Windglade wondered where their herd was and then thought: Maybe they're herdless, like me. The trio made a slow descent towards the lake, and the filly with the crimson wings whinnied and pointed at Windglade. She came barreling down the slope and stood beside him as he stood up.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Stormbreeze. Who are you?"
" I'm Windglade. Who are they?" he asked, indicating the two palominos.
"That's Raintail, my twin sister, and that's our dam, Brightsun."
Windglade said hello to each mare in turn and then asked "Are you here to drink?"
"Yes, to drink and eat. You can join us if you want," Brightsun said.
About an hour later Brightsun had asked Windglade if he would like to join them for a couple of days, he sid yes. He'd learned so much from this trio, and thought that maybe
they could teach him to live without a herd.
Plz write more. It was AMAZING!!!!!!
thanks again
Hmmm I like Stormbreeze orrr... Brightsun orrr.... i rly like them all
Ummm.... I'll have to think about it
I'm sry that's I don't write too much at a time.
!. Who's you fave character so far?