought back. She continued to fight until the place where the blue sky turned black was in view. But Deathwing yanked control back just before her nose touched the atmosphere. Stormfrost’s last thought as she fell was, “I can’t do this.”
(sorry this one is short.)