Mapleglade: -looks at them- Let's go in deeper and see where it leads too
Wispiflower: Ok. -goes in deeper-
Mapleglade: -walks in and hears the voices getting louder- Guys, I think I hear them -perks ears-
Junetree: I think I hear it to.
-perks ears-
Windwing: -eyes widen- I just realized that i don't know your name
Mintbreeze: -turns and rolls eyes than turns back- It's Mintbreeze.
Windwing: -nods- I like that name.
Junetree: -whispers- UGH! Gross!
Wispiflower: -stands there speakless-
Mapleglade: -shakes head- He really had his head kicked hard.
Wispiflower: -nods still not wanting to believe it- M-maybe if he saw me..
Mapleglade: -looks at Junetree- Do you think we could distract Mintbreeze and Wispiflower could go talk to Windwing?
Junetree: -nods violently- YES.
Mapleglade: Ok let's make these weird tapping noises with our hooves on this rock, and Wispiflower you go hide where Mintbreeze won't see you. Once she comes, you sneak in and talk to Windwing
Wispiflower: -nods- Ok.
Junetree: Got it.
Mapleglade: -starts making tapping noises with hooves hoping Mintbreeze can hear him-
Junetree: -does same-
Windwing: -perks ears- Do you hear that?
Wispiflower: -perks ears- I think I hear her coming. -hides behind huge bolder-
Mapleglade: -nods and continues to tap-
Mintbreeze: What in the world is that?!
-trots over to where the noise is coming from and sees two pegasi- YOU!!! What are you doing here?!?!
Mapleglade: -pretends to be shocked- What are you doing here?
Mintbreeze: Don't pretend, I literally just fought you and you saw me come here!
Wispiflower: -creeps out of tunnel and into the main chamber- Hello Windwing.
Mapleglade: -pins ears- So what if we did?
Windwing: -perks ears- Who are you?
Mintbreeze: -huffs- Just tell me how you got in!
Wispiflower: My name is Wispiflower. I'm a very close friend of yours.
Mapleglade: -snorts- There are other caves ya know.
Windwing: You look familiar
Mintbreeze: -snorts- Witch cave?!
Wispiflower: I'm glad, you lost your memory you know.
Windwing: I did? The only thing I remember is leading a Herd and looking for a lead mare.. but I thought I already found one..
Wispiflower: Yes you did I'm afraid. And you did find a lead mare
Windwing: -perks ears- Who did I choose?
Wispiflower: -glares in the direction Mintbreeze went- Well not Mintbreeze.
Wispiflower: In fact you and the lead mare hated her.
Windwing: Really? -looks in Mintbreeze's direction- She seems.. greedy
Wispiflower: That you're completely right about.
Windwing: What is she really like?
Wispiflower: -huffs- Greedy, self centered, obsessed with getting your favor so much so that she's the one that knocked you out so that you'd forget your lead mare..
Windwing: -eyes widen- Seriously?! -lowers head- Who is the lead mare?
-hesitates- I.. I can't tell you, yet.
Wispiflower: Maybe if you take a nap your memory will come back.
Windwing: -vision suddenly gets blurry- That's a good idea -collapses on the ground instantly asleep-
Wispiflower: -nickers silently- Oh Windfrost.
(Tic toc it's been night now he's waking up)
Mapleglade: -throws wings up in the air- Ya know what Mintbreeze? I'm just gonna forget you exist from now on, starting now -walks over to Wispiflower who's watching Windwing- -sees him sleeping- -nickers- Hopefully that'll make his memory come back.
Windwing: -starts to wake up, with head hurting slightly-
-looks at Wispiflower and Mapleglade- Where are we?
Wispiflower: Don't you remember?
Windwing: -shrugs- What I remember is Mintbreeze arriving, then you getting carried away, then black.. -throws head up and rushes towards Wispiflower- Are you okay?! How did you escape?! How did we get here???
Wispiflower: 1st Of all, I'm fine. 2nd of all, I told Racewind that I was pregnant with your foal, that distracted him so I could fly away. 3rd of all, Mintbreeze brought you here and we all followed her.
Windwing: -nods and pins ears- Where is she?
Wispiflower: I don't know -perks ears- Wait, she's that way!
Windwing: -follows her to Mintbreeze-
Mapleglade: -rears, towering over Mintbreeze- What makes you think he loves you?!
Mintbreeze: I don't think he loves me, I know he loves me. He even asked if I would care for our foals, and I of course said yes. See Mapleglade, soon he'll be my mate.
Junetree: -stomps hoof- You are SO wrong!!
Mapleglade: -nods head- Mintbreeze, you got it all wrong.
Wispiflower: -points with wing- There she is!
Windwing: -bares teeth and snorts, getting her attention-
Mintbreeze: -turns to him and smiles, ignoring Wispiflower-
-walks up to him and nuzzles him- How was your nap?
Windwing: -quickly moves away- You have some explaining and leaving to do.
Junetree: Thank you! What he said!
Mintbreeze: What happened to you? You said I would be your mate. -brushes wing against his- You promised
Mapleglade: -gags-
Junetree: I was listening and HE DID NOT.
Windwing: -snorts- Explain to me why I would say that
Wispiflower: The only reason he would say that is if someone tricked him into it.
-glares at Mintbreeze with eyes of steel- Just leave us alone.
Mintbreeze: -stomps hoof- I will never give up. And I will never leave him, starting now. Kill me or not, he will become my mate even if I'm dead!
Wispiflower: -looks at her like she's crazy because she is- No, you won't.
Mintbreeze: -glares at her- Yes,
I will.
Wispiflower: No, you won't. You will never.
Mintbreeze: -sits on haunches and tucks wings showing that she will never leave-
Wispiflower: -looks at Windwing for help with the very crazy mare-
Junetree: -shakes head- You're crazy Mint.
Windwing: -sighs- I know her, she will never leave. She's so stubborn that the only way to make her leave it to almost.. well, pretty much almost kill her. -shakes head-
Mintbreeze: -nickers- I'm that desperate.
Mapleglade: -throws wings up- Im done! I'm done with dealing with you! I'm going home! -flies out of the cave-
Junetree: -bobs head up and down- Same here! -flies on out after him-
Wispiflower: -shakes head- I would to but I can't leave him alone with her.
Mapleglade: -looks back and slows down waiting for Junetree, and once she catches up goes full speed-
Windwing: -snorts- Let's just go.
Mintbreeze: I'll just follow you.
Wispiflower: -snorts- Can we get body guards or something to keep her off? I don't wanna be trying to get rid of her every second.
Windwing: -nods, then snorts and shakes head looking at Mintbreeze with anger in eyes- She would still stay.
Junetree: Ugh. What is wrong with that mare?!
Mapleglade: -snorts- I don't know but I really wish she never existed.
Junetree: Oh my goodness same here. Why does she try so hard?
Wispiflower: What in the whole of Anok can we do about her? I can't stand her.
Mapleglade: -shakes head- I don't know. She's never gonna get him.
Windwing: -glares at Mintbreeze- If we have to, I will take the honor of executing her.
Mintbreeze: -rolls eyes- You know you would never do that to me
Junetree: EXACTLY!!! I just don't get her.
-sees Prairie Herd below- Well, we're back.
Wispiflower: Do whatever it takes, but I'd rather it not come to an execution.
Mapleglade: -looks down and starts to land- I hope she'll leave eventually
Windwing: -sighs and nods-
Coperpool: -wakes up- -sees Rainblaze next to him- Morning. -sees the sun is in the middle of the sky- Hehe, I mean afternoon.
Rainblaze: -opens eyes and looks up, nickering- Good afternoon
Rainblaze: -perks ears- Where is everyone?
Coperpool: I don't know. -nickers- I guess you must have been tired. -nickers to self- I must have been to. -sees Junetree in distance with Mapleglade-
Rainblaze: Oh yeah -waves wing- Hey guys!
Mapleglade: There's Rainblaze and Coperpool
Junetree: -looks over- Oh yeah! -looks closer- Heyyy.... Why are they together?
-gasps- Do you think they've been mates and hiding it?!
Rainblaze: -eyes widen and whispers- Oh no! I think they've seen us together -runs into the forest and comes out the other side-
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Maybe
Wispiflower: -sighs- I lied. I think it would be great to see her executed.
Mintbreeze: You wouldn't do that would you Wind?
Windwing: -snorts- Don't think I won't
Coperpool: -eyes widen and does the same except in the opposite direction-
Mapleglade: I think their hiding something -lands in front of Rainblaze- What are you hiding?
Rainblaze: Uhhhhhhhh nothing!!
Junetree: -does same to Coperpool-
Coperpool: NOTHING!!!
Junetree: -gives him stink eye- I know that's not true.
Coperpool: -growls- I am hiding nothing.
-sighs realizing he can't hide anything from his little sister- Okey maybe something.....
Rainblaze: -looks at Mapleglade- Fine I am hiding something.
Junetree: WHAT?!?!
Coperpool: -sighs- You probably already figured it out.
Junetree: Nope! What?!
Wispiflower: -feels dizzy and faints on the ground-
Rainblaze: -looks at Mapleglade- Listen to Coperpool, I'll be right back. -feels a weird cramp in stomach and flies to a grove of trees-
Windwing: -eyes widen- Wispiflower? -tries to gallop towards her but Mintbreeze grabs his wing holding him back-
Mintbreeze: Leave her! You're mine, and you know it!
Windwing: -flaps free wing- Let go! -throws back leg out and hits her back leg-
Mintbreeze: -bites his wing harder in pain- Never!
Coperpool: Me and Rainblaze have been mates for a moon or so. -notices Rainblaze going of into the forest- -trots up to her- Where you going?
Mapleglade: -staggers back- A moon?!?!?!! It couldn't have been that long!
Rainblaze: -looks at him and shrugs- I have this bad cramp
Coperpool: Oh ok.
-starts to head back than thinks of something- Uh, you.. We.. Wait... Do you...
Wispiflower: -opens eyes weakly then remembers and stands with a start-
-sees what Mintbreeze is attempting- NO WAY. NUH UH. SORRY!
-takes her off of Windwing and kicks her hard-
Mintbreeze: -gets kicked on the back and falls snorting- -gets back up and rears in anger- HE WILL NEVER BE YOUR MATE! -lands and rams Wispiflower making her fall-
Rainblaze: -shrugs- I don't know, maybe
Wispiflower: -blacks out-
Coperpool: -nickers- That's probably the next stage in my sister's plan.
Junetree: -trots up- IT IS.
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Your with foal?!?
Rainblaze: I don't know
Windwing: -rears and charges Mintbreeze whinnying loudly- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!!!?!!!??
Wispiflower: -wakes and staggers up for second time- -strikes Mintbreeze down in pure rage- GET OUT OF OUR LIFE!!!!!!!!
Mintbreeze: -falls down on ground and coughs up blood- NEVER!
Wispiflower: -looks at Windwing with pleading eyes-
Windwing: -gestures to Wispiflower to leave the cave and mouths to her- Go, I'll deal with her
Wispiflower: -mouths back- Thank you.
Windwing: -nods and waits for Wispiflower to leave then walks up to Mintbreeze-
Rainblaze: But I don't!
Junetree: But you have to!
Wispiflower: -trots into the nearby forest and lays down from exhaustion- Who knew that it was so tiring to be with foal?
-falls asleep instantly-
Rainblaze: -throws wings up- We haven't even done anything! How am I supposed to tell if I'm somehow pregnant or not?
Windwing: -walks up to Mintbreeze- Why do you love me so much?
Junetree: MOODY!!!! YOU'RE MOODY!!!!!! ITS A SIGN!!!!!!!!!!
Coperpool: -puts wings on Junetree's shoulders- Calm down. She's telling the truth, she doesn't know.
Junetree: ARE YOU POSOTIVE?!?!?!?!
Rainblaze: -looks at Coperpool and Junetree- I doubt I'm pregnant, I have these cramps a lot. -nickers- I'm just out of shape
Mintbreeze: -pins ears- I love you for many reasons.
Windwing: -perks ears but eyes are burning- What are those reasons?
Junetree: It's gotta be that!
Junetree: And not the cramps part.
Rainblaze: -shrugs- I'll know the answer in a moon or so
Junetree: BUT YOU GOTTA KNOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coperpool: Calm down.
Junetree: WHY SHOULD I?!?!! WE COULD BE TALKING ABOUT YOU'RE FUTURE FOAL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mapleglade: -puts wing over Junetree- Calm down, you're getting crazy!
Junetree: -takes deep breath and let's it out slowly- Okey, I'm as normal as I'm able to get again.
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Junetree: -slaps him- Not normal enough to consider letting that slide through!!
Wispiflower: -wakes up a few hours later and yawns-
-remembers and trots back toward the cave-
Mapleglade: -slaps her back and gallops away nickering-
Junetree: -shakes head nickering to herself and chases him-
Mintbreeze: -stands up and puts muzzle only centimeters away from his- Your a young, smart over-stallion, Windwing. You've come so far since we were foals, and remember that promise? The promise that you said would change our lives?
Windwing: -stands still tense but ready to react- -pins ears- I remember.
Mintbreeze: Tell me that promise again.
Mapleglade: -gallops into the forest- Catch me if ya can!
Wispiflower: -back just in time- What promise?!
Windwing: -pins ears at Mintbreeze and walks up to Wispiflower- I need you to leave, you know she wants to kill you. -puts head against hers- I can't let that happen
Mintbreeze: -stomps hoof impatiently-
Windwing: -whispers- I'll tell you the "promise" I made when I was a ridiculous foal later
Wispiflower: -nods and nuzzles him- Get me when your done, promise me. As soon as your done.
Windwing: -nods and nuzzles her back then turns to Mintbreeze with pinned ears-
Junetree: -pants and finally gives up the chase after about ten minutes- Ok, you win. -says in nickering voice-
Mapleglade: -nickers and trots up to her looking around- Where are we? I wasn't paying attention
Junetree: -shrugs- I dunno. -takes a closer look at her surroundings- Actually, I think we're right on the edge of our territory. -looks around quickly then whispers reluctantly- I'm pooped. There. Now I'm getting some day time sleep.
-sleeps while stands-
Mapleglade: -nods and falls over asleep-
Junetree: -mumbles almost asleep- You're so dramatic.
Mapleglade: -nickers softly- I know
Junetree: -nickers, cuddles next to him, and falls asleep-
Mapleglade: -lays neck over hers a falls asleep-
Coperpool: -looks in direction his sister had gone- Think they're coming back?
Rainblaze: -shrugs- They should be back soon
Coperpool: -one moment of slight madness in entire life- Uh, are you with foal? A moon ago you did say that you had a cramp..
Rainblaze: -shakes head- No, I doubt it.
Coperpool: -nods slowly- Ok, if you say so
Rainblaze: -lays down on ground- I'm going to bed
Coperpool: Ok.
-plops next to her- Night
Mintbreeze: -glares at Wispiflower walking out- Why do you love her? She will never be a good lead mare.
Windwing: -rears in front of her- Like you're any better! Wispiflower is perfect just the way she is!
Wispiflower: -turns around slightly as he says this then goes the rest of the way out-
Mintbreeze: -rolls eyes- I'm not better than her, I'm the best
Windwing: -snorts- That made no sense.
Wispiflower: -trots a ways then kicks off and flies back toward Prairie Herd-
Mintbreeze: -shrugs and walks up to him- You'll never be able to get rid of me. Even if you kill me. I want to be your lead mare, Windwing. Can't you understand that? -brushes her wing with his- Just say yes
Windwing: -tenses- Im getting outta here -gallops out of the cave and takes flight towards the Herd-
Wispiflower: -feels what they're saying through her connection with Windwing- Don't let her follow you.
Windwing: -snorts- Just don't talk to her, don't even look at her. I'm just gonna ignore her
Wispiflower: -sighs-
-can practically talk to him through her thoughts because there bond is so strong- It's really hard to ignore her Windfrost...
Windwing: I'm gonna try, im sick of her
Wispiflower: -sighs again- Me to.
-reaches Prairie Herd and lands near where Coperpool and Rainblaze are- -looks over at them- Wait, what?
Thanks Whameera and Rain! Rain, that thing your OC version did, me and Cass talk about doing it all the time.
Wow . . . . . . . . . just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rainfeather: x death blow throws confetti in the air x
No, I'm homeschooled. I met her when I was at church
Wow.... Do you go to the same school?
What Wisp said 😂
CassTucher1 and I are friends and we text this back and fourth all day everyday for three months.
How do you do it???? It's sooooooo great!!! I love it!