Welcome back! Remember that I am always open to feedback and drawings (which can be put in the post “Morningleaf’s Filly: Fan Art”)! Drawings have not been coming at all, so I would be really grateful if you used your time to make me a picture of Morningmist. You can even use Doll Divine. Please enjoy this chapter!
After a great deal of flying, Morningmist, Starfrost, and Riversun landed in Crabwing’s Bay. Morningmist was especially quiet as she thought of her mother. Starfrost and Riversun seemed content to give her space.
Bumblewind’s Memorial was breathtaking. Two thousand stones stacked on top of each other with a strong base and Bumblewind’s feather perched on top. Morningmist gazed sadly at the landmark and remembered that two of the stones here were placed by her parents.
Starfrost nuzzled Morningmist and whispered in her ear, “I know how you feel.” Morningmist flinched at the gesture.
“How do you know how I feel? It is not like Larksong is being kept from you by an evil stallion!” Morningmist neighed angrily.
“My mother has been dead for three moons now.” Starfrost said sadly. Morningmist felt ashamed because she had not even asked about Starfrost’s parents when they first met. It was clear Riversun felt the same way as she trotted up to him.
Starfrost sat down by the memorial and began to share his life story.
After leaving the Interior of Anok, my parents decide to settle in the Ice Caves that were to the east of Snow Herd territory. They feared discovery from the United Herds and felt that this area was safe.
Even though they tried to convince each other that the Ice Caves were safe, they really were not. Wolves hunted around there and there was never enough food.
My parents were always so proud of me. I remember the time I was weaned. We had such a celebration! We ate berries that we had saved for quite some time and made more noise than we should have with the wolves nearby.
Before we went to bed that night my mother shared her news. She was pregnant! My father was overjoyed! I had always wanted a little brother and was very excited.
However, things grew worse. Over the winter, the food grew even scarcer. Sometimes my father and I went hungry so Larksong could have enough to eat. The wolves grew braver and started approaching our cave.
We knew it was only a matter of time before one of us was hurt by the wolves. Soon, I became a yearling. My appetite grew, and there was never enough food to fill it.
After a close call with the wolves were I was only able to escape after dashing into our cave, Frostfire decided we would have to leave. It was the night before we were going to leave that the wolves attacked.
Frostfire was standing on guard that night. When he heard the wolves howl he thought nothing of it, we heard them howl all the time. Claws flashed in the moonlight and with one swipe, the wolves knocked Frostfire out.
The sound of him hitting the ground is what woke me and Larksong up. We began to run towards the secret exit out of our cave as the wolves toke our meager food supply.
Larksong realized that Frostfire was not with us and decided to go back, telling me to continue running. Almost as soon as I rounded the first bend in the tunnel I heard her scream. I ran back to the cave and saw the bloodstain. The wolves took my mother.
Morningmist broke down into tears. “I never though to ask...” she sniffled. Starfrost nodded and looked down at the floor.
“What happened next?” Riversun gently asked him.
“My father was so angry at me for letting her go back to the cave. He started hitting me and eventually I ran away to try to find my milk sister and right the wrongs my family did.” Starfrost looked at Riversun and Morningmist.
“I forgive you!” Morningmist neighed.
“I forgive you too, milk brother.” Riversun whinnied.
“Thank you.” Starfrost neighed.
The three children who had lost their parents went to sleep...