Morningstar galloped as fast as she could. She had to escape from Morningleaf and Starleaf and Star and her whole herd. Her sire was dead and it was her fault. She had killed him. She ran faster away from her herd away from Snow herd and Mountain herd. She ran for hours, her body kept going even though she was tired out of her mind. When she reached Crabwing's bay she lay down in Star's cave and sobbed. "Papa! I am so sorry! I failed you," She lay crying till she fell asleep.
When she woke up an hour later her stomach growled angrily. She had not eaten in 3 days. She walked outside her cave and saw the ocean and the smaller lake. She swam into the lake and saw a bed of kelp. She grabbed it and ate it as she swam. Then she screamed.
An orca was chasing her.
She sped up and then as it chased her her body started to glow. Brighter then brighter and then she exploded. Her body rocketed out shock waves again and again bigger and bigger.
The orca reeled back and swam away.
Morningstar's body stopped glowing and she almost lay down, then she realised she was in the water and swam to the bank. She barely made it before she collapsed with tiredness.
When she woke up she saw something that made her cry. It was a seagull like Star's Crabwing. "I think I will call you Brokenheart. For mine will never mend." She whispered. Tears filled her eyes.
A week passed and the seagull seemed to love her.
While Morningstar was away:
Brackentail pased back and forth. His friend Flamesky was on the ground groaning.
Her stomach was swelling. She gave a groan of pain. "Brackentail! Help me!" She moaned loudly as Sweetroot gently pressed on her stomach.
Sweetroot turned to Brackentail and snapped. "Go away you are stressing her out!" She sharply nipped him.
"Yes ma'am!" Brackentail murmured gently and walked away. He and Flamesky were almost mates now. Flamesky had been kidnapped by Mountain herd and came back pregnant. She had been so ashamed of it and he wanted to help her. Plus he had always liked her when he was younger.
Morningleaf saw him. "Hey whats wrong?" She asked.
Brackentail closed his eyes. "Flamesky. She is giving birth too soon."
"No!" Morningleaf almost shouted and she ran to go see her.
Brackentail sighed then he went off to see Star but he halted. He remembered Star was dead. He collapsed and sobbed deeply.
Echofrost saw Brackentail on the ground. She flinched and walked up to him. "Brackentail what is wrong?" She asked gently.
"Star is dead." He moaned.
Amazing not kidding, I never thought you would make it end up this way!
Thank you Brightriver! It means so much!
Thanks so much! Also I commented on Tundra herd
Thanks! I really love this story! I am really glad I did! If you look at part 3 and part 4 you can see in the comments that I show the foals of the ships