Little explanation, I have been writing a fan-fiction that I called A New Beginning. It is continuing both series written by the one and only Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, with the same characters, plus some new ones. So far I have posted chapters one through four, and I am working on chapter five. It can be found on Wattpad,, and this beautiful website called I don't know if you heard of the last one or not... But... Lol. Anyway, I have tried to make the series as close to the book as possible, including having the chapters about as long as the chapters in the books, and writing as close as I could to the way Jennifer wrote her books, and I did this because I wanted people to feel like this is actually a new TGH series. (Fun fact, someone on Quotev commented on my story, saying it was just like the books and just as good. So I guess I'm doing the right thing!) So, because all of you are my friends, and I hope you guys have been reading it... I wanted to show you guys how my characters look, (even the characters Jennifer made because I don't want to leave them out) and also give you a sneak peek at my new characters I will be adding in future chapters. I will only be doing this on here because you guys are my friends. Thank you for being such a big part of my life guys! This website is seriously my #1 top obsession right now and it's because of you!
Anyways, without further Ado, let's get started!
Let's start with Dawn Herd...
STAR- Solid black stallion with black feathers, black mane, black ringlet tail, wide star on forehead.
STATUS-lead council stallion
AGE- 3
PERSONALITY- smart, determined, a little insecure. Will do absolutely anything to save the ones he loves, and to do what he thinks is right. Used to be a black foal, (kind of still is) but lost his power when he defeated Nightwing.

MORNINGLEAF- elegant flaxen chestnut mare with bright-aqua feathers, flaxen mane and tail, four white socks, amber eyes, wide blaze.
STATUS- lead council mare.
PERSONALITY- determined. Very determined. Will do anything for Star, even if it means endangering her own life. Very great with numbers and can count to high numbers quickly in her head. Has feelings for both Star and Brackentail, but doesn't know who to choose.

BRACKENTAIL- big brown stallion with orange feathers, brown mane and tail, two hind white socks, golden eyes.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 3
PERSONALITY- quiet. In his own thoughts some would say. Once a captured Sun Herd weanling, he used to bully Star and Morningleaf. Now he doesn't talk as much anymore, and is very protective, especially of Morningleaf. Every stupid thing he did when he was younger was for Morningleaf. Now he is older and wiser and doesn't do stupid things anymore. He has grown to be a very likable stallion.

SHADEPEBBLE- heavily spotted exotic silver mare with pale-pink feathers, black mane and tail, thin blaze, three white socks. Born a dud and a runt.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 3
PERSONALITY- sweet and kind, Shadepebble has a gentle nature. She will do what she thinks is right, even if it means treason. Despite her small size, and mismatched wings, she can be very agile, and is able to fly in tight spaces with ease. She is a very loyal friend, and loves all that is good.

CLAWFIRE- white stallion with blue-gray feathers, jagged scar on face, gold eyes.
STATUS- council stallion
PERSONALITY- on the outside, Clawfire may seem like a tough pegasus, but actually he is the sweetest pegasus you can find. He once was sent on a mission to collect foals for Snow Herd by the evil Lead Mare, Petalcloud, and he went loyally, but when he brought back only one runt with mismatched wings who happened to be Petalcloud's sister, he was banished along with Shadepebble. Instead of abandoning her, he travelled with her to find Star because he beloved it was the best for her. He even endangered his own life to battle an ice tiger to save Shadepebble. Now he is a loyal follower of Star and protects everyone, and yes, that still includes Shadepebble.

BIRCHFEATHER- light bay mare with green feathers, black mane and tail, two white front socks. Previously Birch loud, lead mare of Mountain Herd.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 51
PERSONALITY- Birchfeather was previously a lead mare of Mountain Herd, but chose to leave the herd because she noticed the evil growing inside of her mate Rockwing. She, and many Mountain Herd mares left to hide in the trap with Star and his friends. In the end, she decided to follow Star. She loves everyone dearly, just as she loves her fillys Shadepebble and Petalcloud. Because of her many failures to have a living, breathing colt, she treats everyone as her own friend or foal, and accepts who they are, but does not tolerate any evil. Just like her filly, Shadepebble, she loves all that is good. She especially loves foals, and, without knowing, will act as their dam even if she hasn't met them before.

(Gosh all those drawings are so bad. I drew them a couple years ago so I wasn't that good, so please pay no attention to them. These next ones will be better)
STORMRIVER- dark-bay stallion with aqua-green feathers, black mane and tail, one hind white stocking, green eyes.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 52
PERSONALITY- Stormriver is the oldest in the group, and also the wisest. He was the best fighter in Sun Herd and loves to teach others what he can do. He is very kind, and acts older than he is, and also loves to tell stories to the foals, or anyone who will listen. He isn't an elder, but considers himself one. When he was called to be a council stallion, he was very happy to give his advise, but usually in the meetings, he will say almost nothing unless he has to. And when he does speak, it always leaves everyone else amazed at his wise words.

REDSUN- dark-bay stallion with red feathers tipped in yellow, black mane and tail.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 33
PERSONALITY- Redsun is kind, but also tends to be a bit tough without meaning to. He comes from Desert Herd, and has rode the powerful jet streams many times. He has fought many fights and has won every single one. Mostly because he believes if he loses, he's dead. In battle, he tends to be the one who strikes first and defend second rather than defend first and stike second. This pretty much describes his personality too in his everyday life. Because of this though, he always thinks everyone is against him and gets mad at the littlest things even though it didn't have anything to do with him. Despite this, he is still a kind and loving stallion ready to do what he thinks is right.

SILVERFROST- white mare with sky-blue feathers tipped in silver, black mane and tail.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 2
PERSONALITY- at two years of age, Silverfrost is the youngest of the Council. She was born a month after Star received his Starfire and her sire, dam, two brothers and four sisters followed him and joined River Herd. She is a very kind young mare and loves absolutely everyone. Because she is the youngest council member, she doesn't often speak up, and when she does, she is almost immediately either talked over, or someone rebukes her ideas and says something else. Even though that keeps happening, she won't give up and when she has an idea, she'll say what is on her mind.

MORNINGLAKE- bright-light-palomino mare with light-blue feathers, white mane and tail, light-blue eyes.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 6
PERSONALITY- MORNINGLAKE- is considered wise by her friends, but she doesn't really think so herself. She is a very sweet, very loving former Desert Herd mare who loves to fly. Her friends are always annoyed with her because she tends to talk badly about herself, but she never has anything bad to say about anyone else. She is still young and isn't looking for a mate yet, much rather be flying and having fun, but if she does find the right stallion, she will settle down with no regrets.

ICEFLAME- big gray stallion with pale-blue and white feathers, white mane and tail, blaze on face
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 8
PERSONALITY- despite his intimidating size, Iceflame is a very playful, foalike, kind sweetheart. He loves foals more than stupid adults. Adults are horrible pegasi. In his opinion anyway. He almost always goes out of his way just to stay away from adults, even though he is one himself. There is only one adult that he is fine being with, and that is his mate, Whitestorm. The love of his life.

NIGHTFLOWER- bay mare with purple feathers, black mane and tail, wide blaze on face, two front white socks.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 34
PERSONALITY- previously from Mountain Herd, Nightflower is tougher than most mares. Like a poisonous flower, she is beautiful and sweet on the outside, but deadly and terrifying on the inside. No one will ever want to meet her in battle. But in the safety of the herd, she is very kind and loving. She followed Birchcloud when she left to the trap, and she believes it was the best decision she has ever made. Now that she is in Dawn Herd, she is ready to start over as a council mare, with her mate Shadepelt, and her two adult fillys, Petalstorm and Whisperbreeze.

JETFLAME- (augh! It's Jetflame! My favorite! *Heavy fast breathing* eek! He's so handsome! What's wrong with me? I'm fangirling over my own OC!) Dark-bay stallion with bright-red and yellow feathers, black mane and tail, wide white, blaze, two hind white socks.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 32
PERSONALITY- Jetflame is a funny guy. He has a big and goofy sense of humor that makes many mares fall in love with him. He is kind, very loyal, and also very protective. He loves loves loves his mate Morningsun and will do anything for her. He will absolutely never forgive Nightwing and Petalcloud because they took his two twin weanling colts, Suntail and Sweetfeather away from him, and he feels like he owes everything to Star for killing Nightwing and saving them.

SKYFEATHER- light-chestnut mare with pale-sly-blue feathers, brown mane and tail, one front white sock, one hind white stocking, wide star on forehead.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 20
PERSONALITY- Skyfeather is a flight instructor as well as a council mare. She loves to teach, and she loves yearlings. She is a very sweet, yet grown up mare who always has the best ideas.

FROGFEATHER- (YAY!!!! I can finally show you guys Frogfeather! This is Unspeakable as a pegasus! (By far my favorite guy in the whole world.) Just look at him! Isn't he amazing and beautiful!!??) Red-dun stallion with bright-green feathers tipped in dark-pink, brown mane and tail, thin stripe on face, four white stockings, bluish, greenish, brownish, grayish eyes.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 23
PERSONALITY- fun, kind, sweet, hilarious, goofball, mischief maker! This stallion is everyone's favorite! He loves foals and yearlings, pulling pranks, and just being a goofball. When he is serious though, he is serious. He makes sure everyone knows what he wants, and if they don't seem to be listening, he will say it again, slowly, and somehow, that scares pegasi into listening to what he says. Despite this though, he loves being silly, and he loves his mate Lightbreeze, and their three foals, Lightfeather, Frogbreeze, and Breezefeather. Other adults think he's weird, but he doesn't care! He will be himself and no one will stop him! He best friends are Mooseheart, and Sharktail.

BRACKENSTREAM- buckskin mare with aqua-blue feathers, black mane and tail, blaze on face, two front white anklets.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 4
PERSONALITY- Brackenstream is kind of a quiet character. She doesn't like to be in the spotlight. She isn't shy, just introverted. What does break her out of her she'll though is flying. She loves flying and everytime she does, she is excited, loud, and energetic, doing lots of flips, loops, and tricks. Others voted her into the council because of her amazing sense of leadership and responsibility.

DESERTSUN- buckskin mare with dark-green feathers, black mane and tail.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 14
PERSONALITY- energetic and playful, though mature and calm, DESERTSUN- by far is one of the most confusing pegasi out there. Her personality changes all the time. At one moment she can be calm, and very mature, the next, she could be bucking and prancing playfully and no one knows when and why it happens. Only her mate Dirtbreeze fully understands her and even he cant explain her full personality. Her foals are Sandstorm and Morninglake.

TREEFLAME- Dark-chestnut stallion with green feathers tipped in dark-green, chestnut mane and tail, one front white stocking, one hind white anklet, brown eyes.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 12
PERSONALITY- Treeflame is very much a Jungle Herd stallion. He loves the trees, he loves the warm humid air, he loves the danger the jungle brings, and he loves loves loves the fruit. But above all, he especially loves the tools the Jungle Herd pegasi use. Baskets, hoofholds, zappers, nests, bone-breakers, you name it, he loves it! He always thought that Jungle Herd was he best herd because of how they cleverly use their territory. Now that he is in Dawn Herd, he misses the jungle, but knows that at anytime, he can visit it, and he will as soon as he can.

BRIGHTFLAME- silver bay mare with red and light-orange feathers, silver mane and tail, stripe on face.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 5
PERSONALITY- Brightflame has a generous spirit. She loves to help others just for the satisfaction of their happiness in the end. She joined the army because she loves to help her herd and that is the only thing she is good at. All the stallions think she is beautiful because of her silver bay coat, and glimmering red and orange wings, but she won't have a stallion who only like her because of her looks. She wants a stallion who is in love with her personality, and she hasn't found one yet. Her sire and dam are Jetflame and Morningsun. She has multiple brothers and sisters, but she is most close to her sister Brightsky.

SUMMERBLAZE- bay appaloosa mare with brown feathers, black mane and tail, wide blaze on face, two front white socks, two hind white stockings.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 11
PERSONALITY- Summerblaze fits in every category. Playful, mature, mischievous, wise, you name it. She loves all pegasi as if they were her brothers and sisters. But she loves her mate, Treeflame, the most.

SHADEPELT- dark-bay stallion with dark-blue feathers, black mane and tail.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 37
PERSONALITY- if you were to ask any of Shadepelts's friends how they would describe him in three words, they would say "grumpy old Grandsire". Though he isn't that old, he is a Grandsire. And he is grumpy. Despite this, he is wise and willing to help others, as long as he can grumble the entire time. Because eof his wisdom, he is most accurately described as "grumpy, old, wise Grandsire"

STORMTREE- bay pinto stallion with a mix of light and dark green feathers, black mane and tail, wide blaze on face, one hind white sock, one front white stocking. (Yes, the one and only!)
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 9
PERSONALITY- Stormtree is almost 10 years old, though he still acts like a yearling. He is kind to everyone, and doesn't mind being last. Hence the reason he was the last pegasus to place his stone onto Bumblewind's Monument. He blends so we'll into the jungle, that sometimes he can stand right in the open and not be seen when playing hide-and-seek with the foals.

SWEETGRASS- gray mare with green feathers tipped in sky-blue, black mane and tail, one front white sock, thin blaze on face.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 15
PERSONALITY- Sweetgrass is very calm. Very rarely does she get excited. She makes an excellent dam, and she loves her filly Dewgrass with all her heart. She is very gentle and loving, which is surprising with her hailing from Mountain Herd.

STONEFLAME- Sable-gray stallion with bright-red feathers, white mane and tail, blue eyes. (Oh my gosh he's so HANDSOME! I'm so excited to show you guys his beauty!)
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 32
PERSONALITY- Stoneflame is a foal at heart. He loves to play all the time, but is always ready at the first sign of danger or business. About half of the mare's in his previous herd, Mountain Herd, agreed that he was the handsomest stallion, but he doesn't agree, nor does he care. His playful and sweet nature makes him amazing around foals but he prefers being by himself.

STORMFROST- light-dapple-gray stallion with pale-blue feathers, white mane and tail, bald marking on face.
STATUS- council stallion
AGE- 12
PERSONALITY- Stormfrost may look like a big sweetheart, and he is, but don't ever get on his bad side. If you do, bad things can happen. Besides all that though, he loves everyone! Well, most everyone. Some pegasi get on his nerves. Foals and yearlings are his favorite only because their stupid actions are justified by their youth. But once a pegasus turns 2 years of age, they better be careful. He always has a smile on his face, (at least, a pegasus smile) and is very protective of his twin foals Winterwind and Winterbreeze.

ICEFEATHER- dark-silver pinto mare with turquoise feathers, white mane and tail, blaze on face.
STATUS- council mare
AGE- 26
PERSONALITY- the most I can say about Icefeather is she is sweet, kind, and light on her feet and her favorite activity is swimming.

RAINFEATHER- dapple gray mare with pale-blue feathers, dark-gray mane and tail, stripe on face, three white socks.
STATUS- none. Messenger part-time I guess.
AGE- 2
PERSONALITY- Rainfeather is a diligent follower of Star. She is also the 9th out of 11 foals. She is mostly quiet and a perfectionist. She loves a job well-done and will do it herself if the other person didn't do it the way she likes it.

DARKPEBBLE- dark-gray mare with gold feathers, silver mane and tail, wide white blaze.
STATUS- battle mare
AGE- 37
PERSONALITY- Darkpebble is one of those mares who are always gossiping. She is a worrying pegasus, even though she doesn't try to be. She loves Dawn Herd and will do anything to defend it, but not lead it.

OK, that's all I can do right now. I will add Storm Herd either tomorrow or the next day when I'm finished drawing the rest of the characters. (I'm sorry excited to show you them! While you wait, please enjoy all of these Dawn Herd characters! (Please tell me your favorites!)
-Thunderblaze ⚡
I finished adding the rest of the Dawn Herd characters!!! Go check them out!
Ok, this post will be updated in a little bit. I'll do Storm Herd tomorrow so I can finish the drawings I'm working on, so stay tuned, cuz those drawings are absolutely AMAZING! (Seriously, I don't know how I did it.)
Oh! I love all of the original characters you made for the story! Kinda inspires me to do something similar!
They're so cool!! And yes, I have been reading A New Beginning :)
They're amazing! How do you draw so well?
They're beautiful!!!!! *gasp* SILVERFROST IS SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to meet her!!! (Or have we already met her and I just forgot? Because if that's the case...... BAD RIVERGLADE BAD)