Stormfrost woke up to a shining sun and wet grass. Clearwing and Raincloud were already up, reviewing the pegasi, assessing their status. They were natural leaders. Stormfrost rolled on the wet grass, wiping her coat clean. She felt the familiar tickle in her brain, like usual, but a nice day like this wasn’t a good day for Deathwing. Stormfrost trotted over to her only friend, Grassfeather, a strong colt with a dapple-grey coat and bright emerald wings. He was the only pegasus who knew about Deathwing. He had to. He witnessed and noticed the change in her. “You okay?” he asked. He meant Deathwing.
“I’m fine,” she said. Her heartbeat got faster at the mention of Deathwing.
The two foals trotted off to a clear spot and started to graze. Just then, Clearwing ordered the scouting patrol up to the skies. That was her patrol. “Bye,” Stormfrost told Grassfeather. She lifted off and flitted to the gathering steeds. She had hoped she wouldn’t have to fly in the army. That was an invite for Deathwing to come. Sure enough, its thoughts slowly started intruding on her own, calling for blood and carnage. Her limbs locked, and Stormfrost fell out of the sky. Deathwing caught her, flying her body up to join the patrol with a snarl. It was done. She was simply a witness to her own body. She watched from inside as Deathwing kicked the other patrol pegasi, and they lifted their feathers in defense. Some flew higher just to get away from it. Clearwing saw the commotion and ordered the pegasi to adjust their formation not to include Deathwing. Clearwing flew up and addressed the usurper of her body.
“Don’t join this patrol today,” Clearwing said. At that, Deathwing dropped its hold on Stormfrost, and she took over her own body again with a panting breath. Clearwing saw the change in her. “Are you okay?” he asked. “What happened up there?”
“Nothing,” Stormfrost replied. Deathwing had threatened to murder her family if she told Clearwing. Clearwing shrugged his wings and walked away. Grassfeather walked up to Stormfrost.
“You should really tell him,” he said.
“I can’t,” Stormfrost said. Grassfeather knew about Deathwing’s threat, but he didn’t think it was real. But Stormfrost knew it was. She felt the danger of Deathwing firsthand. And she knew it couldn’t be stopped.
This is amazing!