A golden stallion blocked there path "Summer, long time no see." his voice boomed like the call of an eagle "and I'm glad that I haven't." the new enemy tried to look innocent but he smiled way to much "what are you doing here Drake?" this times it was Silver that spoke, the one called studied Silver for a second "oh, that is easy." Drake coughed to get the sand out of his throat "what is he doing?" Brook whispered "keep quite." Fall hissed, she stood in front of the yearlings "I Drake son of Thunder challenges Summer for the leader ship of Ember herd." the whole of Ember herd irrupted "and the tradition states that I have to be followed by two fighters." Flare turned around with about every other steed to see two grinning almost grown colts trotting towards them, blocking the way back "I accept." Summer's voice startled them all "and as my companions I choose Opal and Hawk." the two steeds flanked there leader "and I choose Cypress and Everest."
Drake walked a little way of before turning around, Summer's team did the same facing the enemy "Now!" Drake closed his eyes to concentrate, his golden coat turned to leathery skin and his amber eyes turned to a sickly yellow, And the ancient rune for destroy lit up before him. Summer became smaller and a couple of feathers sprouted from his mane "you no the rules only the leader of the attack and the lead defender can do a full transformation." Hemlock the setting sun looked at both sides "GO!" Drake hurtled forward to clash with hawk that blocked a blow that would have hit Summer in the chest, Flare ears screamed when the sound of the blow hit her, she stepped forward to see what was going on, Opal hit the one Called Everest in the gut, Hawk rammed Cypress that was getting a little to close to Summer's blind side.
"no you don't!"
Summer was in close combat with Drake, Summer launched for Drake's flank with sharpened hooves "Really Summer?" Drake laughed, a hoof mark was planted in his side, Drake pinned Summer to the ground "STOP!" Fall's voice rang out "you will loose your guardian Drake!" Drake looked down at his rival "do you surrender." Summer looked around at his herd, then he nodded "I surrender."
SORRY, for this terrible writing!