-immediately starts rubbing the herbs on all the reachable parts of Wispiflower’s mouth- -hears Wispiflower’s breath become less scattered- I think it’s starting to work!
Windwing: -watches Wispiflower the whole time- -nods slowly-
Coperpool: -zips over- What did I miss?! -sees Wispiflower on the ground- I knew it. I KNEW IT.
Junetree: Bro, we both did.
Coperpool: Whatever.
Rainblaze: -nickers softly then continues to hold open Wispiflower’s mouth-
Junetree: You only need to hold open her mouth for one more second.
-finishes rubbing- Okay you can take you wings out of her mouth now. -nickers-
Wispiflower: -stirred- -blinked slowly and sees Windwing’s face right away- Ummm... What?
Windwing: -sighs in relief and nickers- You better?
Junetree: Obviously not! She is still in labor! How could she be better?!
Windwing: She atleast is free from that disease right?
Junetree: Yes.
Pineberry: Now get out pegasi! Windwing you can still stay if you want.
Rainblaze: -nods and trots our with Mapleglade-
Windwing: -looks at Wispiflower- Do you mind if I leave? I’ve seen enough -nickers softly-
Wispiflower: It’s fine. -nickers-
Windwing: -nods and trots out-
Pineberry: Okay. Back to the program.
-nickers- Okay, okay. -gasp- Where is-
Pineberry: Don’t worry, he is over here.
Wispiflower: He?
Wispiflower: Okay.
-grunts- I just want to get this over with.
Pineberry: Thank you.
Pineberry: -next morning- We’ll done Wispicloud! -looks at the two adorable foals-
Wispiflower: -huge sigh of relief- Will they live?
Pineberry: Yes. They are strong.
Wispiflower: Good.
-yells at the top of her lungs- Get in here Windwing!!!! Meet your new foals!!!
Windwing: -stands asleep, snoring softly-
Mapleglade: -opens eyes slowly and perks ears- -nudges Windwing- You’ll want to go in there
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes- Pineberry, pretend I’m dead and he’ll come.
Pineberry: -giggles before she yells- SHE IS DEAD!!! DEAD!!! GET IN HERE WINDWING!!!!
Windwing: -twitches ears slightly, still asleep-
Mapleglade: -wing palms and yells in Windwing’s ear, catching on- WISPIFLOWER IS DEAD
Windwing: -jumps suddenly and almost falls- -opens eyes wide- WHAT?! -bursts into the grove and stops, almost face planting-
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Wispiflower: -nickers-
Wispiflower: -walks up to him and nuzzles him- Now c’mere!
Windwing: -sighs in relief- Are the foals okay?!
Pineberry: They’re fine. In fact they’re quite healthy!
Wispiflower: -takes his wing and brings him to where the foals were- -sees them after turning a bend and smiles at the sight- Aren’t they beautiful?
Windwing: -jaw drops-
Windwing: -mouth moves, but no words come out from awe-
Wispiflower: -grins- What should we name them? Their names should match.
Windwing: -throws wings up and rears excitedly- -whinnies loudly- IM A SIRE!!!!!!!! IM A SIRE!!!!!!!!!!! -bursts out of the grove and flys fast circles around the group- IM A SIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! -shoots up into the air and does loopty-loops-
Wispiflower: -taps hoof, waiting for the excitement spurt to subside-
Pineberry: I... think I will leave now.
Wispiflower: Good choice.
Windwing: -lands and spins in circles like a puppy chasing his tail-
Wispiflower: -giggles partly at Windwing, partly from pure joy-
Mapleglade: As you can tell your mate is pretty excited -nickers-
Wispiflower: Oh, are you trying to get out of being his brother now? -giggles some more-
Mapleglade: -shrugs- Right now he needs to calm down before I realize he’s an adult not a foal -nickers again-
Wispiflower: I know the feeling, but I gotta admit I would be doing the same thing if I had more strength. -giggles-
Windwing: -stops, panting-
Wispiflower: -lays back down, realizing she is still really weak from giving birth-
Foal 2: -nudges her dam’s side, as if asking to nurse-
Wispiflower: -nickers and rolls onto her side- Go for it.
Foal 2: -eagerly sticks muzzle into her mother’s side-
Windwing: -trots into the grove and sees the two foals- -rears again in happiness-
Junetree: STOP.
Windwing: -nickers- I can’t!!!
Mapleglade: -trots up to Windwing and holds him in his wings- CALM. DOWN!
Junetree: Thank you Mapleglade.
Windwing: -exhales- Ok, I’m done. -looks at the foals again and starts to bounce up and down with legs dancing-
Rainblaze: I think he needs to get energy out of him. -nickers-
Mapleglade: -wing palms-
Wispiflower: -looks up but it’s kinda hard to do so when you’re on your side on the ground nursing a foal- Windwing, darling, don’t take this the wrong way, but I would like some peace and quiet right now if you don’t mind. Stay, but be quiet.
Windwing: -spins in circles- I can’t be quiet!!!!
Mapleglade: -escorts him out of the grove and nickers to Wispiflower- We won’t be long -exits the grove and let’s go of Windwing-
Windwing: -jumps into the sky and flys high into the clouds, then nose dives whinnying-
Rainblaze: -watches Windwing- He’s gone crazy.
-giggles- I noticed.
Rainblaze: -nickers again-
Windwing: -whinnies and flips around in the air-
Foal 2: -whinnies in annoyance because she is trying to nurse-
Wispiflower: Better stop you guys.
Foal 1: -bumps his dam’s side while still laying down-
-nickers- Oh is that how it’s gonna be?
-nickers again but lets him nurse- Windwing, come here. There’s something we didn’t talk about yet. And PLEASE try to be calm or our filly might try to ram you and hurt herself!
Windwing: -glides to the ground and trots in, still bouncing in excitement-
Foal 1: -moves muzzle away and moves legs across the grass-
-giggles- I think I already know who takes after you Windwing.
Wispiflower: Oh, and can we name them?
-asks super excitedly-
Windwing: -nods excitedly- -looks at the two foals-
Windwing: -points to the gray colt- I think we should name him Wind something
Wispiflower: Yeah! How about Windfrost, after you?
Windwing: -nods- I like that! Or Frostwind? Switch the words around? I like both
Junetree: Eh, not Frostwind. It doesn’t have that extra flare to it.
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes at Junetree then turns back to Windwing- I hate to agree with her on this. I mean, I like both but I like Windfrost more.
Windwing: True
Coperpool: So, I’m a little confused. Did you decide on Windfrost?
Windwing: -looks at the foal and watches him sniff the grass- Windleaf?
Wispiflower: -gasps- Whitefrost. That’s it.
Wispiflower: Just as long as you like it that is.
Windwing: -nods- That’s it!!! Whitefrost!
Whitefrost: -manages to get small legs underneath him and pushes up- -wobbly hind legs go straight up with front legs still on the ground, rump in the air-
Junetree: I knew you had it in ya! -frowns- How bout the filly?
Whitefrost: -flicks white tail and nickers/squeals-
Mapleglade: Something with ‘frost’ at the end because they’re twins?
Wispiflower: -watches proudly but also giggles at how funny he looks- -turn back to Mapleglade- Yeah that would make sense... -thinks- I don’t know where I should start on my long list...
Windwing: -nickers- Wispifrost? After both of us?
Whitefrost: -tries to get front legs up- -back legs fall down but front legs stand up- -sits on rump and shakes head-
Junetree: YES
Coperpool: He wasn’t asking you.
Wispiflower: -thinks- Actually that is perfect. -looks down at her filly who had finally stopped nursing to watch the debate-
Whitefrost: -falls down and snorts softly-
Whitefrost: -looks at his dam for help-
Windwing: -slowly walks up to his colt and sniffs his mane, then gently nibbles at it-
Whitefrost: -turns quickly to the big stallion and sniffs his muzzle, then sneezes-
Wispiflower: -laughs- I think he likes you!
Windwing: -nickers softly and turns to Wispifrost- She sure is hungry
Whitefrost: -finally gets back and front legs up at the same time- -stands very wobbly and falls over again-
-understands by his tone what he was saying- -nips at her sire’s mane playfully, after smelling him to see if he was actually her sire-
Windwing: -nickers and sniffs his filly’s mane- -gently pushes her front leg out from underneath her, hoping to help her stand-
Wispiflower: -gets up slowly and carefully to go help her little colt- -uses muzzle to push him up onto all fours- Better now?
Whitefrost: -turns head to look at back and squeals at the sight of big purple things-
Whitefrost: -lifts his wings slowly and straightens them out to help stay balanced- -looks at his dam and nickers-
Whitefrost: -walks slowly and unsteadily towards her- -falls down again-
Wispiflower: -nickers- You okay?
Whitefrost: -looks at her and nickers-
Wispifrost: -refuses to stand and tuckse her leg back in-
Windwing: -nickers and grabs her wing with teeth gently and pulls it out very slowly- Time to get up!
Wispifrost: -turns head away and tries to pull her wing back- -can’t so she nips at his mane-
Windwing: -snorts and bites only a tiny bit harder- -nickers and spits out her wing- -continues to spit out feathers-
Mapleglade: -nickers and watches Windwing spit out feathers-
Junetree: -smirks- Serves you right.
-pats Wispifrost comfortingly- Never try force a filly to do anything!
Junetree: -looks at Mapleglade as if she had just proved her point-
Coperpool: Oh, unless she is doing something dangerous.
Junetree: Oh, yeah, unless what you just said.. hehe...
Windwing: -glares at Junetree-
Junetree: -throws up wings- Okay, I won’t tell you how to raise your foals anymore.
-whispers to self- Maybe..
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Windwing: -nickers and looks at Wispifrost- C’mon, you gotta get up
Whitefrost: -stands again with ease and slowly takes a few steps- -spreads legs and wings out- -looks up at Windwing and Wispiflower nickering-
Wispifrost: -puts her ears back and shakes her head-
Wispiflower: Aww!
-mesmerized by his adorableness and ignores everything else-
Windwing: -looks at Wispiflower- Wispifrost isnt getting up
Wispiflower: I noticed. And that is just fine because she is only an hour old.
Whitefrost: -starts to walk a little faster and slowly gets the hang of it-
Windwing: Ok. -looks at the filly- But you better get up eventually
Wispifrost: -can’t resist the eager feeling to bite her brothers waving tail-
-attempts to stand but legs are to wobbly still so she lands on the ground with a thud and whinnies in frustration-
Whitefrost: -looks back at his sister and nickers-
Wispifrost: -thinks in her head since she can’t talk:- EVIL BIG BROTHER!!
Windwing: -nudges Whitefrost’s rump with muzzle, urging him to keep walking-
Wispiflower: -really really tired from all the labor she went through- I’m going to bed.
Junetree: -glued to the spot- Ok, fine.
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes- Can you LEAVE?
Mapleglade: -grabs Junetree’s wing with teeth and pulls- -says through a mouthful of feathers- C’mon!
Junetree: Not until you believe that I tell the truth all the time!!
Mapleglade: -rolls eyes- Fine
Whitefrost: -breaks into a slow, unsteady trot-
Junetree: Yay! -let’s him drag her away- Thenn, do you believe that I am with YOUR foal and it’s not anyone else’s?!
Whitefrost: -starts to head to the entrance of the grove-
Windwing: -grabs the small colt in his wings- Hold on there buddy
Mapleglade: -snorts- Yes
Junetree: Yay.
-almost satisfied- Are you EXCITED like you said you would be then?!
Mapleglade: Yes. Now be quiet! Wispiflower is sleeping
Whitefrost: -nickers softly and trots to his dam- -rams her side searching for milk-
Junetree: -pouts- Fine. But not for you specifically.
Mapleglade: -nods and walks back towards the herd- C’mon, lets leave them be
Wispiflower: -almost fell asleep but realizes it will be impossible unless..- Windwing, you got sleep. Do you mind taking Whitefrost to play somewhere while I sleep? Wispifrost is already asleep so she can stay.
Junetree: Okay.
Windwing: -looks at the colt- Can he eat first?
Wispiflower: -starting to understand the real responsibility of this- Of coarse. -rolls over onto her side-
-immediately goes for the milk-
Whitefrost: -drinks for a few minutes nonstop with tail flicking happily-
Windwing: -nickers-
Whitefrost: -finishes quickly and sneezes, sending milk droplets everywhere-
Wispifrost: -yawns and realizes she is hungry so shoves Whitefrost over to get at the food-
Whitefrost: -isnt hungry anymore but headbutts her for the fun of it-
Wispifrost: -shoves him so hard he skids across the grass-
Whitefrost: -gets back up slowly and uses wings to stay steady-
-walks up to Windwing bleating-
Windwing: -nickers- Lets go buddy -leads him out of the grove-
Wispiflower: -shoves her filly away gently and falls asleep-
Wispifrost: -falls asleep snuggled up to her mama-
Whitefrost: -trots out of the grove and finds a soft green patch of grass- -lays down and falls alseep-
Windwing: -stands over him and dozes-
Wispifrost: -wakes up at two in the morning and starts bleating loudly, wanting to be fed-
Wispiflower: -groans but rolls over on her side so her filly can nurse- Good really early morning sweetness.
Whitefrost: -sleeps longer than expected, finally wakes up from his sister’s bleating-
-headbutts his sire’s leg-
Junetree: -was sleeping near Whitefrost so she woke up when he did- What’s happening little stallion?
Mapleglade: -groans- Go to sleep...
Whitefrost: -looks at Junetree and nickers-
-gets up, still a little uneasy, and walks slowly towards her-
Whitefrost: -sniffs her mane and nibbles at it-
Junetree: -nickers and takes her mane away- No nibbling.
Junetree: -bumps Windwing so he’ll wake up- Hey, your colt wants his dam! Wakey wakey!
Windwing: -opens eyes- What colt?
-stares at him- I thought that was a dream!! -starts to get excited again-
Whitefrost: -rams his sire’s leg again-
Whitefrost: -gets dizzy and falls on rump-
-nickers and shakes head-
Mapleglade: -raises wing and mumbles- Me for example.
Junetree: HELLO!!! I am here too!
Mapleglade: -rolls eyes and falls asleep again-
Wispiflower: -sees them coming and says- Oh great, the other one. -groans- It’s just as bad as when I was pregnant with them.
Windwing: -nickers- You wanted them.
Whitefrost: -sees his dam and gallops towards her- -stops quickly, almost ramming into her, and falls on rump-
Wispifrost: -nickers, delighted that her older brother fell over-
Wispiflower: I still do. I knew it would be like this, I was just kinda hoping to MAYBE get a little sleep the FIRST night. If they weren’t twins and I had just had one I probably would have gotten sleep the first night. But I’m not going to complain, I am very thankful for both of them.
Windwing: -nickers- Me too
Whitefrost: -gets up quickly and rams his sister and goes for the milk-
Wispifrost: -gets to her feet and rams him back-
Wispiflower: -gapes- She just stood.... for the first time.....
Whitefrost: -rears a bit and head butts his sister-
Whitefrost: -dashes to the milk again and spreads legs apart, bracing for Wispifrost’s attack-
Windwing: -nickers- I wonder if she practiced while we were sleeping?
Wispifrost: -nods enthusiastically as if she was saying “Yes I did!”-
-nickers- I think she just answered that.
Windwing: -smiles and nudges the filly’s wing- And you couldn’t when I tried to help you?
Whitefrost: -swishes stubby white tail full of excitement and happiness from drinking the sweet milk-
Wispifrost: -holds her head high and prances around-
Wispiflower: -nickers at her adorable colt- Cutie.
Whitefrost: -quickly drinks his fill and backs up with milk all over his muzzle-
Wispiflower: -nickers-
Wispifrost: -licks it off his muzzle-
Whitefrost: -nickers and sneezes once she finished-
Windwing: He sure has been sneezing a lot hasnt he?
Wispiflower: -gets a mother like concerned feeling- Yeah. I don’t like it.
Whitefrost: -licks lips and lays down with ears perked, knowing they’re talking about him-
Windwing: Do you think Pineberry knows what would be wrong?
Wispifrost: -tries to lick off the boogers-
Wispiflower: -holds her back- No honey, don’t do that.
Junetree: I KNOW!!!
Windwing: -bursts out laughing from looking at Wispifrost- -manages to speak to Junetree- What is it?!
Junetree: Wellll.... It is simply an early birth side affect. It will ware off by the time of one moon. But until then it will be that he basically has a fever all the time.
Windwing: -nods- Will it be like that for Wispifrost too?
Whitefrost: -sneezes again, sending a bunch of goop out of his nose- Rainblaze: -watches him- Eww..
Junetree: She might end up having something different. Such as, -counts off on feathers- Moodiness, or stubbornness, or jumpiness, or-
Wispiflower: STOP.
Junetree: Gee! Ok.
Wispifrost: -turns head on side at Rainblaze because she thought the goop looked yummy-
Rainblaze: -can tell by Wispifrost’s reaction that she liked it- -gags- Wispiflower watch your filly please!
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes- I know that Rainblaze. -getting moody from lack of sleep already-
Rainblaze: -looks at her suspiciously and walks out of the grove-
Windwing: You better get some sleep Wispiflower
Junetree: -scoffs- That is not possible unless YOU take these two to the opposite side of the grove.
Windwing: -looks at Whitefrost- He’s already asleep but I’ll take Wispifrost
Windwing: -looks at Mapleglade and mouths- Moody mares
Mapleglade: -holds back a nicker-
Wispifrost: -says in toddler voice that you can almost not understand- No say that about mama.
Wispiflower: -gasp-
Junetree: -smirks- She said mama first!
Windwing: She spoke real early! But I bet Whitefrost’ll say father first
Junetree: Suuuure.
Windwing: -bobs head, smirking-
Wispifrost: Huh? What about brothy? (She is officially pronouncing brother brothy.)
Windwing: -widens eyes- Wow
Whitefrost: -curls into a ball and stays alseep-
Wispiflower: -just kinda watches- Wow is right. -finally managed to form words-
Wispifrost: -finally giving her father a little affection and nuzzles against his mane, having to jump up on her back legs a bit in the process- Let go daddy!
Windwing: -nickers and nibbles at her neck- -leads her out of the grove-
Junetree: I’ll leave now.
Wispiflower: -looks gratefully at her- Would you? Thanks.
Junetree: Oh no problem.
Wispiflower: -drifts off to sleep- -wakes up in what seemed like one second later but really about five hours- -groans and gets up really slowly, walking out of the grove to find the twins and feed them-
Windwing: -sleeps over them-
Whitefrost: -tugs at Wispifrost’s short mane-
Wispifrost: -tugs it back- -hears her mother and darts to her feet, prancing over- Mama!
Wispifrost: Brothy! It mama!
Whitefrost: -bolts towards his dam-
Wispiflower: -stops him as he almost runs into her again- WOAH! Slow down buddy!
Whitefrost: -skids along the ground, nickering-
Wispifrost: -nuzzles her dam- Can I have food? -super-adorable-eyes her mother- -doesn’t wait for an answer and stuffs her muzzle into her dams side-
Whitefrost: -goes to the other side of his dam and shoves muzzle into her side searching for milk-
Junetree: -yawns and nudges Mapleglade till he wakes up- Wake up sleepyhead. That’s right, open those eyes of yours.
Mapleglade: -snorts with eyes closed still-
Junetree: -urdges- C’mon, the grass is really juicy at this time of day.
Mapleglade: -perks ears and covers eyes with wings, blocking the bright light from the sun and slowly opens eyes-
Junetree: That’s It, for the grass.
Mapleglade: -groans- I’m sleeping the whole day tomorrow..
Junetree: Fine with me.
Mapleglade: -moves wings away from eyes and snorts-
Rainblaze: -yells to Mapleglade- WOULD YOU QUIT SNORTING?!
Junetree: -nickers- I guess I’m the only one that got good sleep huh?
Rainblaze: Mmmhmm
Junetree: Hm, should I let Mapleglade sleep or should I not? Should I let Mapleglade sleep or should I not?
Rainblaze: -nickers- Wake him up!
Junetree: -pretends to think- Yeah, I think I’ll wake him up. -kneels down and yells in his ear- WAKE UP!!!!!
Mapleglade: -almost jumps out of his coat- WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!
Junetree: -nickers- To get you up of course!
Mapleglade: But I dont wanna get up..
Rainblaze: Stop acting like a new born! Your a grown stallion, act like it!
Junetree: Actually Rainblaze can you get him up? Sorry it’s just way funner to watch you do it. -nickers-
Rainblaze: -nickers and nods-
Wispiflower: -taps hoof- How much longer are you guys going to eat? I’m hungry too.
Windwing: -nickers-
Whitefrost: -guzzles down as much as he can and pulls away from his dam- -burps loudly and snorts-
Wispiflower: -nickers-
Wispifrost: -stopped nursing and licked her and her brother’s muzzles-
Whitefrost: -nickers as his sister licks his muzzle-
Wispifrost: -keeps on licking his muzzle ever when the milk is gone-
Wispiflower: -pulls her filly away gently- Okay, that’s enough licking. -drags Junetree over- Junetree, you’re in charge.
Junetree: Wait, what?
Wispiflower: -starts cantering away and takes Windwing’s wing- C’mere.
Windwing: Oh uh okay
Whitefrost: -tries to follow too neighing for his parents-
Mapleglade: -grabs the colt- Nu uh buddy, you stay here
Junetree: -holds him back- Sorry sweetie, you can’t go with Daddy and Mommy.
-rolls her eyes- Ugh, I sound like a parent. I’m not a parent yet! Am I? I don’t even know what I’m saying. -turns to Mapleglade- What am I saying?
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Wispiflower: -lifts off into the air, indicating for Windwing to follow- Don’t ask where we are going.
Windwing: Ok......
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE JUNETREE'S AND MAPLEGLADE'S FOLA(S)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you 😊
Yeah! Both of you did a great job!
OMGoodness That joke Wispiflower played had ME cracking up 😂
Thanks Stardust! Me and CassTucher1 made this together :) Cass is Windwing Mapleglade And Rainblaze And I am Wispiflower Junetree And Coperpool
Nice work! I like the way you used imagery, and how you created the characters. My favorite characters (well I enjoy all of the characters) are Junetree, Mapleglade, and Rainblaze. I laughed at some of their conversations. :) I laughed when they were yelling at Mapleglade, and when Wispiflower played that joke on Windwing.