Stormfrost woke up to Ashroot leaning over her. She saw that she was in the corner of Dawn Meadow. Grassfeather and one of Clearroot’s old captains, Pebblefire, were guarding her against a few of the Sun Herd pegasi trying to get in. “What’s happening?” Stormfrost asked Ashroot.
“The herd wants to exile you, even kill you. They don’t want you to be the over stallion-er, mare.” Ashroot answered, ending with a humorless nicker.
“It’s not me, it’s Deathwing!” Stormfrost said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
“I know,” Ashroot answered. “But you are its vessel. I think the only way to keep you safe is to get rid of it.”
“Do you know how?” Stormfrost said, hope in her voice.
“No,” Ashroot admitted. “But I have an idea.”
“What is it?” Stormfrost would do almost anything to get rid of the thing in her mind.
Ashroot hesitated. “You sure you want to know?”
“Absolutely!” Stormfrost was getting impatient. She needed the thing out of her body! She couldn’t live like this!
Ashroot quietly said, “You need to return its spirit to the Golden Meadow. You need to fly up to where the blue sky turns black, and into the realm of the Ancestors, to return Deathwing’s spirit there, where the Ancestors can guard it.”
“But that’s impossible!”
“It’s the only way.”
Stormfrost sighed. This was definitely not ideal, but she would do anything to get the thing out of her body. She would hold her breath for an hour to return Deathwing to the Golden Meadow. “I’ll do it,” she said.
“Then go,” Ashroot said. Stormfrost nodded, and launched into the sky, going on her solo mission to return the spirit of evil to its rightful prison.