Coperpool: -sighs in relief-
Windwing: -breaks into a sweat instantly and snorts-
-collapses on rump- Ugh.
Wispifrost: -awkwardly lets go of Crimsonwind and rushes to her sire’s side- Is he okay?
Crimsonwind: -follows-
Whitefrost: I think so
Wispifrost: -takes out herbs that Junetree had given her for instant cure emergency- These should bring him back to consciousness. I think. That’s what auntie said. -puts the herbs in her father’s mouth- -helps him chew like a pro-
Windwing: -relaxes and lets the filly move his jaw- -once finished closes eyes and falls asleep-
Wispifrost: Hmmm, That didn’t wake him.
Whitefrost: Huh.. did the exact opposite. But he’s sweating! Thats what I did
Wispifrost: Hmmmm...
Wispifrost: -gives another dose of herbs-
Windwing: -coughs, waking himself up, and looks around-
Windwing: -shivers from the cold sweat and looks at his twin foals- Where are we?
Wispifrost: -face palm- Father, you were literally just yelling at Coperpool. How could you not remember where we are?
(Remember, nobody except Emeraldblaze and Hollylight know about the memory loss part yet.)
Windwing: I did?
Coperpool: -nods- Yes, you did. And insulted me.
Windwing: -widens eyes- What did I say?
Coperpool: -tells him everything awful he said to him-
Wispifrost: Also, you said “Your mother is nothing to me!”
Windwing: -jaw drops-
Wispifrost: You were really starting to scare me. -remembers what she had done as result and shoots a quick glance at Crimsonwind-
Crimsonwind: -paws the ground nervously-
Wispifrost: Do you remember anything? At all?
Windwing: Not really
Coperpool: You also said some nasty things to Wispiflower.
Windwing: -voice cracks- I did?
Wispifrost: You were talking about how Mommy is pregnant again. First you said “This is the last one.” Then she said “Okay, but it might happen again by accident. I don’t know.” Then you said “That isn’t even possible! Thats all you mares’ excuses!! “Oh, we probably did it in our sleep.” That can’t happen! We don’t stand up in our sleep and mate!” And that’s the part that made her cry basically. The rest she could stand.
Wispifrost: Woops, I wasn’t supposed to say that she cried. -wing palm-
Windwing: -wide eyed-
Wispifrost: Daddy, are you just going to stare or are you gonna say something?
Windwing: -blinks and stands up- I gotta got talk to her.
-jumps into the sky-
Wispifrost: -beams at her amazing skills of helping her parents get back together- -cocks head- Should we go with him? Orrrrr....
Whitefrost: -shrugs and looks at Coperpool- Well...
Coperpool: Why don’t we all take the chance to explore a bit? It’ll be safer if we go in pairs. Whitefrost, you come with me, and Wispifrost and Crimsonwind, you can go together. -has that twinkle in his eye that his sister gets when she ships-
Whitefrost: -nickers and looks up at him- Aren’t you a little to old to ship foals? -says in a joking way-
Coperpool: -horrified that he was thinking of shipping- Ugh...... Wait, what did you say about my age? I’m only 13 y’know.
Whitefrost: -blinks- You are? You look like your more grown-up.
Wispiflower: -sees Windwing approaching out of the corner of her eye- Junetree, Rainblaze... -points-
Junetree: -briefly looks up from Mapleglade then looks back at him again- -head snaps back to Windwing- Uh-oh. I wonder what Mintbreeze got him to do now?
Coperpool: -sighs- 13 is a decent age. You’ve heard our history, right? Frostfire said that 10 is adult age.
Windwing: -flies quickly and stops abruptly, almost crashing into Wispiflower- -curls neck around hers- Wispiflower, I am so, so sorry I said those things to you. I didn’t know what I was doing. But that isn’t a good enough excuse. -coughs, trying not to let the tears fall- I’m sorry..
Whitefrost: True.
Whitefrost: -realizes it and snorts- I still got 9 years left before I’m actually a stallion.
Crimsonwind: Same Whitefrost.
Wispiflower: -stiffens and backs away- I’m sorry, I forgot that I need to go do something important. -flies toward their original escape tunnel-
Windwing: -chases after her without hesitation- Wispiflower! -flies in front of her and stops her- Don’t make this harder than it already is.
Wispiflower: This isn’t hard at all when you’re drugged. -flies around him and keeps going-
Windwing: -pins ears and stops her again- I’m not sick anymore. Would I be doing this if I was? (This is the moment when he would kiss her if they were humans xD) And flying like that doesn’t do any good for our unborn foal.
Wispiflower: -lets the tears fall- But you... you said that you didn’t.... didn’t care.... -sniffles-
Windwing: I was sick.. that plant made me insane and mad. I never meant to do that..
Junetree: -massages Mapleglade’s chest, not wanting to interfere with her two friends-
Wispiflower: That’s just you stallions’ excuse. “I ate a plant and went mad”. -flies over him and continues although it is painful because she’s pregnant-
Windwing: -mumbles- What?
-flies up to her- This plant is rare! What makes you think thats every stallion’s excuse?! This doesn’t happen everyday Wispiflower! Now your the one with a terrible excuse!
Wispiflower: Well getting pregnant “by accident” which you call ‘on purpose’ isn’t natural either, is it? -flies faster to lose him-
Windwing: -flaps wings harder and again catches up to her easily- You can’t lose me. And like I said, I was mad then! That wasn’t me who said that. I was like- possessed!
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes and nose dives too suddenly for Windwing to catch up as quickly as before-
Windwing: -nose dives along with her and tucks in one wing, the other loosely hanging, and starts to spin uncontrollably to the ground- -spins past her and opens other wing, stopping -
Windwing: -hovers in the air in the direct path of her, forcing her to stop-
Wispiflower: -pumps wings hard so she doesn’t crash into him- -hovers to gain her bearings-
Wispiflower: -huffs in aggravation- -flies as far up as she can go and hides in a tree not too far below-
Wispifrost: -tugs on Crimsonwind’s wing- C’mon, let’s see if we can find those gigantic rare violet flowers! -A Million Dreams plays in background-
Windwing: -groans and follows her, and lands on a thick tree branch- Wispiflower, I’m sorry. I truly am. Why can’t you believe me?
Crimsonwind: -smiles and follows- Ok
Wispiflower: It’s hard to know the diffrence between the truth and a lie when lies sound so convincing...
Wispifrost: -smiles- -lets go of his wings and leads the way, sniffing for the fragrant smell- So, Can you tell me a bit about your foalhood? I’d understand if you didn’t want to talk about it.
Wispiflower: -rolls eyes again and attempts to fly around him again-
Crimsonwind: Well...
Windwing: -blocks her again- Please talk.
Yeah I knows XD
Also, there are 33 of these now, so you might want to search your notifications.
K. We decided Junetree and Wispifrost.
Junetree and Wispifrost: WE DO NOT- Oh. -sigh in unison-
I’ll get back to you on that. Gotta debate with Cass about this for a minute lol
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!! I don't think I can still talk to dem dough...... ANYWHO XD If I can, here would be MY question................
Who is a pure shipper?!
(I have that)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 11
Coat: Buckskin
Mane and Tail: Black
Feathers: Dirt brown tipped dark teal
Markings: Small blaze, two hind white socks
Rank: Under-stallion
Crushes: Junetree, Moondust, Dreamdrop
Mate: none
Personality: Kind, brave, loves to fly and have fun, loves to battle, sometimes quite fierce, sometimes shy, strong, fast, smart, likes things to go his way
Me: Oh. Anyway, Mapleglade, what do you look like? (I honestly forgot)
(I got the answer from Cass)
Crimsonwind: My dam wants to be mates with Windwing, and Racewind wants to be mates with Wispiflower, who is Windwing’s mate, so he hates Windwing.
Oh, makes sense. Crimsonwind, why are your parents so mean to Windwing?
Like you can role with the characters and ask them questions.
What do you mean?
Any comments for the characters? This is a one-time chance to talk to the characters about the story.
Another cliffhanger. But WOW.
Allll caught up now. :D