Gosh I take forever to make these fanfics, I have the story all planned out in my head but I never write it down ahhhhh! -Also spoilers for Windborn and all three ROTR books!-
The chestnut mare blinked the sleep out of her eyes, and shifted to look at the shadow. The shadow, was undoubtedly Star.
"Wh- what are you talking about?" She snorted, stumbling to her feet, "They are across the dark waters. They are in the realm!"
"Yes. That's the point! Nightwing is gone! It is safe for them to come back." He explained, knowing what Morningleaf would say.
"They didn't leave as an escape. They left to spread the population." She explained, just as Star guessed.
Star shifted his weight, annoyed by the truth of her words. "If they succeeded, they will have established a herd by now. There is no doubt they want to come home! There shouldn't be much problem if a few of them leave."
The aqua feathered mare stared down at her hooves deep in thought. It was true. If they had succeeded in their mission, a few returning steeds shouldn't be a big deal. But, who knows if they even want to return. She was sure Dewberry wouldn't hesitate to return. That mare was a hard core Anokian Patriot. Her roots were from the soil in Anok. But the others. Echofrost was determined. She wouldn't abandon the mission if there was still work to be done in Storm Herd.
A sharp twig snapping yanked the mare out of thought. Her wings poised away, ready to take flight. Fortunately, a heavily spotted mare, Shadepebble, followed by the handsome stallion Brackentail emerged. Her aqua wings fell to her sides as she softened and greeted her friends.
Star, realizing he was hidden in the shadows snorted and stepped forward. Shadepebble jumped, but laughed it off and greeted the stallion. Brackentail had a less pleasing reaction. His smile faded and he tensed realizing that Star and Morningleaf were out here alone. He stared at Star, and Star stared back. Brackentail smiled slightly and snorted a quick welcome, before returning his attention to the chestnut mare. The black stallion relaxed and stood next to Brackentail, showing that he was no threat, and just a mere friend. This in turn, allowed the brown steed to relax.
"What are you guys doing out here?" Shadepebble chimed in breaking the awkward silence.
Star smiled, knowing that Shadepebble and Brackentail would be much more excited with his plan then Morningleaf was. "Perfect timing actually. I was thinking. What if we went and visited Storm Herd?"
The brown colt perked up at the idea. "That's a great idea!"
Star eyed Morningleaf, knowing that he was going to win the argument.
"It can't hurt to visit right?" She said smiling.
~~~ Dewberry stood on the eastern sloped of Storm Herd's new territory. Life was good. The Ruk steeds were adapting nicely, and the Anokian pegasi were happy to teach them the ways of the wild. Everything was perfect. Or at least should be perfect. She noticed it with most of the steeds form River Herd. There was a piece of the whole missing. Whether it was family, friends, or simple the land. It all lead back to Anok. She jumped as Windheart nosed her side, bleating for milk. The mare reluctantly let her nurse smiling as she watched Thornblaze play with the other foals. But frowned knowing that he will never get to bask in the sun or play in the fields of Dawn Meadow.
An elegant silver mare arose beside her.
"What's chewing you?" The silver mare, Echofrost, asked.
"We spent all that time. All that time to help Star. To secure his future. So that he could save Anok. So that we could have a future in Anok. And now we will never see it again. They will never feel the power of Anok where their father grew up. For heavens sake. They wont even ever meet Star!" She sighed. "If star is even alive. If any of them are even alive. Don't you at least want to find out who even won?"
"Speaking of it, me and Hazelwind were actually discussing that. We are planning to send Redfire to return to Anok and find out if Star has defeated Nightwing." She explained. "I can't deny. I miss it. I miss my brother. I miss Star and Brackentail, and Shadepebble, and Morningleaf. Anok will always have a place in my heart. And I hope to return one day. But for now, Redfire's our best hope. Using the Jet streams he will be back within a moon."
The pinto mare softened, anxious for the copper stallion's departure.
~~~Later That Evening~~~
The copper stallion lifted off, pumping his long wings up into the sky to where the blue sky turns black. The tips of his feathers pulled eastward, and he entered the eastern Jet stream. His destination? Anok.
I would so read it, but I haven't read any of the ROTR books, I am so sorry!! ;(
Can't wait to hear more!
amazing!!! please write more Leafa! :D