Every of the pegasi's guts dropped.
"Where is Starfrost?"
"We have to find him-" Lightray paused as a loud roar echoed
the forest.
us"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" All of them said as a ghostly looking pegasus lunged at them.
It was pure with white feathers and glowing.
The group ran as fast as they could, forgetting their wings. And so did the ghost pegasus!
"Come to me..." It whispered
Rainfeather ran as so fast she felt like she was about to float off the ground!
"KEEP RUNNING- KEEP RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Redwind whinnied over his shoulder.
Rainfeather nodded, when to her clumsy luck, tripped on a small stone. Her eyes widened. She couldn't break free! Her friends immidiatly stopped. The ghost pegasus pinned her and reared. Rainfeather shut her eyes.
The ghost said.
"Starfrost?" They all said at once.
"You're talking." Hazeblaze said. The stallion had always been mute.
"Oh." Lightray began.
"We've been talking much. I think he got over the whole mute thing."
Rainfeather, Hazelblaze, and Redwind blinked at him. What did he mean got over the "whole mute thing" was there something to get over? Had something happened to Starfrost in the past?
"Yes" Starfrost said.
"How are you glowing and... well.... pure white?" Redwind asked
"Coconut milk." Starfrost said simply and began to explain.
"I was going to scare away the Sandwens while you three brainlessly tackled them. We could have got away unharmed ya'know!"
Redwind huffed. "That's funny, I would have sensed you were Starfrost, how did you roar like that?"
"Yeah." Rainfeather agreed, adding more pressure to Starfrost.
"What? I didn't roar..." Starfrost drifted off.
A putrid smell filled the air. A smoke followed with a deep huff surrounded them, but not enough to not be able to see. Hazelblaze tensed, eyes bulging, and turned around to see the biggest reptile they ever seen, with webbed wings!
"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" The white reptile screeched.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" They screamed.

(supposed to be a scared looking face xD)
*Did I scare ya? Good. >:3*
Btw at the end it all turned out to be a very big, very large, baby dragon that wants to play. XD
Then it left. :P
I got this idea from one of the quotes I saw it the new TGH book coming out! :D
"Deep in the jungles of the Realm, the Sandwen clan live amongst deadly spit dragons and hordes of warring giants. But with their winged battle horses, they manage to keep their people safe."
IKR?!?!?! You should see the series she did before this. Rain, this chapter was great!
Just read the other 29, and the verdict is: YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING WRITER AND YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!
Yea.... o.o
Whoah, that was deep😮
and another: A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.
I don't care, it's a good quote
Here's one of his real ones: The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
x half sigh x
I dont even know who Einstein is. :(
Wait I do. OMG -.-
OMG! I'm so sorry!!!!
I was kidding. ;-;
I made dat up. ;-;
very true
Ikr, dats my sis alright. -3-
But as Einstein once said.
"Being crazy helps the mind open up"
lol what??
Me: shut the part of ur face where the grass is inserted, otherwise there will be an axe to replace the grass
Moonglow: what the hundred year star is an axe? And where on Anok did you get that? -gestures with her wing at the double sided axe that has appeared in Echomoon's wings-
I think this was the most ridiculous part but it's all hilarious
Moonglow: why the hundred year star do you always fail to make sense, Echomoon?
Me: shish ur kebab Moonglow -.-
Moonglow: I rest my case
Me: shut the part of ur face where the grass is inserted, otherwise there will be an axe to replace the grass
Moonglow: what the hundred year star is an axe? And where on Anok did you get that? -gestures with her wing at the double sided axe that has appeared in Echomoon's wings-
Me: WHA- -looks at the axe- WHERE THE STARS DID THIS THING COME FROM -faints twice then chucks herself somewhere over the rainbow but purposely misses and goes plunging down to the darkness below-
Moonglow: mkay then
Aww! Glad you liked it!
Love this<3 first fanfic I’ve read here
Nice twist Rainfeather
I haven't read the other 29 but this is really good
Lol I like the Halloween part!!