The cries of panicked pegasi filled the air as a single black pegasus soared through the skies. His large black wings cast shadows on the ground beneath him and he left a trail of silvery smoke in his wake. "Pegasi of Stone Herd!" bellowed the stallion, as he stopped and hovered above the small herd of pegasi "I have come to offer you a gift.
An appaloosa mare with fluorescent orange wings shot into the sky, and hovered a few winglengths away from the black stallion "What could a creature of darkness, like yourself, possibly give us." questioned the mare.
The black stallion grinned, "Ah, Dawnstar, always the suspicious one."
"That doesn't answer my question Ravenstrike, what do want?" snapped Dawnstar.
"I have a proposal to make." said Ravenstrike.
"I have found a way to spread happiness to all of Anok."
Skeptical mermers erupted form Stone Herd, what could Ravenstrike be talking about? The voices were silenced as soon as Dawnstar spoke, "Why would you do something nice for Anok?"
Ravenstrike made a clicking sound with his mouth, "What if I told you I want to turn over a new leaf. Being evil is hard, and I want to do something nice for a change."
"I don't believe you." said Dawnstar, glaring at the black stallion.
"I thought you might," said Ravenstrike calmly, as he drew back his head a blasted the mare with silver starfire.
Outraged shrieks arose form the Stone Herd pegasi, but when smoke cleared, Dawnstar was still hovering above them, but something was off. The appaloosa mare's coat and wings had turned to a dull gray color. She continued hovering for another few moments, then calmly landed and started grazing, and where her hooves touched the ground, the grass turned the same dull gray color as her coat.
"What have you done to my mother?" shrieked a young filly, that looked almost identical to the way Dawnstar had looked.
"I have taken her to a better place Maplespark, would you like to join her?" asked Ravenstrike.
"I won't do anything with you." shot back Maplespark.
Ravenstrike sighed, "Very well." then he shot Maplespark with a his silver starfire. He shot again, and again. Soon most of Stone Herd had the same dull gray coats as Dawnstar and her filly, and the once lush green meadow had turned gray as well.
"Ha ha!" taunted Ravenstrike as he bathed a few more steeds in his silver starfire. In only a short few minuets, the once mighty Stone Herd had been reduced to a bunch of dull gray pegasi stuffing themselves full of grass. The remaining few steeds had clustered together, not knowing what to do.
"Today is the day I take back what is mine. Dawnstar has paid her debt, and so will her pathetic followers." bellowed Ravenstrike, then he shot the last of the Stone Herd steeds with his silver starfire. Now, Stone Herd was no more.
Can't wait to find out what happened! I'm gonna read chapter 1 ASAP!!! So good!
I currently working on chapter 1, and I will try to get it posted ASAP
really love it!!!! more?
Me also.
This is very interesting. I’m gonna try very hard to read all of these when there are more posted.
Thank you Stardust, and I am planning to write more. I will hopefully get back to writing Petalcloud's Spy soon
How are you so good at writing villains?! Cool story, but I liked Petalcloud’s Spy better.
Very interesting. Are you going to write more?